Even after being heavily involved in performance arts in grade school, I am able to say that I have learned a number of things that I have overlooked over the past years. For instance, in an historical sense, I have known that every era or period in history brought in new ideas, the sciences, new painting forms, but it never occurred to me that it would bring in new music forms. I always believed that music stayed the same until recently in history. I was surprised to found out that I have been very wrong.
Moreover, I have learned what my music instructors never emphasized. I never really understood what the difference between a melody and a harmony was until I was forced to read about it. I also did not understand the importance that the rhythm posed in music. It did not occur to me that rhythm could change the whole meaning of a piece of music even if melody and harmony were left unchanged. Music for me was always, play it this way because that’s how the sheet tells you to play it. Additionally, learning how to analyze music has allowed me to learn about the music that I listen to on a daily basis. I am able to listen to a song and understand how the elements of the song influences the way I interpret the song and the emotion that the artist wished to convey.
Furthermore, I learned how technology affects the way that we acquire and listen to today. Our discussion made me think back to when I was younger and the only way you could listen to music was on TV or by buying a
In the passage of Fetching Water William’s father and him stopped at a spring for water. There were white people in front of them so they waited,when it was William father turn two white grabbed him and told him “when all the good white people have gotten their water,and when everyone is gone,then you can do what you want to”. That explained how he had to wait for water just because of his skin. Governor Wallace of mississippi was an act of real hatred and prejudice when he didn’t let two black stundents attended Old Miss in Mississippi. When the father of William said “there’s gonna come a day when this won’t be anymore”. J.F Kennedy and his speech explained what William’s father meant. His speech changed a lot of eyes of whites and blacks.
Music it’s always changing and evolving and it has also been around forever during the last 150 years we have seen many changes. Thinking about in the past before the only way to listen to music was only trough event or concert so it was quite difficult to experience to listen to music at home until recording disc and vinyl got created Back in the past we used to have Cassette Tapes which were use a lots in car. After that we had Cd’s album which you can still get in the shop but they are not that common like they used be before and then form there we converted to Mp3’s which is a different way to get music and that’s is from the internet. Followed by that they created music streaming services which made a big impact on how to listen
Imagine a third grader, small and blonde, standing on a stage that practically swallows her. She gazes in awe at the bright lights that seem to tower miles above her head; likewise, she follows with a stare, fixating on the hundreds of darkened faces that remain directly in front of her. Unlike her classmates who fidget with nerves beside her, she feels a rush of adrenaline. What may have seemed to some an ordinary choir concert in a dull auditorium, was, to me, a life changing moment. Ever since this day, for 9 years now, I have had an unwavering passion for music and performing. As I aged, I found myself excitedly learning how to play 7 new instruments, but even considering the vast number of bands, orchestras, choirs, and instrumental lessons that I joined, I noticed myself
Students will gain an understanding of how composers write music. Students will work their way through the composition process including lyric writing, improvisation and melodic composition. Through this process students will gain a deeper understanding of the text they are drawing from. Students will use expressive elements to effectively tell their stories by using music.
Music can definitely make differences and can help the human’s motor and reasoning skills. Cases have been reported that children who have at least three years of experience in the music world perform better than those who are not. These children were tested on nonverbal reasoning skills which includes analyzing visual information such as comparing and contrasting shapes and patterns. Involving your skills in music does more important positive changes that you can not imagine.
I now realise that the Arts, including music, creates opportunities to engage, inspire and enrich our lives. Music making and responding can challenge, provoke responses and enrich our knowledge and understanding of ourselves, our communities and the world.
These things has caused me to research the topic of music. It has a huge impact on my life. I have sometimes listened to music when I am stressed out and need an escape. I listen to music to get ready for sports games, such as for football and basketball. Music is in my dorm room when I am doing homework. When reading or
(Sheftel 2002) Music does involve a higher level of thinking even though it doesn’t seem like it. Listening to music uses the right hemisphere. When a student starts reading music and learning the rhythm and pattern of notes they are using the left hemisphere, which is also used in math. (Dickinson 1993) In one college class the Professor played a series of notes and then explained to the students that it was a mathematical progression. “Even at a college level, he said music appreciation classes, and instrument instruction would increase student's ability to learn.” (Sheftel 2002)
Marketing has earned its place in the nonprofit organizations world. However, many business owners still don’t distinguish marketing and development, which leads to failure of the business. Since one term is directly related to money, and the other one deals with relationships, entrepreneurs usually focuses on the wrong strategies in order to increase people’s awareness of their product or service. March of Dimes is one of the nonprofit organizations that was able to figure out the distinguish and target the right market and appropriate time. They created their own blog, where they share different stories, as well as created videos on YouTube, and organized thousands of march of dimes walk throughout the country in order to connect with different
The story I’ll Give You The Sun is about two fraternal twins, Noah and his sister Jude, who, at the start of the story, are extremely close. It is split into two points of view, one of them from Noah’s point of view when he and Jude were 13 and 14 when they are close, and the other from Jude’s point of view, when they are both 16 and something horrible has come between them and their whole family is split up. In Noah’s section of the story, his family lives in the Californian coastal town of Lost Cove, the reader discovers that both he and Jude are talented artists in their own respects, considering that Jude loves to sculpt and Noah loves sketching and painting, and that they are both planning on applying to the California School of the Arts (CSA).
“Evidence suggests that music remains just as essential to the human race now as it did 70,000-80,000 years ago.” (Harvey, 2011) Music, song, and dance as art forms have completely integrated with the art works to tell a whole story of the human culture, its history, and its beliefs. The art of music implements cohesion among a society and acts as a framework to our social architecture. “For many, the evolution of art in Homo sapiens is a unique event that is linked to the evolution of the cognitively modern mind.” (Harvey, 2011) As the human mind has evolved, so has art. Sounds, especially music has had a direct effect on the evolution of mankind. Recent studies have shown how the mnemonic structure of music aids and promotes memory, learning, and the organization of knowledge. It is also proven to add structure to time. Cultures and the human species have continued to do and create art over several time periods because it allows humans to not only
Perhaps the most tangible benefit of music education for students is the increase in their performance in the classroom. People often say, “Music makes you smarter,” but where is the evidence? As South Dakota State University’s Professor Kevin Kessler eloquently stated via email, “How were you
Throughout my life, the emphasis of music has changed. As I got older, less emphasis was placed on music. In elementary school, it was mandatory for every student to take music class every year until they graduate. When I got to middle school though, we just had to take one semester of music. Then when I entered high school, music became optional. I think this is a tremendous mistake, because music plays such a significant role in everyone's lives, whether we believe it or not.
Music. It’s different to everyone, even if everyone happened to be listening to the same thing. There are health and emotional benefits that come with playing an instrument. It’s so important that every student gets a musical education because knowing an instrument is comparable to you exercising a muscle; music is exercising the brain! The auditory cortex is working hard to process the sound, while the nucleus accumbers, amygdala, and cerebellum are working hard to make you feel. Oh, and you know when you know your favorite part of the song is coming up? Well, that’s when your prefrontal cortex is being activated and is getting anxious (“This is Your Brain on Music” by Knowing Neurons). Being involved in music helps students do better in other subjects. Our brain works harder when we play music, and it increases IQ and improves spatial-temporal skills, which is when students can see elements that should go together, which improves math skills (PBS Parents, “The Benefits of Music Education”). Music affects everyone, reading this might help you realize the beauty of music, learn how it affected me meticulously, and other things about music education.
Additionally, music helps you be unique. In source 2 it says "It gets their brains working in new and important ways". That means that just by trying to play an instrument, you're already unique and helps you work on new ideas no one has taught of yet. Music programs in school let kids be