
Why I Love To Take AP Psych

Satisfactory Essays

I am not the kind of person that backs down from a challenge. When I was offered to take AP Psychology I already knew I'd be taking two other AP classes. I knew from personal experiences that AP classes came with stress and a lot of rigorous work. It didn't take long for me to come up with an answer: “I'd love to take AP Psych.” I love to learn new things and AP Psych gives me that opportunity. I can be really passionate when it comes to things that I like and I know that I'm going to love learning about psychology. I know the class will bring me a lot of work, but I don't mind working hard when I'm doing something I enjoy. I find the human mind absolutely fascinating and it'll be great to become more educated on the subject. I also love the fact that taking this class will be very useful in the future. I'm still not sure down which career path I'll be heading, but I'm stuck between two major options: criminal justice or journalism. It's obvious as to how psychology could help me further my career in either of those fields. …show more content…

The answer is probably not often because I don't plan on becoming an architect or a scientist. However, it will be quite useful to understand people and deal with their different personalities. This will be specially helpful to me considering I'm not really a people person—I do love getting to meet new people, however, it takes a while for me to warm up to someone. I think it's really important to be able to understand and communicate with people, especially in a field like

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