I believe I should receive this scholarship because of my dedication to my schoolwork. I have gone through many obstacles to continue my education. My hard work in the past years proves how well I will work in the years to come. I hope to work even harder. This scholarship will help me continue my education.
I did not give up on my education, even under the toughest circumstances. Even when I went to another country. I had to learn another and different subject. I passed even though many people told me it was too difficult. I studied as hard as I could with the help of others. The test were really difficult and different from what I was used to. Luckily, this was only for a year.
I always found a way. When I came back to America I enrolled
I deserve this scholarship because I am hard working and it wouldn’t be a waste of money on some dumb teenager and because my parents don’t have a lot of money, but I also deserve it because I want to go to college to be a police officer and protect the american people, change how police officers are looked at and so I can serve justice to people who deserve
Symbolism is used to represent the deeper meaning of an aspect or rather unnoticeable part of the story. Using symbolism helps further the understanding of the story and it’s meaning. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, symbolism is used to deepen and accentuate the theme of sadness and horridness that has been established throughout the story. Juliek’s violin, selection, and kaddish all show strong symbolism of despair, loss of hope and faith, and attempts to grasp what remains of humanity within oneself.
Zias Nichols Hammond ENG 1123 RKAK 18 June 2017 College Athletes Should Be Paid Thesis: College Athletes should be paid because billions of dollars are being made each year. I. NCAA players are considered amateurs despite helping earn more annually than some of America’s major sports. A. Why college athletes should be paid.
In conclusion, I believe that I am deserving of this scholarship because I am a focused, experienced, and well rounded student who has many more goals to achieve. This is justified by my past actions and my plans for the future. I am goal oriented and driven, making me the best candidate for this scholarship.
I believe I should be awarded a senior secondary academic scholarship because as stated above, I fulfil all the necessary criteria and exceed the required attendance and academic standards for this scholarship. Because of this I feel that I am deserving of this scholarship.
On July 17, 1981 at approximately 7:05 pm, the two suspended walkways of the Kansas City Hyatt atrium collapsed. The collapse killed 113 people and seriously injured another 186. It occurred during a dance when two of the three walkways collapsed. The remaining walkway on the 3rd floor was independently suspended from the atrium whereas the 2nd floor walkway was suspended from the 4th floor walkway which itself was suspended from framing in the atrium roof.
As a person, I work to be someone that can also help others become better versions of themselves. I believe that I should receive this scholarship
Apart from my financial need, I believe I deserve this scholarship as I am very determined. Determined to not only continue my education and pursue my dream but to do so with as little debt. This past year, I have been
I believe I should receive this scholarship because I am dedicated to becoming a Great River employee someday. The Great River Hospital and Clinic is a place where I feel comfortable spending my time and giving my complete attention to. Many people help patients everyday at the hospital and when I finish school I want to do just that. Helping people is a passion that I have and I feel as though it is a purpose of mine. Receiving this scholarship would help me tremendously throughout the school year and get me closer to achieving my goal.
I should be the recipient of this scholarship because I have worked hard throughout my high school career so that I could be accepted in to the college of my choice and pursue a career in nursing. Since I have been accepted to my chosen college, I am now trying to pay for my college education with the fewest amount of student loans possible. With the help of this scholarship I would be able to take some of the stress of paying for college off of my parents and I.
I believe that I deserve the MUSIC scholarship because I value my education, I am a high performing student, and I am a dedicated worker.
I feel I should be chosen for this scholarship because it has always been a dream for me, that I hope to make a reality. After graduating college with a four year degree, I have acquired a significant amount of student loan debt. I have been working for the past four years in a career that has left me feeling unhappy and unsatisfied. The only thing that has held me back from pursing my dream of becoming a Cosmetologist is financial reasons. If I were to receive this scholarship it would lift a significant burden off myself and help make my long time dream and reality.
As a daughter of two immigrants of the United States of America, I know how important education is and the role it plays in securing me a bright future. That's why I never take my education for granted and always work hard and committed to my study. That's the reason why I believe I should be chosen for your scholarship.
I believe that I deserve this scholarship because I have worked very hard to get where I am right now. I know that I am very privledged to be able to apply for this, I am so lucky to have such a great opportunity. Getting this scholarship would encourage and push me to keep on working harder and harder. If I did get it then I would know that I could do anything I wanted to as long as I worked hard enough like I have been. I would be so proud of myself if I got this
The goals that I have set for myself, have driven me to continue my education so that one day I could accomplish my dreams. By receiving this scholarship, a burden will be lifted because I will not have to focus on repaying my debt that entails with a college degree. I will then be able to focus solely on completing my education