
Why I Want To Attend College

Decent Essays

Summer is supposed to be a time of adventure and excitement, however, in the long run, it should be productive. Productive, in the sense that because this is our junior summer, as students we need to be more aware of what lays ahead of us. We need to be prepared for the new and rigorous task of learning the pros and cons of our future careers. For this reason, my summer may consist of two specific goals of both working and researching scholarships as well as colleges. These specific goals would hopefully allow me to pursue a more determined and well-prepared path to my next four years. Moreover, this summer I’m determined to continue working at Soundwaters, in hopes of saving money for my college expenses. Because college itself becomes a burden in the sense of money, I believe that if there is anything that I could do to limit this …show more content…

It’s upsetting to realize that although one can be at the top of their class, they are limited from reaching their fullest potential. Furthermore, I believe that if I work at Soundwaters, I would be making a sufficient amount that would lessen the risk of me not being able to attend college. I understand there are loans that students can take, but for me, I don’t want to depend on that nor would want to obtain an excessive amount. Not only would working help me, but because I really enjoy being a part of this organization, it wouldn’t necessarily be as if I’m working. I enjoy being with kids, being a teacher, but more importantly, I enjoy learning. I mean, we do get paid by being in kayaks on a hot summer day while taking care of adorable kids, what’s better? Hopefully, if I save my checks in my bank for the summer, I will be able to say I accomplish something. Furthermore, I hope that during our school year I will also be able to get a part-time job to further reduce my

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