An awakening transition took place in my life the day I enrolled into college. I had the concept upon me that with the importance of my college education, positioning myself in the right direction and observing the results of hard work I dedicated myself to, I could bring myself farther than imagined once I reached the point of achievement. This importance of having a college education, enhanced a vision of what I desired for my future. In the light of my enrollment from the beginning, I found that I grasped two deep likings of the business and healthcare industries. I envisioned that if I took the initiative of taking these two degrees on one at a time, while being able to master them together in my future career I would be afforded the ability to carry the strengths of business along with the care and compassion of healthcare. What is more, I have the potential of creating an incredible career for myself as this career in particular is growing rapidly for the next ten years. Once established, I hope to present a strong model representing a passion to ensure quality care to patients in the realm of business. Along with these industries in particular, I believe I would find that …show more content…
In both industries of business and healthcare respectively, I had to arm myself with knowledge and increase my intelligence while working toward my main goal. Once I become strong in this, I found it is also crucial to be strong within myself. Keeping in mind that while having personal expectations, there needs to be a certain flexibility if by chance the unexpected occurs in the midst of my career and be able to stand with structure and positive responses. In observation to my thorough dedication as a student, my personal stance is I would like to see my hard work have exceptional results and that my primary goal is met in my
A time in my life in which I have been successful is when I graduate from college. Even though this was my second degree I was going to receive, it was the next stepping stone to heighten my career in healthcare. It was an uneasy decision, but I was determined to achieve my Bachelor’s in Science in Healthcare Administration.
There are multiple reasons why someone may want to go to college. Whether it’s to pursue their dreams or prove people wrong. I want to go to college because I want to pursue my dream of majoring in mathematics, math is a passion of mine. I can not say fully what I want to do with my life or when I will find out, but I do know that math is something I want to continue studying. Being Hispanic does not give me a good advantage when it comes to colleges, I have to make sure my voice is heard. What is even more complicated is being a first generation college student, my family really can not help because my parents did not go to college. I have to set the example for my younger brother because he is also going to be a first generation college student
College comes at you quicker than you could imagine. And with being a junior in high school, college is all you think of. Sometimes the more you think about what you want to do the more stressful it can get. But you have to keep an idea of what career you'll want to pursue. East Tennessee State, Coastal Carolina, and the University of South Carolina offer many programs that would lead you to want to attend their university.
After four years of high school, there is only one goal I have in mind. That goal is to attend college. This is the next big step in my life. All the late nights I stayed up to complete school assignment was for this moment. All my hard work was has lead me to this point in life. College will open a whole new to me. A world where I can meet new people while working to improve my future. Why do I want to attend college though? Well I have three specific reasons for this decision.
There might be a time where people ask you, “why are you in college” or “why to decide to go to college.” People might reply by saying that they want a degree, that they want a higher paying job, or they need that for a future career that they are pursuing. Those responses are the most typical reason of why people go to college. Sure you can say that having a degree means that a person can get a better job with better pay rather than working in the manual labor fields with minimum pay. A college degree is the fundamental stepping stone to the future, it lays the foundation of where to start. College is everything to me; I’m in college so I’m able to unlock more potential in myself, to be able to make my mother proud with everything that she has done and hopefully becoming the first.
The reason why I am I college is so I can become a counselor. My dream is to help people because it is something that I am good at. In high school I ran for vice president of my senior class so I can help our senior year be the best (I won of course). I listened to what everyone wanted to do that year and my student government and I made some of it happened. I was also a part of two teams in high school, the soccer team and the swimming team. Being part of of these teams I would help my teammates during our games and meet; couching them in what they are doing right and wrong. After high school I started working in a retail store, footlocker as a cashier and till this day I still have my job. As a cashier we get many complaints in the day by our customer when they feel like they did not get the proper customer service or when the merchandise is unwanted or destroyed. My job is to listened to the customer and make sure they are satisfied with how they got treated in the store. Since I have been in my job for so long, I also help the new people that come in by training them. Doing all of the things made me
As an aspiring 16-year-old living in the 21st century, it is important to devour young minds in science and technology as it will become a mandative factor in our future lives. I believe as technology continues to develop through science, engineering, and mathematics, it’s vital to train the young minds to grow as steadily as the technology we use does. I wish to participate in the scientific or mathematical research for numerous reasons, also in hope to gain much from attending an educational experience such as PA Governor’s School for the Sciences. There are many reasons why I would like to participate in scientific and mathematical research as well as hope to gain a beneficial experience at PA Governor’s School for the Sciences.
I come from a low-income family with a household of eight people. I have my dad, my six siblings, and my mother passed away a few years ago. As a first-generation college student I felt so many emotions. I came from a high school that didn’t prepare me for college courses and that became a problem. What made it worse was that my dad didn’t go to college, so I couldn’t go to him for help. I was scared, depressed, unprepared, I was doing everything on my own. I also felt like I didn’t belong because I believed I wasn’t as smart as the other students or “rich” enough. When I first arrived at UC Davis, I was immediately intimidated. All of the other students seemed so educated and professional and I just compared myself to them without even getting to know them. Let me tell you, getting here wasn’t easy and I know it wasn’t easy for you either, so feel accomplished. You made it! Now that you’re in UC Davis, you will be expected to work hard. Times may get rough, but just remember that help is out there. Take advantage and don’t be afraid or ashamed to seek help.
I want my life to have meaning for more than my family. I understand I only have one opportunity at life, so Harvard Admissions Committee: I assure you I will make the most of it. Harvard is more than a school, it’s a place that teaches you how to best play the cards you are dealt. Societies refusing to emphasize that all humans can reach for the stars; ethnic, racial, disability, and gender aside, we all have numerous chances to leave legacies, after all Michelangelo, DaVinci, and Edison did not limit their contribution realms. While no one can choose the cards they are dealt, only a few plays their hand meaningfully.
“What college are you going to attend in the Fall?” “What will your major be?” What do you want to be when you grow up?” These three questions have come up in some shape or form as I was going through the college process my Junior and Senior years of high school. My answers were: “Whatever school gives me the most money. Biology. Pediatrician.” But can I answer all of these questions definitively now? Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that, I can definitively say: “I attend Macaulay Honors College and Queens College.”
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. This quote by the late poet Maya Angelou fits how my life’s desire has changed. During my senior year at Virginia Commonwealth University, there was mandatory requirement mandatory to complete a clinical internship that included patient interaction while incorporating exercise. To complete this requirement, I chose to pursue an internship at Bonsecours Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Center in Mechanicsville, Virginia, not knowing this internship would become a life changing experience that would literally take my breath away.
This spring, I will become the first person in my generation to graduate from a four year institution. Coming from a small high school class of only forty students, college has presented me with many more responsibilities, and countless opportunities. An opportunity to set an example for my four younger siblings, and also a chance to pursue a career for myself. With education being so vital, a higher education is something that I deeply valued and sought to attain. Going into college, I was certain that I wanted a career in healthcare, however I was undecided about where.
After some trial-and-error in majors—after business and math education, I began to look at healthcare careers. I knew that I had a desire to help people because
More than just an Education As a college student, one of my main goals is to earn my degree in college and start working in the medical field. But, another thing I want to achieve is to gain knowledge that will help me survive the real world outside of just working. Attending USF will help me reach both of my goals because it is a Christian Liberal Arts School. Here, I will not only learn about Computer Science and Biology, but I will also be well rounded when I leave because of what our School is. The University of Sioux Falls will not only enable me to do what I love but it will also teach me important morals and creative topics that general education could not.
Throughout my high school career, I had the goal to graduate and then attend college. For a large part of my four years in high school, I was unsure as to what type of undergraduate program I wanted to be in. Nevertheless, I continued to work hard in all my classes. My motivation to do well in school was not only fueled by my goal of achieving a respectable GPA, but also my thirst to gain a vast amount of knowledge. I took a wide variety of classes within my high school career, only narrowing my classes to gear towards my chosen college major during my senior year. I took what I learned in high school to springboard me into college.