When I was in high school, I always had a bigger picture for myself that I wanted to be a Nurse “Midwife” because I loved kids so much. But when it the time of my freshman year in college I realized that I wanted to fulfill my purpose I have a voice and I needed to show off my real talents in what I am more interested in and can enjoy my everyday life with the career that fitted me way more. Fashion came along and I just knew that after watching so many tv shows and designers that I just love so much I knew within my first part of my freshman year in college that would be the career I would love to strive for. I have worked on many projects not only just with clothing but showing off my leadership skills by telling a story that others’ lives
For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse. I knew that I wanted to be a nurse I was just not sure of what kind of nurse, but as I got older I grew to love babies and kids more and more. It then hit me, that I wanted to be a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse (NICU). Being born prematurely, and knowing by hearing stories and reading about the NICU has shaped me even more to want to be a NICU nurse. I know that with being a NICU nurse involves a lot of time and dedication, but that does not matter. I am always asked " How are you going to be able to handle being a NICU nurse", which leads to the response of "I know that it will be hard, but someone has got to do it". I have always been told that it takes someone
When I was in high school I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. When I took Graphic Design my freshman year, I found something that I really liked and every since then I knew that it was something I wanted to do. I took it for 3 years and now Graphic Design is all I talk about. I found my passion and I’m pursuing
My plans for college are to either attend San Antonio College or the University of Houston-Victoria to study Pre-med. This is astonishing because I never actually pictured myself going through with the idea of me going to college and that I had more than a choice to attend college because of the fact that it is practically given to me with the way the education department and the government can issue us different types of financial aid.
As a future midwife, an important topic I think about would be how the fetus is affected by EDCs the mother is exposed to during pregnancy. EDCs are found in several everyday products such as cosmetics and cleaning, and prolonged stress is an everyday threat. These products and exposures can pose risks for the mother and her fetus/newborn, however, expecting mothers are often unaware of these theories, what their effects are, and how to avoid them during pregnancy. It important to provide education about the significance of exposure to EDCs and stress as they pertain to fetal and newborn development; this subject should be addressed as part of prenatal counseling to influence outcomes. Part of influencing practice on behalf of the midwives
Being a midwife does not only defined by assisting women in childbirth. The general dictionary definition are the misconception of how people view midwives. Being a midwife means to be ‘with women’ and this leads the construction of the midwifery philosophy, Page (2006) 5 steps and Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) competency standards, in order to provide the best women centred care (Australia Collage of Midwives, 2017). This essay will cover a constructive overview of what Page (2006) 5 steps of being a midwife means, it will also defined what women centred care is and emphasis on the importance it has for the woman. Understanding Page (2006) 5 steps and women centred care helped build the pathway for midwifery philosophy to correlate with NMBA competency standard in order to support midwifery practice. For
My grandmother always taught me to stay true to myself and stand out in whatever I choose to do. She would say " Do what makes you happy honey". I wanted to be a teacher, lawyer, police officer and even some kind of superhero, Superwomen perhaps. She told me I could be anything I wanted then asked me what all those careers had in commom. I never thought about it until I actually figured out what I was truly wanted to be, A nurse and utlimatly a Nurse Practitioner serving in the United States Air force.
Midwifery is a role that hugely appeals to me as it isn’t just clinical skills that are offered to the women, it allows for a relationship to form with them and their families. This is important to me because it would allow the women to feel completely comfortable in a stressful but life changing event. I have always wanted to be take up a caring, supportive and helpful career and as soon as I did some research into the role of a midwife I was immediately hooked and knew it was the right path for me to follow.
I finally decided I was going to study fashion in the 11th grade, which was a surprise to my family and even myself. Everyone wanted me to become a lawyer, but that was not my passion. It
College can be an exhilarating for some people, but terrifying for others. Certain individuals have special qualities that allow them to contribute to the college community like no other person can. These qualities are what make college fun for them. I believe that my greatest quality is my kindness for people. I have a hard time telling people no, which can be seen as an awful quality, but for me it’s a valuable thing. There are limits to when I stop saying yes; however, I tend to want to help people whatever their problem may be. I live to make others happy. I guess you could say that’s why I aspire to be an Obstetrician. They have the chance everyday to make a person overjoyed, and I want that. I don’t work hard in class because I consider
I am a mature student urrently undertaing a higher education access course at Bletchley college with a view to go to University. By doing this I hope to secure a place on the Midwifery course to persue an exciting and challenging career, as I feel now is the perfect time in my life.
Over the course of thirteen years, I dreamed of pursuing a career in nursing. This partially due to my mother, an OB nurse, who continued to perfect her career over the course of twenty-five years. As a nurse, an individual is given the privilege to not only deliver an infant into the world but also to hold the hand of an individual who is leaving the world. With people as my passion, nursing presented itself as the perfect career. I could impact the lives of the people around me while practicing a career that I loved.
When I was younger my parents always asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. Well of course my answer was always a princess because who wouldnt want to be a princess and rule the world. As i got older my answer changed. Being a princess wasnt an acceptable answer anymore so instead I wanted to be a vetrinarian, but watching family struggle to get into school made me change my mind. I went to my backup option on being an accountant. I suddenly thought pursuing a career in Accouting would be a good option for me because I am capable of completing all the duties this jobs requires, work well with technology, and can easily adapt change within this career.
Since the beginning my school days, people have always asked me what profession I wanted to pursue in the future. I would always say that I wanted to become a doctor; my desire was to cure the sick and help the injured. This year I am a junior in high, which means that I am more aware of what I want to do. After researching the process it takes to become a doctor and the amount of money involved I knew that career was not for me. This year I have changed my major to nursing. When I graduate from high school, I plan to go straight into a four year university to become a neonatal nurse practitioner. After touring over twenty different colleges I found my dream school, in Nashville Tennessee called Belmont University. Belmont offers an amazing nursing program that I would like to be a part of it in the near future.
Statement of Purpose I chose nursing as a profession because I saw the value of the intimacy of the nurse¬-patient relationship and the ability of the nurse to have a significant impact on a patient’s life. While I have cherished and excelled at inpatient nursing and have loved the connection with my patients and their families, my goal all along has been to advance my education and become a nurse practitioner. As a nurse, my happiest moments at the bedside have involved teaching, educational moments interspersed throughout the many tasks of the day, and time spent understanding patients and what was important to them as people. However, as a nurse, I have often felt that I was doing a disservice to my patients and their families by not
When I was 5, I wanted to be a princess. When I was 7, I wanted to be a dolphin trainer. When I was 9, I wanted to be the world’s greatest piano player. It was not until I was 11 years old that I decided that I wanted to help people and be involved in the medical field. It was at that age that I decided that I wanted to become a nurse, a registered nurse more specifically. Now, being an 11 year old, you do not necessarily know what you are signing up for. It was not until a couple of years later that I actually started to investigate what majoring in nursing actually meant.