I am very happy that the National Honor Society has chosen me to be a candidate. Throughout the summer I have completed a total of 18 hours of service. From ticket taking at the Marquette County Fair, cleaning at the Habitat for Humanity Restore, and making packets for the Negaunee Middle School. At each of these volunteering events I learned that it can be fun to volunteer.
Without volunteers some events would not happen, like the Model A Fall Color Ride. My grandpa was planning on going to that event, but it was canceled because of the lack of volunteers. In my opinion that never should happened, because people couldn’t get to something fun just because no one volunteered. The Marquette County Fair would not be able to run without volunteers the all people taking the tickets are volunteers. At the Habitat for Humanity Restore half the people there are volunteers. Habitat for Humanity Restore needs volunteers to help clean donated items, because without them they would never get cleaned and resold. While I was in
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I will help them by maintaining the great reputation of all National Honor Society students, by keeping a good attitude toward volunteering. By benefiting the National Honor Society, I will also be benefitting myself as well. I will benefit from being a member of the National Honor Society, because it will help expose me to different opportunities that I have never experienced before. Opportunities like volunteering at places that I have never been before, and meeting new people by helping them. The National Honor Society will also benefit me later in life, like applying to colleges. Colleges will look at my transcript and see my dedication to volunteering in the community and my work ethic, because I was in the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society will also benefit me because it will push me to do well in my academics to keep my GPA
I believe I should be inducted into the National Honor Society because I obtain admirable social and work skills, which include my strong ability to interact and understand others and my perseverance towards my goals. Opening yourself up to strangers or being open to getting on different levels of understanding with different types of people can be difficult for some, however, it has always been my forte. I began my high school academic career at Burrell. The transition from Mary Queen of Apostles School to Burrell High School was a traumatic adjustment to the quantity of my classmates. I had been traumatized at first because I had gone from knowing every person in my small school to not knowing anything or anyone in Burrell. I surprisingly
It is a great honor to be among the commendable students who are being considered for the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society is discernible for showing an interest in students with exemplary grades, great character, leadership, and service. Last year I was enrolled in a tenth grade honors language class, this year I am taking an advanced placement college course. I am enlisted in all honors classes and I strive to do the best that I can not only academically, but in all activities I participate in. I am a strenuous worker and have great character. Everything I try, I give all my effort, for example, in track I show good sportsmanship and cheer on my fellow athletes at every meet. I also show great leadership qualities.
Being involved is important to me because I want to help people and make the most of my life. In life, I know that I will learn new ideas, meet new people, and be out of my comfort zone at times, and I love it; I love connecting with people and learning new information. I love being able to volunteering and see the impact that I can make. I enjoy being a part of something bigger than myself. Because of this, I believe that I would be a valuable asset to National Honor Society because I believe that I exhibit the four essential pillars necessary not only to succeed in life but also to become a member of this prestigious group.
National Honor Society is a great opportunity for me to give back to the community. I am Marcel Kas and I am currently a sophomore (2016-2017). I was the president of NJHS in middle school (2014-2015). Through my first two years of high school I have been able to take honors and AP courses allowing me to have a GPA of 4.143. I am also involved in many after school activities. I am currently a part of the tennis team, German National Honor Society, and the Greenfield High School marching band. I also volunteer my time to my community. I always volunteer for Polish cultural events like Polish Fest, I volunteer at church by being a lector and by helping out the priest every Friday and Sunday by being an altar boy, I am in a choir, I babysit,
I am excited to be considered as a candidate for National Honor Society (NHS). Through friends and family, I know the main characteristics a NHS member must hold include scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Through hard work, I have been able to hold a GPA over 3.8 in both 9th and 10th grade; this shows my strong dedication to scholarship. I am a dedicated person who enjoys giving back to the community; I have participated in many volunteer activities, and I would love the opportunity to continue my volunteer work as a NHS member. If I am given the privilege of NHS membership, I will continue to uphold my commitment to service and leadership.
I, Troy Weber, want to join National Honor Society to benefit my community and myself. This experience will help me with completing difficult tasks, handling a situation or just finding a way to talk to another person. I want to help my community because there is so much work that can be done. People need help everyday and I want to give up my time to lend them a hand or two. Volunteer work can lead to a better character and create a sense of care for the people within a small and large community.
I want to be a member of National Honor Society because I believe it will provide me with more opportunities to help out in the community. I will use the honor of being a member of NHS to set an example for the younger generation of Storm Lake, starting with my four younger siblings. I hope to add to the character of Storm Lake by being a positive influence on those around me. Volunteering in the community will allow me to gain skills that I will use throughout high school and into the rest of my life. I hope that you consider adding to the National Honor Society roster as I truly believe I can do great things for the Storm Lake community.
I would like to be a member of the National Honor Society because I feel like I could help the school and the community. I have demonstrated with my academic achievements and my GPA that I am determined to work hard and do whatever it takes in order to get a job done. I have had principal’s honor roll almost all my life. I have gotten many awards from my teachers over the years and I will be getting many more over the last three years of high school.
Academics is a serious aspect of my life, and being a member of National Honor Society has certainly encouraged my dedication to my studies. I work diligently to keep my GPA up so I can stay in NHS and graduate with honors. Even with the advanced placement classes I am taking, I know that the extra work will help my future. Being a member has made me think more about my character and how I can improve it. I am more conscientious about my actions, and work hard to complete all of my responsibilities when needed.
I deserve to be a member of the National Honor Society because I feel like I’ve earned it. Over my high school career, I have been through many challenges, but I learned to face them head on with a positive attitude knowing how good the outcome can be. I fit the qualifications to be a member and if I do not fulfill them to a certain level, I will work on how to reach them. Throughout my school education, I’ve always tried my best, even more so in high school. I hold myself up to a very high expectation, I know I can always do better than before. As for volunteering, I am always involved in my community as much as I can. As a child, I was involved in many programs and I continue to do service work with more benefits to my future and character
The National Honor Society has gave me the opportunity to help others in ways that I could not have done on my own. I have had the opportunity to help many in our community with our multiple different community service projects. Last year we sold raffle tickets for a gift card basket. All of the money that we earned went to a family in our community who had been through devastating house fire. They lost not only there house but all of their personal belongings too. The fact that we have the opportunity to help those around us makes the service projects seem even more meaningful. We also took up donations of paper products to give to the Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald House is a place where families can stay while they have a child at the Ruby Memorial Hospital. They can stay there for as long as
The National Honor Society would benefit from my membership because I am a hard working student who is also dual enrolled. When I join a program, I am committed to staying in it and grow, as a person. I have been in the same club my entire high school career. I have done extensive amounts of community service within a school club and also within the school classrooms. I have countless reasons to why I would be a beneficial addition to the National Honor Society.
Everyday, countless amounts of people are working hard, trying to change the world for the better. They are researching cures for cancer or taking twelve hour shifts to help keep oceans clean. There are people who are working towards a better world, and making life safe for the children in need, the animals in danger, and the men fighting for our country. Seeing these changes happen has motivated me to want to be a part of these developments. I wish to serve those around me, and believe that if I can have a positive impact on my community, it can affect the rest of the world. Therefore, I have made it my goal to be a part of the National Honor Society, in hopes that I can help my school, Middleville, and all who have impacted me. I believe that I represent the characteristics of scholarship, leadership, service, and character, and hope to use these qualities so that others may benefit.
The reason that I am interested in becoming a member of the National Honor Society is because the National Honor Society represents all of the values that I find most important in my education and life. National Honor Society requires academic excellence throughout high school. At the beginning of my Freshman year, I set a goal to graduate with a 4.0 GPA. I have worked diligently to achieve and maintain this grade point average while taking several advanced classes. So far, I have taken three classes for college credit and plan to take multiple more during my senior year. Through the course of my high school education, I have realized how important it is for an individual to develop and maintain these studious habits. All of the habits I have developed through becoming an excellent
I feel like I would benefit the Carrizo Springs National Honor Society because I have worked very hard to get to where I am today. My grades have always been my top priority at school because in the end, what matters the most is your grades, what you did to succeed, and your character. As a leader, I hope to be able to use my power to help others that are in need. I take pride in giving rather than receiving because I know that I am doing good for others and for myself. I pride myself on being a good role model, not only in my home or school, but for the community as well. Participating in the Youth Basketball Summer League was a huge honor because