While I researched different colleges, I found that there were a lot of differences between them. Some colleges are are 4-year commitments and some are only 2 years. While one college may only offer a masters and bachelors degree in one major, another college may only offer an associate's. College is very expensive and tuition is rising dramatically each year which is why I would also like to join the Navy and get a free education. Although I would have to go to a college that offers NROTC in order to get tuition assistance, it will be well worth it. After I retire from the Navy, I will use my major and become a registered nurse. My goal in this paper is to inform the reader on what my plans are for after I graduate high school.
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I’ve made the decision to be a Hospital Corpsman in the United States Navy. A Hospital Corpsman performs duties as assistants to prevent and treat diseases and injuries and accommodate health care professionals in aiding Navy and Marine Corps workforce (Powers, "Hospital Corpsman"). Being an HM in the Navy brings you many job opportunities when you resign such as being a dental assistant, EMT, and a dental hygienist (Luckwaldt, "Specializations"). Some characteristics I carry that would make me a great HM is my ability to act and think quickly and my passion for caregiving. I have many reasons why I want to join the Navy. I want to do my part in making sure that my family and friends live in a safe and terror free world. I haven’t seen much in life beyond my hometown and the Navy offers a different kind of adventure than the average civilian life. I get the best of both worlds. The main reason I want to join the Navy is to serve my country in the best way that I can. Watching what happens in Iraq and Afghanistan makes me feel helpless and I want to do something about it. I believe that everyone should serve, not as a requirement but as a dignified duty they feel toward this great country and everything it has to
I have always encouraged people to dream, but to remember that when you are dreaming, your eyes are closed so you must open your eyes and begin to live your dreams. You cannot live your life of passion while you are asleep.
Media surrounds us, from the graphic design on our morning cellophane coffee cups, to the carefully designed spreads in the magazines we religiously read. The world of Media and Film is beautifully complex, and something which I strongly want to be involved with. I have always immersed myself in the world of Media, and have only ever felt truly satisfied when I’ve been involved in broadening my knowledge and understanding of the industry.
The answer to this question is challenging to me because having two diplomas in higher education quite challenging to answer “Why do you want to go to college?” Trying to apply this question to the UoPeople and paraphrasing it as “Why do you want to go to the UoPeople,” I meet another issue. I have already responded to this question in the Discussion Forum.
As a first generation student, academic promise hasn’t always been a focus of mine until my high school years. Coming from a family where the only post-high school education is whatever training you receive at work, it is hard to relate when the possibility of university is so far away. Four years after high school, I have not only worked full time but also received my associates degree from my hometown community college. That is all great thanks to the family that have raised me, and taught me that hard work is the only work capable of doing. My parents never had the opportunity to attend college, so they taught me what they knew in life instead; where manners are always required, hard work is mandatory, and when finished with that work; you
The Rural Alaska Honors Institute (RAHI) is a very helpful program for me to become involved in, especially since I plan on going to college after high school to better my education and to shape my future. Since RAHI is at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), and I am attending UAF in the fall this year, majoring in Geoscience, it will help me get the feel of college and give me the experience I need. This program is something that interests me a lot and I will get to meet new people who I might be going to college with.
I feel like everyone deserves the right to higher education, no matter their family’s economic standing. This is how we can help facilitate economic flourish in our country. Those who are hardworking, passionate, motivate, and driven should get equal chance to make a difference in the world. And I believe that I am one of those students. In high school, I spent the summers working two jobs to help my family pay bills and during the school year, I was given the great opportunity to be Editor in Chief of my school’s newspaper, star in numerous theatrical productions, be a part of three honor societies, and push myself in Advance Placement and honors classes. I knew what I wanted and I knew what needed to be done: I wanted to get a chance to learn at one of top
While I have been raised in an environment where all the resources I needed to attend college were available to me, I believe my greatest accomplishment is being accepted into a California University and doing well. After graduating high school, my parents informed me that they would not be able to afford a four year university, and that I would have to attend Junior College first. I was completely devastated. All of my peers were attending four year colleges right out of high school, and I was left behind. I developed an extreme depression that I didn't think I would be able to escape from. I realized though, that if I worked hard enough and did well, I would be attending a University in no time. I pushed through my depression, worked hard
I would construe the colleges as the practice of learning process about how to be part of the society. It is a challenging, but the college could absolutely be built upon on how you do, and how you like it. However, this does not mean the college is necessary to step into the association. For example, if you are desired to be a doctor, engineer, or CEO of the certain association, it will be certainly ambitious challenge for those of who do not have any college degree. However, in case that some people who thinks their dream career does not require any college degree, then you might want to start considering spending your deposits on college.
My first choice college was the University of Connecticut. But, I was not admitted to the main campus. I then made the choice to attend [current college] over UConn’s Stamford campus.
Following secondary school, I will attend the University of Notre Dame and major in biological sciences. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to study at this prominent institution, and I’ll make the most of it. College life will be tough, but I’m certainly up for the challenge. There’s myriad people rooting for me and I refuse to let them down.
My english class is writing a five paragraph essay on is you should go to college or workforce after high school. I strongly agree with both of them, they both have benefits and they can be good or bad for many different reasons. If i have to choose one i'd probably have to choose college. College will help me in the future, and it will prove that even if you grow up with a hard life you don't need to live that way for ever.
My high school experience hasn't been a success for me to get to college (Binus Univ) by taking all of the class I needed to get this far. Actually, i'm not graduate in 2016 but a year ago, I have came a long way during my high school because I really thought I wouldn’t have made it this far due to struggling to keep my grades up but as I started it’s really hard at all to keep them up.
Have you ever wondered about college when you were little? What did you think about it? For me, I use to think about college all the time when I was little. I thought I would just pack up one day and move to my dorm room with my best friend and just go to college. However, that is only till I got to high school and realized how much it takes to even apply to a college. College for me is not a choice. So when I started hearing teachers and others talking about where they were looking and some even applying, my mind was just blown. I had to sit down and think about all of this. I knew I wanted to go to college. Then I had to think about where I wanted to attend college at. (SCOIS) Once I did that I started looking and reading things about that
It is important to have an academic goal set before going into school. In fact, I already have set objectives for this course. One of my academic goals is to stay positive throughout this course. This will help me pass all of my classes, which will result in getting my degree. My daughter, Adelynn, has motivated me to accomplish many things in life, such as graduate high school and go to college to get my Associates Degree in Allied Health Science. At only two months of age, Addy is my main source of motivation, although, I have many people supporting me and motivating me. She is both my intrinsic motivation as well as my extrinsic motivation. By getting my degree, I will set a good example of success in hopes that she will follow. I will
I feel a duty as a family member and as an American to provide our service members with the same care and respect they have shown our nation. This is another reason why I want to be a nurse. My ambition as I gain experience and knowledge is to work at a VA hospital. I want to provide our military men, women, young, and old with dynamic care. With the education provided by Purdue, the practices I receive in clinicals in combination with on the job experience. I aspire to make a difference, a difference in the lives of our nation’s