
Why I Want To Go To College

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While I researched different colleges, I found that there were a lot of differences between them. Some colleges are are 4-year commitments and some are only 2 years. While one college may only offer a masters and bachelors degree in one major, another college may only offer an associate's. College is very expensive and tuition is rising dramatically each year which is why I would also like to join the Navy and get a free education. Although I would have to go to a college that offers NROTC in order to get tuition assistance, it will be well worth it. After I retire from the Navy, I will use my major and become a registered nurse. My goal in this paper is to inform the reader on what my plans are for after I graduate high school.
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I’ve made the decision to be a Hospital Corpsman in the United States Navy. A Hospital Corpsman performs duties as assistants to prevent and treat diseases and injuries and accommodate health care professionals in aiding Navy and Marine Corps workforce (Powers, "Hospital Corpsman"). Being an HM in the Navy brings you many job opportunities when you resign such as being a dental assistant, EMT, and a dental hygienist (Luckwaldt, "Specializations"). Some characteristics I carry that would make me a great HM is my ability to act and think quickly and my passion for caregiving. I have many reasons why I want to join the Navy. I want to do my part in making sure that my family and friends live in a safe and terror free world. I haven’t seen much in life beyond my hometown and the Navy offers a different kind of adventure than the average civilian life. I get the best of both worlds. The main reason I want to join the Navy is to serve my country in the best way that I can. Watching what happens in Iraq and Afghanistan makes me feel helpless and I want to do something about it. I believe that everyone should serve, not as a requirement but as a dignified duty they feel toward this great country and everything it has to

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