For as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with the thought of Broadway, and being on stage. While I didn’t know much at such a young age, I knew that this is what I had to be doing with my life.
My first show, and coincidentally my first starring role, was Annie. I was 8 years old and about 5 foot. Belting out ‘Tomorrow” almost every night made me feel something: the strength of empowerment. The stage was mine; I could do anything I wanted to. Almost every night, it felt like it was just me on that stage, and well of course Sandy too, but just us, and we could do whatever we wanted. This is the feeling I love to get every time I step foot on stage. This is one of the reasons why I would love to go to YPAS. I want to be able to feel this great joy of empowerment all the time. I want to be able to laugh, and sing, and be happy with the new friends I would make, I want to feel like I am home.
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Walking down the halls of Manual, and YPAS, I saw so many people whom I’ve never met before, but I feel like I’ve known them a lifetime. While Manual is a very large school, it has small communities of great people. That’s what I love about it so much; everybody knows everybody and they all are so kind and friendly towards each other. Another thing I saw while shadowing is how diverse the school is. To quote the principal, “Would you rather read a textbook about someone from France? Or sit next to someone from France?” This phrase really stuck out with me during my whole shadowing experience. It made me realize how diverse and amazing the school is. I would love to go here because of all the new and unique people I would meet and become friends
Because there aren't many opportunities for kids above 4’10 on broadway, I was soon filming countless “self tapes” at home. Each one meticulously taped and then sent away into what felt like outer space, based on the lack of response to anything we sent. Thankfully I didn't lose faith in my artistic abilities becuase excitingly, after about 50 auditions, I was casted in my very first straight acting job. It was a feature film that shed light on the racism that occurs in everyday communities. I booked the job and roughly 6 months later was viewing the movie at the tribeca film festival. After the show, while talking to people, I realized that there is no greater feeling than knowing the art you have created has positively affected the lives of
Before I even entered high school, I obtained a love of theater and the performing arts. I have been singing and acting since I was nine, as well as on and off dancing since three. Taking classes at a local theater really introduced me to this interest of mine. When I entered high school, an injury kept me from doing shows. But now I graduate with nine high school shows under my belt, as well as being in multiple community theater productions. Being a part of these shows made me feel a strong sense of belonging, and whether I was an ensemble or lead
There is no way I can do a works cited for this assignment since you did not give me a book that these articles appear in. You requested four pages of writing for this assignment, which is what I gave you. The vocabulary in this paper is appropriate for a senior in college.
I saw my first Broadway show at only seven years old and have seen over ten more since then, due to the fact I live only two hours away from New York City by train. I always enjoyed theatre, but I didn’t grow the deep love I have for it now until acting became a career option. I spent a week of the summer completely in the business world of theatre and came out knowing I had to be an actress. I dived into all things Broadway, bought as many albums as I could, watched as many interviews as possible, saved up to see more shows, but even with all of this love for
A great philosopher once said, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Through education, our greatest wishes and desires can be achieved. For instance , sending an American safely to the moon was once a dream of President John F. Kennedy. Numerous individuals doubted and criticized this nearly impossible mission and the president’s state of mind. Without the assistance of educated scientist’s, it would have remained a dream for America. The knowledge gain from education unlocks doors for new possibilities and discoveries. Though John F. Kennedy and I don't share similar dreams, we share the willingness to succeed.
The American Dream is a dream to live in a place where someone’s rights and freedoms can not be taken away from them and where they can achieve their goals without anyone stopping them no matter what their background is. People achieved the American dream through motivation and hard work. Although as time passed, they became too lazy to actually work for it. Somewhere along the way, people began to interpret the American dream as a dream to live in wealth. Because of this, it has made them think that happiness is defined by how much money they have. They also started to find ways to get rich quick without working for it. Many people question whether or not the American dream is attainable or too far fetched. The American
How would one describe the American Dream? The American Dream is the dream of living a simple and fulfilling life. The world perceives the American Dream as something that is equally attainable to everyone, when in reality it is a source of false hope.
The American Dream drew millions of immigrants from all the world for centuries and as a result, the U.S. is most diverse country in the world. In the past, these migrants were expected to leave their old cultures behind -- such as adopting new, more English-sounding last names -- and assimilate into this new American one. However, people today appear to more accepting of the diversity. Many of those who immigrate to America try to hold onto their heritage, creating subcultures in some areas (Macionis 48). This change is good. Being around people who have led very different lives from each other is a refreshing learning experience. It can open eyes to how the world works and how that the way that one person sees it is not the only way. A quick
The American Dream is great, it gives every citizen of the United States the opportunity to achieve their dream. You are given the opportunity to make the most out of yourself and to show everyone your capabilities.
Ever since I was a child my parents instilled in me the idea that hard work resulted in a successful future. My parents had amazing jobs in Albania, they both graduated from college with the Albanian equivalent of a bachelor's degree, studied finances and accounting, and created good lives for themselves. Moving to America to provide their children with better educations resulted in their own educations not being valued, which consequently made it harder to get higher paying jobs. My father became a taxi driver to be able to watch his children while my mother went back to school. My parents have a combined income of about $47,000 a year. They have to take care of three children, themselves, and family overseas. Due to financial, health, and
The American Dream, this idea has been around for centuries and has gravitated people from all corners of the globe to the United States in hopes of a better and more efficient lifestyle. Although the interpretation of The American Dream may differ based upon the person trying to perceive what it (The American Dream) actually means to them but it’s basic concept always remains the same. The American Dream is the idea that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. I am a strong believer that The American Dream today is still relevant and due to my current level of knowledge and my belief in it’s concept I have chosen to pursue a career in Computer Science.I have not yet decided on a specific profession in the individual field but due to a vast branch of jobs and opportunities in the Computer Science job market it will not be hard to find a profession that suits me the best.
I think people do not have equal access because we come from different social standards. Some people may be rich and some people may be poor. I think that will all have to work for our dreams. I want to be a women's basketball coach in a few years, but I know I have to be involved in a program in anyway possible. So I'm trying to get an internship at College of Charleston. I know that getting a coaching job takes a few years, but I just want to keep working hard. Depending where somebody lives could also affect their dream. If someone lives in a crummy neighborhood and they do not have access to a place to achieve that dream then will not happen. If someone is born into a good social standard it easier for them to achieve their American dream.
The “American Dream” is a term that has been used dating all the way back to 1930. James Truslow Adams first introduced the term in his book “The Epic of America.” He states, “The American dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” (Adams 404). Adams stated in this quote the dream was for everyone, not just Caucasians. As we already know, not all Americans are Caucasian. Many minorities, African Americans in particular, have found it hard to achieve the American Dream because of race. Because of this, the American Dream for minorities is seen as having racial equality. In Martin Luther King’s speech “I Have a Dream,” he addresses
“The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve the American dream” (Tommy Hilfiger). Hard work and passion actually do pay off when you put the time into your goals. I would not have been where I ended up without the countless hours of determination and dedication I put forth.
This year in junior english has really helped me think about the future that I want to have. The American Dream project has got me to really think about what I want to do with my life after high school. The second thing that has help me prepare for the future is the Washburn visit and the research we had to with the visit. Finally the last moment in class that helped me for the future was Mrs. Switzky’s off topic talks.