Education is a means to break down barriers between people of different backgrounds, and this idea lies at the heart of my desire to be an educator in an elementary school. I believe strongly that through helping children learn to communicate effectively both for the sake of cooperation and for expression of their thoughts and feelings; by treating mathematics as a way to help my students see justice and injustice in the world; and guiding my students in their understanding of the unique and similar qualities of different cultures; I will be able to play my part in helping the world attain its true potential as a peaceful and vibrant community.
I was raised in Lewiston, Idaho, where I attained all of my Primary and Secondary education. As a youngster, I was part of a youth group that helped me to realize my full potential, and I have since devoted myself to doing the same for others. After graduating High School, I moved to Salt Lake City to help and to learn regarding the development a program for a particular neighborhood there. After that year, I moved to Boise to do the same, and began my pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education. Singing, dancing, theater, and learning about different cultures and countries around the world are things that I enjoy doing. I also love being in nature and playing casual sports.
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I am currently on track to graduate in Spring of 2018. Long term, my passion lies with populations that too many people don't know about...rural, Native American, migrant workers, and with helping them see in themselves what others have tried to keep from them; in particular, with developing a distance education program that will assist/empower these populations in ways which, through consultation with them, are determined to be
I was born in Inglewood, CA son of two immigrant parents. As a young boy, I always knew the importance of education, it was engrained in me by my mother and father. They both grew up in Mexico where they both loved school until their economic hardships forced them to come to the U.S. and work. I was the first generation in my family to go to college and will be the first to pursue a graduate degree.
My major is Human Development. I am taking 13 units for this fall 2015, and volunteering at Horizon Cross Cultural Center where I can learn my skills and my experiences. My future plan is graduate in the Spring of 2017. After graduation, I plan to work full-time.
As a student of education, I have been able to gather many ideas and opinions about practices and ideals I want to implement in my future classroom. My philosophies about education are still being formed and continually change with every class I visit and with every educator I encounter. My ideas, admittedly, come from random experiences and intangible texts, but as I gain more experience in the field through my courses, my philosophies about teaching will become more clearly defined. These few ideas I have now will undoubtedly be added upon as I enter student teaching and my professional career, nevertheless, they are concepts of which I hope to never lose sight.
I am a tried and true Colorado Native! Currently, I live in Kiowa, CO, with my husband of 21 years young and my 16-year-old son, who are the biggest part of my support squad. I have another son living in the Denver metro area also on my support team. Finally, there are my friends and coworkers who are aware of my desire to earn a degree.
I am also passionate about making sure that my work reaches all people regardless of income, gender, race, socioeconomic status, nationality, etc. I’m passionate about helping those in need and those that lack resources. I primarily seek to work with people in lower income communities and hopefully work on projects that could help rebuild and grow those same communities. Major topics and issues that interest me in education are women’s health, public health, and managed care. My purpose now is truly fueling my passion.
What are some ways you personally use math in your everyday life (for work or home)?
I plan to graduate in May 2017 with honors. My goal after graduation is to find a job working at a graphic design firm and also freelance in hopes of opening my own small business one day. My philosophy is in order to have more I must to do more; therefore I have to take advantage of every opportunity. When doing more than what is expected I believe I will eventually be rewarded. I am very determined that in ten years from now I will have a successful business. I am a self-motivated individual with the ability to adapt quickly. I make no excuses and complete every task to my best
Rita Pierson, an American educator, once stated, “Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be” (“Every Kid,” 2013). Her comment is reflected within my philosophy of teaching. One’s philosophy of education defines who they strive to be as an educator; it clearly forms the way one will teach and guides their expectations for their students. Children are the future of our country. Therefore, I believe it is the responsibility of a teacher to strive to be the best educator possible by having cultural competence and pedagogical knowledge to effectively teach their students. This can be done by motivating students to learn through self-discovery based on their interests and what is relevant to their lives. It is a teacher’s responsibility to guide students towards their own goals to grow intellectually and personally as a unique individual. Accordingly, students will be inspired to use acquired skills and knowledge towards the real world.
As a teacher, I will work to fully provide opportunities for authentic learning, where every child feels valued, safe and included. My goal will be to find occasions every day to nurture independent learning, along with peer support that promotes a sense of personal growth and achievement. I recognize that every child has strengths and weaknesses, special talents, and specific needs, regardless of individual challenges. My objective will be to model appropriate behavior and show acceptance of everyone
Education is a very important part of society. I feel that it should teach children how to function in a society, and learn the basics they will need to expand on for the rest of their life. I feel that it is used to teach moral, and ethical standards of living. The schools are used to help the children learn to function in life, and achieve the goals of their choosing. Education is important because without it I firmly believe that society would be a very savage institution. With the things that we teach in today’s schools we give the power to know the basics such as reading, writing, and math but we also give them the ability to function in a society. As a teacher I hope to set my student of fire. I want to see them come alive with a desire to want everything that is out there for them. I want to be able to make a difference in just one person’s life. If I can do this I would feel I have done what I am supposed to do. I want my students to know the world is theirs to take and do with it whatever they may choose.
Education entails individual human development in the cognitive, emotional, creative and social areas. All children are entitled to a free education regardless of race, cultural background or handicaps. For education to be an effective part of the students life, the student and teacher must be actively and enthusiastically involved in learning. A teacher needs to be well prepared and organized. They need to know the perspective goals for each student and ways to achieve these goals. Teachers need to work with students to help them grow and develop ways to use their knowledge.
I graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 2014 with my Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice. I decided I wanted to broaden my career opportunities by obtaining my Associates in Paralegal studies. Since I already have a Bachelor’s degree, I am unable to receive any more grants and I am almost at the max for student loans. Also, I could pay for last semester because of parental contributions and a full-time job, but I no longer have that job and my parents are unable to contribute this year. A scholarship would really help with paying for tuition, fees, and books and would significantly lighten the financial burden I am currently experiencing. In addition, because I am paying out of pocket I cannot afford to take as many
I recently graduated from UC Davis with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. During my four-year college life, I completed courses in math (geometry, algebra, and calculus), chemistry, biology, physics, material science and engineering. My academic and working experiences in the past 12 months have trained me to become a quick learner that I was able to adapt and learn quickly through on-the-job training to become increasingly skilled and independent. During my six-month term at Imerys, I used a few different analytical instruments, drafted a SOP for the test method I developed, did many repetitive tasks and was able to remain focus and detail-oriented. I also managed my time to complete all the assignments and tasks according to their changing
“The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things,” stated by Jean Piaget. Education serves many purposes; it helps a child open their eyes to the world, it provides curiosity and determination for a young adult, and it can provide middle age adults and elders with a spark of belonging and hope. To be able to achieve these purposes, the process of education must start at a young age. Singing the ABC’s to an infant, reading to a toddler, encouraging writing and math skills are a few steps towards all the possibilities a person could have in life.
As a future teacher in today’s society and generation, I believe the educational system must accommodate the individual and the diverse needs of each child. Many factors should be thought about when forming a philosophy on education. Factors as far as the increase of single parent families and dual careers, the family structure is changing and this may play a significant part in our students. Furthermore, the issues such as teen pregnancy and drugs and much more, children are facing more complicated issues than they ever had before. A sound philosophy on education must be developed within the framework of social value systems. Our children are our future resources. All children can be guided to become well adjusted, functional and intelligent adults for their own benefit and the benefit for others in society. An educator should motivate and stimulate each child to perform to the best of their ability. Regardless of the various experiences, abilities and needs of the child. Therefore, all children must be well educated and given the opportunity