
Why I Want To Pursue A College Degree

Decent Essays

When college started, I didn’t know anything about how life was going to be or how much work I would have to put in, but I think I’ve progressed a great deal towards being the person and professional I want to be since then. There are many things I’ve learned since the beginning of college like programming and handling responsibility. This has been a short semester, but I’ve come a long way in my life.
The first way I’ve moved towards being the professional I want to be is by taking the first class in my major, which is Computer Science. Before college, I had little to no experience with programming. I was interested in computers, but I never had the chance to program or learn about computer science, so I was scared when I started because I thought I was behind. On the first day, I heard people talking about how they were good with computers and how they already knew a programming language, and I started to feel insecure. Then I found out that I wasn’t the only person with little experience in programming, which made me feel better. I realized that it’s okay not to be completely prepared if you’re ready to learn. As the class went on, I learned many different skills like how to write computer programs or how …show more content…

In high school, I had to go to 7 classes every day for hours each day, which wasn’t good for my learning. Now I have the freedom between classes to study and get my work done, and my grades are a lot higher now than they were in high school. Also, I have realized that with more freedom, I have more responsibility. I can’t rely on my parents to help me in difficult situations or hold my hand anymore. It’s also weird and exciting to be treated like an adult by professors. Before college, teachers treat you like kid and hold your hand through each semester, but in college, professors treat you with respect, and they expect you to get your work done by

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