HONK HONK! All you hear is cars riding down the interstate. Cars are the only thing you see. The interstate has nothing interesting to see. Highways are unique. They are full of interesting things for example, restaurants, stores and unique places. There are new and amazing things to see on every corner. In the interstate there is nothing to see. The only thing you see is cars passing you. The main reason the kids go to sleep when they travel is because they are going through the interstate. The kids want to be entertained, but the only thing that entertains them is their phones. Sometimes the kids just play board games, but its hard to keep them board pieces in one spot However, Route 66 is full of awesome things.
Boom! POW! Seeing America on the interstate is not a good choice. The author of the passage "The Best Of America is on the Blue Highways" explains why traveling Route 66 is the real way to see America. On the two-lane highways you can take as long as you need, but on the interstate you have to be fast. The author was effective in proving that Route 66 represents America because on the interstate the roads are flat and straight and has nothing to look at, Americans drove by Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica in the 20, and was not being fast passed.
Using figurative language and diction, Marquart illustrates what one’s typical experience is like, and common feelings one shares when in the Midwest. Marquart describes that when driving through North Dakota “you’ll encounter a road so lonely, treeless, and devoid of rises and curves
Here I am captured in this irritating street where all I can do is listen to music and look at Facebook. I am waiting for cars to start moving and continue with their destination. Little do I know that ahead of me is a two hour traffic. I am already tired, bored, and furious. I cannot believe I took this road home instead of my usual route. Why do I have to try new things? I should stick to what I know. While I sit in the drivers’ sit I am still wondering why I had the bright idea of taking a new way home, a way that I had little knowledge of.
Boom! Bang! There has been another wreck on the interstate. The interstate is a dangerous place for people to drive some people will be texting and not paying attention for other drivers. This is why you need to drive on a calm highway with barely any cars on it; it is called a blue highway. In this short story the author is telling about how the interstate is not fun for people to see anything interesting because everything is on the exit ramps and that is a long way, away.
Are you doing anything this summer? If not them I have a camp for you! The (XPTL) eXplode Purpose Your Landing. This camo is during the summer for two weeks. If you’re the ages 10-18 then you qualify. All you have to do is fill out a form at www.xptlcamp.com\form or call 123-888-xptl.
I am very broadly known to be adventurous. I love to go to different places and explore many things. Another hobby of mine is photography; the ability to capture a memory or special moment in a picture so that you can remember it for a lifetime. That is why if I had a ticket in my hand, to go anywhere in the world, I would go to Australia. The world’s largest coral reef is located in Australia, it’s called the Great Barrier Reef. I would absolutely love to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef and explore the mysteries of the underwater world. I would be able to take underwater pictures and hold on to them forever, so that even when I leave the sea and leave Australia, the excitement and adrenaline will never leave me.
Why should you move west you say? Well! Out here in the Wild West you can get your own land for a very cheap price! We’re even offering free land to those who will live and farm there! What a great deal! Take the Oregon Trail and come visit the 49th parallel, or travel on the Santa Fe Trail and try your luck at mining for GOLD! On your journey here you will need supplies, but you will need to be selective so that it can all fit in your wagon. For your convenience we included a list of items you will most likely need at the bottom of this pamphlet. However, the end of your travel will bring little relief. You will now face the hard work of homebuilding and land clearing. Neighbors could be miles away. Water is difficult to obtain.
Another reason why I love road trips so much is because it’s literally the best way to catch up on any sleep you've missed out on, eventually when my family runs out of energy from screaming at the top of their lungs for hours, everyones tired and ready for a good nap. I cannot stress how much I love napping in the car, neck pillow underneath your head, the AC lightly hitting your face, curled up into a ball as the comforting movement of the car slowly puts you to sleep. I think a lot of people miss this part of a road trip which is very important, because their eyes are always glued to a screen. The scenery. Canada and America (the places we usually drive to) are both such incredible and diverse places with such magnificent scenery. There are so many beautiful sites like all the lakes and roads that go through forests and all the pretty skies you
COMMSA or the Communications Study Abroad Program is an opportunity everyone should be able to achieve. Being able to study in a foreign country gives students the chance to see differences in how they receive an education verse the new location they are studying in. San Jose State University is a huge supporter of students having this opportunity and even has uniquely styled programs made specifically for the Communications department. The study abroad program page on our SJSU website shows students two options that are specifically for Communication students for the summer of 2018, students could experience places like Jyväskylä, Finland or Berlin Germany, this is only the start of places that are offered to students.
As Emma Chase once said, “the greatest part of a road trip isn't the actual destination, it's all the wild stuff along the way.” As we turn right down the bumpy, black, cracked up street, driving approximately one mile until we reach the yellow light from my house. Looking to my fat right on the corner is the big green field, I always see the kids play football at. That's where I first started practicing for track at. As the light turns green, we make a sharp left turn merging onto I-94 freeway like any other day. Before I knew it we were on there driving at 60mph in the middle lane passing all of the exists. Nevertheless, distracted riding along, enjoying the cool windy breeze, looking at the junkyard and factories over the bridge, we almost forgot to merge over to the right on interstate 75 loopy split freeway heading North. Just as we did we found ourselves in the middle of downtown passing the bright lights of Greektown Casino on our way to my childhood place.
There are many activities, clubs, and classes offered at (EDMS) that students have the option to choose from each year. Some of the clubs students choose are Nerd herd, Art, and Spanish club. When it comes to activities, cheerleading, basketball, track or soccer are all very popular. In additional tion, foreign language, drama and chorus are all classes that students enjoy. However, the most popular out of everything that takes place at EDMS is Adventure Recreation.
Traveling abroad this holidays? Or may be looking around for the most awaited business meet overseas? Well, there’s lot to do before heading off to your destination, one of the most important to-do items is to make sure your phone works internationally. After all, those phone calls, photo uploads, emails, maps, or the travel guide need a reliable connection. No, leaving the phone safely at home is not an option here. But, how to ensure you stay connected abroad without breaking the bank?Here are few tips,
Whenever I asked older students or alumna what they regretted most about college, the number one response I would hear involved their disappointment in not studying abroad and experiencing the culture and academic challenge it offered. There responses remained with me as a reminder that there was more out there to experience than a classroom in the middle of Minnesota. However, many factors played into my decision to study abroad and ultimate acceptance into a study abroad program in Ireland, and did not come without its challenges. I am a biracial, first-generation college student, and a second generation American on my father’s side. It was difficult enough to urge my father to support me going to college, much less one that was two hours away; you can probably imagine his horror and immediate denial when I expressed interest in studying abroad in an entirely different country, especially when I originally wanted to study in Guatemala. Not only was he concerned about safety but, there remains the concern about financials.
Most people have that one vacation with no happy memories. “Remember the summer trip in 2008? The one where all you did was complain?” That’s the one. Money spent on these trips doesn’t care how often you were bored, making it seem as though it was wasted. But if every picture from the trip brings a smile to your face, then the larger cost isn’t as bad. It isn’t as difficult with older people to organize a vacation, because if they are together, similar activities often are enjoyed. The challenge comes when kids, mainly younger ones, are in tow. Adults planning vacations should consider what they are looking for, whether it is fun and adventure or calm and relaxed. But how do you know what’s appropriate for you, since every family is different?
Who would have thought that one day I would be able to go on an adventure alone and actually make it there and back in one piece? It was the summer of 2016, it had been so hot actually scorching every single day throughout June. All I wanted to do was jump into an ice-cold pool to cool down and feel refreshed but at the time our pool was being built so that idea was out the window, then another thought popped into my head, I just needed to get out of this house, I needed to venture somewhere that would be fun but also a place that would just take the burning sensation off my skin. That’s when it hit me, why don’t I go to Japan? It was perfect! I had family there and it would be a new experience for me to go alone instead of going with my mom like usual. I knew that it would be difficult to convince my parents to let me go across the world and at that alone, that in its self was a crazy idea that would never be okay with them. But I was not going to let them stop me from enjoying my summer and also restricting me to a new experience that would actually benefit me later in life. I just needed to figure out how I could convince them and also my family in Japan because without the approval from my grandparents in Japan then I would have nowhere to stay for the month and that definitely would be a bump in the road to convincing my parents.