How has literature influenced humans in society? There are many different ways to answer that question. May it be it has caused society to be more intellectual and philosophical, or has it caused society to be more debating and problem finding? Many answers have developed over the years of about this. Our contemporary society was influenced by the idea of memories and justice, obstacles and struggles can influence why a person writes, and how “the good life” can be unique to different people. First of all, people read and write in our society today because it helps them with the memories and bring justice to some struggles in their lives. For example, by writing down their memories, many authors and writers are able to overcome their fears and struggles. They do this and it helps them to express how they are feeling and what they experienced. Many people also by reading, author’s memories are able to relate to what they experienced in a similar fashion. In addition, writer often feel a sense of …show more content…
For example, an author’s life and obstacles often affect his/her writing, such as Elie Wiesel. In Elie Wiesel’s article “Why I Write: Making No Become Yes”, he writes about how his life in concentration camps, such as Auschwitz and Buchenwald. He writes how writing his memories from them down and in a sense getting justice for his time in the camps helped him to overcome these obstacles. In addition, many writers write about some struggles they experienced in their lives, such as Booker T. Washington. Washington often wrote about his time as a slave and overcoming the struggles of acceptance in society. These aspects resonate with me, a reader, because they are a part of everyone’s life. They should matter to other audiences because they are important to identify and overcome. Authors often write about the obstacles and struggles they experienced in
The relationship between reading and writing is magnificent because they are one and the same. A great consistency of reading can permit someone to become a great writer. While reading a variety of books, he/she learns about text structures and language that he/she can transfer to their writing. I believe that reading gives me knowledge, which I can use to create narratives, argumentative essays and analyses. While in college, I plan to read extensively and develop a love for reading and writing, which I will have to use to be successful in my
Elie Wiesel is a Holocaust survivor who went on to write about his experience during and after the Holocaust in many books, later he wrote “Why I Write: Making No Become Yes”, on why he decided to write his books. In “Why I Write: Making No Become Yes”, Elie Wiesel states many reasons why he decided to write his books. The first reason he gave is “Perhaps in order to not go mad”. Or, on the contrary, to touch the bottom of madness.” (2).
This is one of the reasons why keeping a notebook is favourable, as “memory is of the highest importance to men in every sphere of life” (Mnemon, 361-62). The sentiment one feels at a specific moment is evident through writing. It is “not a mere record of what we’ve done or what we’ve seen; it is a record of our reactions” (Smith, 26). However, writing does not always mean there is a purpose for it. It is sometimes done to release what has been irritating or affecting a person. Didion, for instance, discusses minor events where she remembers meeting people, even though this acquaintance will not affect her emotional capacity in the future. She was not sure “how much of it actually happened”, or the reason behind her writing it but it should not matter what part of it occurred. Didion suggests that if a piece of writing has a sense of association with a person, regardless of whether it produces a good memory or not, recording its detailed episodes. She succeeds in getting this point across by her several uses of
After thinking about this question for some time I came up with a very simple answer. We write to discover meaning. When we read we ask questions on what an author’s point is. What is his or her point that they are trying to make? After reading “The End of Remembering” I noticed that we write to put our thoughts on paper. Like the Editors say in the introduction to The Ways of Reading, “These essays are meant to be challenging.” (Editors 8) Foer’s “The End of Remembering” is a great essay that has no boundaries in terms of the questions asked. It also presents different arguments that can be developed on memory. Foer wants his readers to think on why the subjects of reading and writing are important. He starts the chapter with the subject of memory but asks why we read.
What provokes a person to write about his or her life? What motivates us to read it? Moreover, do men and women tell their life story in the same way? The answers may vary depending on the person who answers the questions. However, one may suggest a reader elects to read an autobiography because there is an interest. This interest allows the reader to draw from the narrator's experience and to gain understanding from the experience. When the reader involves him/herself in the experience, the reader encounters what is known and felt by the narrator. The encounter may provide the reader an opportunity to explore a
I honestly agree to what Elie Wiesel has to say, “when human lives are endangered when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Where ever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion or political views, that pace must at the moment become the center of the universe.”
Everyone has problems of their own and they go through different ways of dealing with them. For example, my aunt’s friend who is a drug addict has to cope with knowing if she keeps taking drugs, she will hurt herself and her family. She decided to go to rehab and get her life back on track. Writers can relate also because everyone has issues of their own. Authors have written about people, or themselves who go through hard times in their lives.
Writing may be an enthralling experience for one and a clever way to decompress for another. In general, however, writing has different purposes for a variety of people. “Why I Write,” written in the late 20th century by Terry Tempest Williams, describes various reasons for writing narrated from a female’s perspective. The short essay begins in the middle of the night with a woman engulfed in her own thoughts. She abruptly goes forth by reciting the multiple reasons why she continues to write in her life. Through a variety of rhetorical devices such as repetition, imagery, analogies, and symbolism, Terry Tempest Williams produces an elegant piece of writing that offers the audience insight into the narrator’s life and forces the audience to have empathy for the narrator with the situation she is incurring.
As stated previously, the reason why a book, novel, poetry is important in understanding our world is because every being perceive the story differently and it provides a different meaning for each individual that reads that piece. For example, to me Dugard’s memoir showed me a side of the world that I knew existed, but never knew it existed for others. While, someone outside of my world may view this written piece as a lesson for young females. The writing is not what makes literature piece important; it’s the visual image we have while we read the piece. The questions we ask ourselves when reading the novel, memoir, and
According to the book “Call to Freedom” over 6 million Jews died during WWII and after the war only 3.5 million Jews remained. This means nearly two thirds of the Jewish population died during the Holocaust. The Holocaust created a trail of despair, but it also revealed that normal citizens could possess extraordinary stamina. One of the survivors named Elie Wiesel possessed this stamina. At the age of 15, the German police took him and his family away from their home and moved them into a ghetto and then later a series of concentration camps. Only Mr. Wiesel survived. In his memoir Night Wiesel exhibited an extraordinary amount of stamina by staying true to himself in times of hardship and when he took care of his dad even though his dad
Society today reflects and is shaped by literature in many ways. By reading different works, readers can be influenced by different ideas. When a person is exposed to a variety of different ideas and concepts, they often times change the way that they think or go about daily life. For example, books like The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass gave people insight to what it was like to live a life of oppression, thus making people feel sympathetic for him. Society also reflects literature in that we see a lot of patterns repeated from books to everyday life.
Literature is normally influenced by a particular time period. Most literature is influenced by war, poverty, or any other social movement. People write about the events that took place, or they just describe the time period, in like what many writers did
Many people read for fun but they are also learning while doing it. They are learning new words and expanding their vocabulary. Learning is a necessity in life and people learn the most by reading. Reading is an everyday activity and if an author writes something people expect to learn from it. It also makes the author learn. While writing the author is putting his skills to use. By doing that they are keeping their brain function high and they are getting relieving themselves from any medical issues that come with age and affect the brain.This being true that is an effect from writing you can learn from reading it and from writing
I prefer to use writing to record my daily life, with a little imagination, a large number of popular languages, realistic dialogue and scenes to create the wonderful memory. Writing for me is definitely a continuation of my experiences and it helps me to research the value of myself. When I read many books, I strongly desire to write. As an idea flashed into my mind, it forces me to record it. I obtain a great deal of experience and feelings in my life, so I can not help but express it to others. Writing is important for me to share my stories, and it is be regarded as my big achievement.
Reading and writing are both important; you can’t have one without the other. They are skills that are increased constantly due to little things that most times are not noticed. Whether it is from a book to a poem, there will always be a way that it helps out your school performance. Reading and writing in general only helps absorb information, and enhance leisure or school related writing tasks. It has also made life itself so much easier because reading and writing are so beneficial for school and for life. How much you read and write today, will somehow affect your future job, family, position, or even your salary.