
Why I Write Making No Become Yes By Elie Wiesel

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How has literature influenced humans in society? There are many different ways to answer that question. May it be it has caused society to be more intellectual and philosophical, or has it caused society to be more debating and problem finding? Many answers have developed over the years of about this. Our contemporary society was influenced by the idea of memories and justice, obstacles and struggles can influence why a person writes, and how “the good life” can be unique to different people. First of all, people read and write in our society today because it helps them with the memories and bring justice to some struggles in their lives. For example, by writing down their memories, many authors and writers are able to overcome their fears and struggles. They do this and it helps them to express how they are feeling and what they experienced. Many people also by reading, author’s memories are able to relate to what they experienced in a similar fashion. In addition, writer often feel a sense of …show more content…

For example, an author’s life and obstacles often affect his/her writing, such as Elie Wiesel. In Elie Wiesel’s article “Why I Write: Making No Become Yes”, he writes about how his life in concentration camps, such as Auschwitz and Buchenwald. He writes how writing his memories from them down and in a sense getting justice for his time in the camps helped him to overcome these obstacles. In addition, many writers write about some struggles they experienced in their lives, such as Booker T. Washington. Washington often wrote about his time as a slave and overcoming the struggles of acceptance in society. These aspects resonate with me, a reader, because they are a part of everyone’s life. They should matter to other audiences because they are important to identify and overcome. Authors often write about the obstacles and struggles they experienced in

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