Micah Liston
English Composition
Mr. Ward
21 March 2017
Abortion: Can it be right and wrong?
As we all know abortion is one of the many topics everybody has an opinion. It is an unhappy topic to talk about and it’s more commonly known to make people furious, but it is an issue that is most likely to be discussed. As mentioned, people discuss abortion because everyone always has a say to it. There are people who are against it and there are people who support it. These groups are known as the pro-life and pro-choice organizations. Now what is an abortion? An abortion is the termination of pregnancy. It may sound so bad but there are many reasons on why some women do it. Pro-life supporters believe it’s immoral and inhumane because of the
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There are also women out there who may not be able to support a child financially as well. There are women who may not want a child at the moment because they’re too busy with their career and their future. Or deciding an abortion to save your life or the mother’s life. It all comes down to the many reasons why women choose abortion. The history of abortion began many centuries ago and it has derived in many different cultures. In these cultures, abortion was frowned upon, it was thought to be a crime and sin. The most early known description of abortion came from the Egyptians. Their idea was of having an induced abortion, they made use of a plant-fiber tampon coated with a compound that included honey and crushed dates (Head, 2017). Another procedure involved crocodile dung, it was made into a pessary with dough and inserted into the vagina (Thorpe, 2015). The most recent recorded surgical procedure were performed in the nineteenth-century. In the 19th century, surgical abortions was practiced through crude techniques and were given few or no antiseptics that could even lead to death (“Our …show more content…
In the United States, abortion were illegal from the 1800s until 1973. According to National Abortion Federation, women would often get “back alley” abortions, meaning they were illegal and unsafe, and were performed dangerously. Before the legalization of abortion, it is estimated that “between 200,000 and 1.2 million illegally induced abortions occured annually in the United States” (Merino, Noel 53). This initiated a medical movement that prevented women from dying or injuring themselves from unsafe abortions. A movement of public, health, legal, religious women organizations that successfully urged one-third of state legislatures to liberalize their abortion statutes (Merino, Noel 53). This is where Roe v. Wade began. The decision that acknowledged women to their right to make childbearing choices, and the woman's right to decide whether to continue her pregnancy or terminate it under the privacy between herself, and her doctor without any legal consultation within the state. On January 22nd, 1973, the decision was legitimate nationwide in making abortions legal in hopes of creating a safer
In 1973 the law of Roe vs. Wade did away with back alley abortions and gave women the right to choose abortion. Women were then able to legally obtain them through medically sound institutions. Rather than on her bathroom floor through the process of a coat hanger or at back alley abortion clinics that were not always the most hygienic options. “In handing down Roe v. Wade (401 U.S. 113) on 22 January 1973, the Supreme Court held that a woman’s right to choose abortion was constitutionally protected as a part of her right to privacy; abortion thus became legal throughout the United States. This decision prohibited any level of government from interfering with abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy “except to insist that it be
Hey mom, I have been meaning to tell you something. She replied, “ what is it honey?” I’m thinking of having an Abortion. Mom yelled in anger, “ Are you being serious, why are you killing an innocent baby?!” Abortion is a huge issue in our community. It’s not right to harm a baby that has done no harm to the mother. Reasons why abortion is bad is, it appears as an awful crime, it is cruel to take away somebody’s life based on your judgement,and it’s selfish for the mother to think to only think for herself.
In every society whether it was legal or legal, abortions were used to control fertility. In the United States it was practiced legally until about 1880, by then most states had banned it except to save a woman's life. It was widely practiced through the entire period it was illegal. In the 1890’s there were an estimate of two million abortions per year and, one to two million annually during the 1920’s-30’s. Whether a
Abortion has been around since the earliest times. The first recorded abortion recipe dates back to 2600 B.C. (“History of Abortion”). Ancient societies supported abortion
Do you know how many abortions happen per day? 3,288 that’s how many, not only that but 137 happen per hour, and overall in a whole year there are 1.2 million. Looking at those numbers suddenly there is an understanding that, that is how many people get killed every hour and not only people but children, kids, the things that we are or used to be. 1.2 million Deaths a year not counting homicides and that is just in America. Yet people are saying that there is nothing wrong with them. That is incorrect, there is everything wrong with abortions.
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth and is considered morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus, it is the destruction of many helpless and innocent children across world. By going through the process of having this procedure done, humans therefore hurt themselves; they do not give these little ones a chance to come out in the world and be one or maybe a teacher, doctor or the president of tomorrow. People often argue that because the child is unborn then it is not murder but my question is what is it then? Why kill an unborn harmless child because you simply do not want it; that is why they have foster homes and people can adopt children if they aren’t want Abortion is wrong in all different form,
Abortion is a process that ends an undesired pregnancy without resulting in the birth of a child. There are two forms of abortion, medical abortion and surgical abortion. Both are equally wrong. Every abortion kills an innocent human being before they have a chance to impact this world. The only sin that these unborn children have is the original sin that all human beings are born with. The sin that these fetuses’ mothers and the doctors that abort them have is much greater. It is clearly stated in the Bible that murdering an innocent human being is wrong. Proverbs 6: 16-19 states that there are six things that the Lord hates,” haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to
Did you know that when abortion became legalized in 1973, more than 53 million unborn babies have been killed? That’s 155 babies per hour. From Roe v. Wade through 2011, almost 53 million legal abortions were performed in the United States – an average of about 1.4 million abortions per year. I believe abortion is wrong because they are human beings, it may lead to future medical complications for the mothers and it's like treating the unborn children as slaves.
Abortion has been and continues to be among the most contested and heated debates (at least in the U.S.). Despite this, arguments on both sides usually fall short of proving their claim, relying on emotion and political dogma to assert their claim, instead of their side’s rational arguments. Don Marquis (abortion as immoral) and Judith Jarvis Thomson (abortion as not necessarily immoral), however, break this general trend remarkably well. It is the purpose of this paper to outline why abortion is immoral (according to Don Marquis) and, after showing an inadequacy his argument faces from the writing of Judith Jarvis Thomson, to attempt to solve the inadequacy.
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy that is usually argumentative between people who are pro-life and pro-choice. Meaning a very controversial issue. A person can be completely against it while others believe a woman should have the choice to decide what happens to her body. I, myself, believe that abortion is morally and ethically wrong. Not to mention the medical risk that may be involved along with the emotional factors.
In the following paragraphs we will see a basic discussion on six general ways that abortion is performed. We go into graphic detail explaining the procedures that are used in such manners. Here we determine within ourselves if abortion is right, justifiable, non-justifiable, wrong, murder, manslaughter, or criminal negligence. Here we posed provoking questions that make one think on the issues that are relevant to living things. Here we are shown what one side is like and excusable for a fetus while depicting the other side of the same procedures that are used on living born human beings and become punishable by a court of law. Through detail and research we see what a double mined society we have and conscience seared people that we associate with. The decision is yours, what will it be?
In Exodus 20:13 it states that,”Thou shalt not kill.” listed in the 10 commandments. People in today’s society may say things like, “What is so wrong with it?” or “The baby never feels anything” All of these are statements from people trying to make it sound like taking a poor, innocent child's life is okay. Is abortion wrong or right?
There are many reasons as to why a woman may want to get an abortion, but those reasons may not make having an abortion ethical. Some reasons include rape, incest, not being financially able to support a child, having a disabled child, the pregnancy causing dangers to the woman’s health or simply not wanting to care for a child. If the woman has the child it may interfere
Abortions have been performed ubiquitously for thousands of years predating the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade when the United States made it possible for women to get abortions legally from properly trained medical practitioners. In the 1880s, abortion was a risky process due to inaccessibility to hospitals and consequently, was often performed in life-threatening, unhygienic conditions. “Prohibition of legal abortion from the 1880s until 1973 came under the…Comstock laws that prohibited the dissemination of birth control information and services” (National Abortion Federation 1). However, criminalizing abortion did not reduce the multitude of women seeking to terminate their pregnancies. It is estimated that “In the years before Roe v. Wade … [the number of] illegal abortions ranged as high as 1.2 million per year” (Tietze C, Henshaw, Induced Abortion: A World Review). For this reason, many women in the United States faced higher medical risks and psychological problems after attempting to self-induce their abortions in unsanitary environments.
“I have noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”- Ronald Reagan