Adolf Hitler was one of the worst leaders in history, he used children as a manipulation tactic, he was the mastermind behind the holocaust, he was a complete unethical leader, he was a liar, a manipulator, he cared nothing about the people but what got him what he desired was he had charisma that not many people are able to see through (Takala & Auvinen, 2016). I did a research paper on Adolf Hitler back several years ago, what I uncovered about him and the information I uncovered about his leadership, as well as the innocent blood he had on his hands, made me sick to my stomach, how someone could be that evil I would never understand. Adolf Hitler established his government by lies, manipulation, bribery, corruption, and more, Hitler was
Adolf Hitler is described by many as a mass murderer and a manipulating dictator, however, it can be said that in my perspective and the perspective of the German population during WWII that he was a great leader and a hero in the resurrection of German power. It is the obvious truth that in result of the actions committed by Adolf Hitler hundreds of thousands innocent
There have been countless atrocities committed throughout history. Most of these atrocities are justified and developed from ideas and false realities. The most infamous atrocity of all history, the holocaust is no exception. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany from 1933 until his suicide at the end of WWII, was directly responsible for the deaths of over 12 million people. Alan Bullock in his book Hitler a Study in Tyranny dispels any notion that any of Hitler’s ideas were original. Bullock proposes that Hitler and his rise to power was a product of other political ideas and a knack for exploiting the timing of events to extend his influence. According to Bullock Hitler’s coming to power was the product the political ideals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries which he was exposed to, the world post-WWI, and a knack for exposition events to his favor. He used his gifts of using propaganda and his organizational skills to use politics as a means to achieving power.
Throughout history many have seen dictators or tyrants as manipulative and crazy. Many struggle with the ideology of a clinically prescribed psychopath as the previous leader of a country. Hitler was one of these leaders. The lasting effects of his horrible rule still haunt humans today. But what really lead Hitler to be this way is the way he was treated as a child.. By looking at Hitler’s childhood and his mental disorders that came from it, one can learn a lot about him. This may not excuse his behavior but it can help one to understand it. Hitler’s childhood led to his rise in power and his strong beliefs that evidently created his influence through harsh parental relationships, his overbearing anxiety, and his need to control everything
Adolf Hitler was a horrible person and the things that he was in control of in world War two are absolutely horrific. Adolf Hitler was Born on the 20th of April !889 in the Austrian town of Braunan am Inn and died on the 30th of April 1945 in Berlin Germany. Hitler in his early life was a fairly reasonable child, we was popular with teachers and peers. Once he reached high school things started to chance get started to fail and lost interest with school and friends. He then dropped out of school moved to Vienna and tried getting into a few major art school but was rejected. He then joined the German Arm he quickly moved up the rank and one several awards. He got injured and when into a depression. He was then sent as a spy to the German Workers' party, an anti-Semitic, nationalist group or other wise know and the Nazis. He ended up agree with what they where saying so he then became a part of this organization.
As a leader, he was able to reach his goal of becoming a dictator rather early on in his reign, along with the love and support of the German people. All of Hitler’s beliefs and wrongdoings are now seen all over the world as absurd and inhumane. However, when he was the dictator and overall ruler of Germany, ideas were different. Because Hitler ruled with such violence and resilience, he was able to strike fear into the minds of the nation as a whole.
Adolf Hitler was one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators. He was responsible for World War II and the death of millions. Hitler saw a nation in despair and used this as an opportunity to gain political power. He saw a nation of unemployed and hungry citizens and promised them economic prosperity in return for absolute power. Someone once said "The Nazis rose to power on the empty stomachs of the German people".
Living under Nazi rule from the year 1933 to 1939 was bad because the Nazi party had total power over Germany. Most of the people that lived in Germany were brain washed into thinking that Hitler was like a God to them and who anyone thought differently was ether killed or they disappeared and none of the local people knew where they went. Some of the promises that Hitler made to the people were divided, but overall life was bad for several reasons.
Adolf Hitler Gloria Bautista BUS 320 Ms. Huynh May 19, 2018 Abstract Adolf Hitler is one of the most infamous characters in world history, known for his leadership in the Nazi Party and his role as chancellor of Germany in the early 1930s. After the devastating results of World War II and the Holocaust, can Hitler be considered a leader despite the damages he influenced? Was he a great leader? On the basis and definition of what a good leader is, Hitler was a great leader.
Hitler was a very bad man. Everyone knows all the bad things he has done to Germany. But do we know any of the good things he did. He did do some good things. We do not have to be pro Hitler to acknowledge the good things he did for Germany.
There is no doubt that Hitler was a very powerful human who destroyed people’s lives all over the world. Hitler’s reign of Germany will never be forgotten. Hitler was the leader of Germany who ran the Nazi party. The Nazi’s were ruthless people who would do whatever needed to get their way, even if it meant killing the innocent. The Nazi’s hated communists and Jewish descendants. They wanted an Aryan society. Hitler was power hungry and wanted to more land for Germany and invaded Poland starting World War II. Hitler would stop at nothing to get his way. After researching Hitler, I concluded that he was a very intelligent and persuasive human. Hitler was able to get an entire country to follow him in just a couple of years. However, I believe
Adolf Hitler is one of, if not, the most infamous person to ever come to power. The atrocities and violent acts he did are no doubt, terrible and should not have happened, however, there is a reason that a person like him was able to get to power. This is not to say that the crimes he committed against Jews, disabled people, and gays were justified, but there is a series of events that ultimately led to Hitler controlling and brainwashing the German people, as well as him starting the second world war. The first event was the ending of the first world war, more specifically the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. In June of 1919, the Allies announced that if the German government did not sign the document, the war would continue on.
Adolf Hitler was one of the greatest military leaders in history. While his intentions were mostly selfish and evil in nature, his expert plans and creativeness led the Nazi party to be feared around the globe as one of the greatest world superpowers. However, there’s a reason the Nazi party isn’t still around today and that Germany doesn’t have control of the whole world. Hitler made a few fatal mistakes that cost him world power because, even though he was a terrible one, he’s still human.
If there is such a thing as effective leadership, it involves enthusiasm, inspiration and devotion. Throughout his reign of dominance, the historical and contentious Adolf Hitler had possessed all of the listed traits; qualities in which a transformational leader seizes. Witherbee (2009) revealed that Adolf Hitler was an Australian-born German politician that was highly known as the leader of the Nazi Party. As a fascist and socialist, he took part in the Holocaust and World War II promoting the ideology of a central leadership. Moreover, Hitler’s ultimate goal was to pursue and total Nazi-German hegemony. Regardless of the blatant amount of wrong doings
From January of 1933 to April of 1945, Adolf Hitler ruled over the German people and became known as one of the most notorious dictators the world has ever seen. Several studies done by scholars and historians show that Hitler “displayed substantial initiative, toughness of mind, self-confidence, and ruthlessness” (Housden 188). Using coercion techniques and his understanding of the human psyche, Hitler was able to bully and lie to his European neighbors in order to achieve his objectives. He fooled nations into believing his “peaceful” intentions, but his mission for World War II came to an ultimate failure leading to his suicide in April of 1945 (Housden 200). Adolf Hitler faced eventual failure as a military leader as a result of his misunderstandings of the “rules” of warfare. Hitler’s lack of experience and his inadequate knowledge of warfare were two of the key points that proved to be fatal.
A man of power, a leader of chaos, a warlord of destruction, Adolf Hitler is one of the most famous dictators in history. He started off as a young boy in the art profession, but once he joined the military, he could not stop striving for power. Adolf started with a nation in distress and disorder, and he was on a mission to change this, but change it to his liking. Hitler’s strategy for restoring Germany to its former glory was through destruction and insanity, but he had all the power in the world. Adolf Hitler had a thirst for power that did not stop with becoming the leader of Germany, but was satisfied by attacking countries and killing innocent people.