River Civilizations Essay. Rivers are very important to any ancient civilization. One of the major resources that rivers provided was silt. Silt is a kind of dirt filled with important minerals and nutrients that are very helpful in planting and growing crops. Silt is produced when a river floods and after the flood is over a nutrient rich soil is left over. Another recourse that rivers provide is food. Rivers can provide fish that can be used to feed a family or whole city. The final major function of rivers in my opinion is transportation. Transportation is a very important river function because it can lead to trade and growth of a civilization. By trading you can get recourses that you don’t have or that you want and you can borrow …show more content…
One of those civilizations was ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt was located on the Nile River which flows through Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zaire, the Sahara Desert, Kenya, Tanzania, Eritrea, Burundi and Rwanda. The Nile River is the longest river in the world. The Nile River had many of functions for Ancient Egypt and helped them in many different ways from silt to transportation. The Ancient Egyptians were able to predict flooding of the Nile which came in handy so they could be well protected and prepared. The Ancient Egyptians would actually celebrate the flooding the Nile because they knew that after the flood was over silt would be left over which they could use to grow crops if there was a drought. Egyptians were also excellent sailors which came in handy when it came time for trading. Ancient Egypt traded many of things like gold, papyrus, linen, and grain. Trading also helped Egypt move forward because they could borrow ideas from other places that they traded with and mix them into their culture. In my opinion trading was good, but it also was bad because it allowed people to know that there was a great civilization there and know people knew how to get
It is continually praised throughout the text, that every God and Pharaoh praised the river for bringing them riches. It was a major influence to the inhabitants and their religion. The river made it possible for the people to actually live in the desert barren place, it was the only way could fertilize the land for crops and animals. The river did flood once in a while, but they were predictable compare to other regions. This allowed the people to prepare for the upcoming flood; but they weren’t so bad. The floods would bring in more water for the animals but also leave behind a plentiful amount of mud for soil use. The river brought people from all over to trade, to shape culture, religion, and arts to the Egyptian’s peoples
Ancient river civilizations are agricultural civilizations that grew along rivers as the name suggests. Such civilizations benefited much from the benefits provided by the river which included drinking water supply, fish for food, transportation of people and goods as well as fertile land for the growth of crops. Ancient Egypt is an example of one of these early river valley civilizations, as it developed as a result of the Nile River. These river valley civilizations shared a quite a number of similarities, one of the being the construction of large structures as a show of wealth or way of appeasing gods and the development of unique building strategies.
Rivers is also a natural protection from enemies. The location provides basic needs to the people.
Another important factor is the rivers allowed civilizations to have more trade routes, and get to places inland faster, as well as the sea. The societies could trade their resources for ones they didn’t have, which allowed their technology to grow and their populations to expand. Trade “brought in new goods and immigrants” which allowed for an increase of resources and technology. Many of the River Valley Civilizations traded with each other sharing their technology.
Rivers can help develop different civilizations such as the Nile River. This great river measures thirty five hundred miles through many different countries (Orlin, 2010). The Nile helped to bring life, security and dictated how the people planned activities throughout the year. For example, the farmers would seed the land after the Nile would start swell and then recede to its normal banks (Orlin, 2010). This helped the seedlings to grow and then produce bountiful harvest. The Nile provided security for the Egyptian people by allowing the reeds and natural grasses around the bank of the river (Orlin, 2010). This would allow any enemy that wanted to attack to not
The ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations by having floods from the nile river that provided water, food and fertile area in the middle of the desert as document 1 states. In document 2 it says that they also had rivers that provided many resources such as transportation, trade as well as plants, the rivers were surrounded by deserts.
The Nile helps with trade, transportation and jobs. The Nile river travels down south to Nubia, a place that they trade with. They could trade goods up and down river on the Nile which helps with Egypt’s relations with Nubia and also increases income of merchants. The Nile was also used for transportation. They could sail on the Nile to trade, move materials for a pyramid or tomb faster, and could bring important people from place to place. As said before, the seasons were based on when the Nile flooded. They also had a season for selling crops that were grown on the Nile. There are also many jobs that are on the Nile. Some of them are, sailors, rowers, boat builders, navigators, loaders, merchants, gaurds and a lot more. Without the Nile Egypt wouldn’t have any trade routes and there would be a lot less
All the civilizations lived among rivers. The ancient Egyptians lived among the Nile River. The ancient Egyptians highly regarded the Nile as incredibly important and life giving. The Nile was important because it watered all of the land and in return deposited silt that was used to grow crops to feed all the animals and people.
The Nile River was the life force of ancient Egypt. People from all over the region immigrated to the area for its irrigation waters and rich silt deposits. The geography of the region played a huge role in the way the inhabitants and civilization in general was formed. The main core of Egypt covered 386, 560 square miles, of which only 11, 720 were cultivable (Tignor et al., Worlds Together, 62). The Nile differed itself specifically from the Tigris and Euphrates in that its waters did not irrigate or fertilize nearly as well but it did create green belts along the water. This created a society that flourished along the river. The Nile unlike Mesopotamia did not have a bountiful borderland but did have a desert rich in materials. The Niles predictability as the source of life and abundance shaped the character of the people and their culture. (Tignor et al., Worlds Together, 63). The Nile was peaceful and calm unlike the vicious Tigris And Euphrates Rivers. Egypt with its natural borders, which included the Mediterranean Sea, Deserts, and Large Waterfalls, was very isolated. This helped to achieve
Ancient river valley civilizations are one of the earliest societies in the world. The rises of these ancient river valley civilizations started the first cradle of civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia, and Ancient China are the earliest civilizations that were successful enough to make enough food for everybody. Every one of these civilizations had three things in common: they all had a special relationship with the river, they created their own writing system, and they all relied on trade.
(doc 1) The cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia developed into successful The cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia developed into successful civilizations because they built lot’s and they tried to survive for as long as they could. To begin, the Egyptians used any source or form of water that they could find. Like when the Egyptian Civilization was set up next to the Nile river, they depended on it for many things. Like, when the Nile overflowed and it helped them make good farming soil for their crops.
The Nile was the source of everything in Ancient Egypt. Early people built their lives around a river, eventually developing into Ancient Egypt. The Nile did not shape Ancient Egypt literally, but culturally. The Nile grew Egypt’s crops, created its traditions, making jobs, giving life to and protecting all.
How Is Animalism Compared to Communism? In “Animal Farm”, written by George Orwell, the animals on Mr. Jones’ farm desire a rebellion against humans. Their plan is called animalism; all animals are friends and all humans are enemies (p. 11). Similar to the animals’ rebellion is a man-made idea called communism.
The poets use personification to create a message about nature in the poems "The Earth is a Living Thing," "Sleeping in the Forest," and "Gold" by making the forest seem to be living and breathing like a human. In "The Earth is a living Thing,'' feel her brushing it clean" this in referring to the universe 'brushing' the earths 'hair'. Usually, when a mom brushes its child's hair, it shows that the mother is favoring that child over its other children. This shows that the Earth is one special planet that is loved by the universe. One example of personification in "Sleeping in the Forest" is "I thought the earth remembered me.
In the source provided the writer is very against the idea of globalization and compares it to a disease. This source is very directed to citizens and government for the reason it states that the minority of the population benefits but the majority suffer. The source to an extent is correct that there are negatives but there are also some positives that come from it. For example health care and technology as well as other ideas are able to be spread to other countries an assist them to make their lives better or easier. On the other hand it can be bad because some countries that are already not as evolved or at the same step might not be able to afford the new research or tech that is invented that is why this source or topic different for each person it depends on you view and where you live.