
Why Is Andrew Carnegie A Hero

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Andrew Carnegie was a hero amongst a few people but it can be debatable towards others. Andrew Carnegie was born in November 1835, in the attic of a weaver’s cottage in Dunfermline, Scotland. While he was growing up, his family was poor, so his family decided to move to the United States, he started working at the age of twelve. As he got older he got promoted into different positions and because of this he was able to build up his own business and bought out his competition. Could Andrew Carnegie be considered a hero? A hero is a person that does something astonishing such as provide courage, integrity and intelligence. Andrew Carnegie was not considered a hero in three areas of his life: business, money and social.
The first area in …show more content…

Shinn’s point is to see the increase and decrease of production costs and selling prices. This evidence helps explain why Carnegie was not a hero because Shinn is only talking about the production price and the selling cost of steel rails. For example, in The Saturday Globe it illustrates how Carnegie had “Double Role”(The Saturday Globe, 1892). In making this comment, the Saturday Globe is trying to say that Carnegie was playing two roles because he could give away money and still made notices about wages being reduced. This demonstrates how he wasn’t a hero because he would reduce the wages of his employees to give that away. Money was one of the many reasons why Carnegie wasn’t a hero because of how he took away wages from his employees to give it away. Although money was important to him, he still felt that he needed to donate it to the public.
The third area in which Carnegie wasn’t a hero was social. Garland states, “Everywhere where grimy men with sallow and lean faces” (Garland, 1894). Garland is trying to prove the difference between two people’s payments. This doesn’t help answer the question of Carnegie being a hero because it’s talking about people’s pay. According to Carnegie, “Why should men leave great fortunes to their children”(Carnegie,1889). Carnegie is saying that rich man that leave money should be disgraced because they wouldn’t

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