
Why Is Animal Testing Wasteful

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You’re Beautiful, There Dead Is it morally right for companies to be using animals to see if your everyday products are safe? Surely people don't that millions of animals are being in pain and in suffering testing to see if its safe and if hypoallergenic properties of products could be used by humans. Companies use animals to test their products when it's wasteful and unnecessary just to see if a product is safe enough to be put on the market. Another key point is that animal testing is wasteful. One reason animal testing is wasteful is that they prolong the suffering of people waiting for effective products or cures by misleading experiments and squandering precious money, time, and resources that could have been spent on human-relevant research(Michael O. Leavitt). This is wasteful because people could be waiting lots of time and spending lots of money on a test that has very little chance of succeeding.The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has noted that “95 percent of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials because they don't work or are dangerous.” The evidence before this is wasteful because …show more content…

The world doesn't need eyeliner, hand soap, food ingredients, drugs so badly that it will come at the expense of animals lives. Fore instance this is unnecessary because we have so many alternatives when it comes to all of these products. Currently, millions of animals are trapped in laboratories, where they are experimented on and live in constant pain. It's unnecessary to inflict harm on another living thing that has feelings.Tests on animals are extremely expensive, consume a lot of time and energy, and use many animals for a scientific point of view, the results are not necessarily transferable to humans. The past evidence states that it is unnecessary to animal test because the work they spent finding on a drug that works on animals won't work on humans in the long

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