
Why Is Artemis Harmful To Grow Seed?

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In Mount Olympus, Artemis is hunting animals for fun when suddenly her brother Apollo comes and says “There is a big problem. They haven’t come.” “Who hasn’t come?The ships?” Artemis asks. Artemis is very impress because the ships would have always come two weeks before, “Why haven’t they come?” Artemis continues. She and the others haven’t gather up food that they could trade with the ships. Artemis gets the animals that she hunted while saying “ Ok the ships haven’t arrive, and if the ships come anyways there’s no trading neither food that we can offer to trade because the Mycenaeans will bring seeds, wheat vegetables and fruit to trade”. In Mount Olympus is sometimes hard to grow seeds because it is not a flat plays. Leto, Apollo, …show more content…

They move to Athens and as they said, it was wonderful, a big land with people really nice.They really did know how to work hard. The lands where green with a lot of beautiful flowers and other beautiful plants. It looked as beautiful as shining diamonds . Even if there was already enough food for them and even to trade, the people will keep working on getting it better with more farming and trying to improve the places in which they lived in. “There is food and all the things that you need and the others need” says Zeus. The two siblings meet Athena their sister and she is really nice to them she offer them a place to stay. Artemis says “everything is nice here but i really like to live in Mount Olympus” me too, says Apollo. The Family stays there for about 5 months, “this place is really nice, and the Mycenaeans are really good workers we should offer some Mycenaeans to work in Mount olympus”. Apollo asks some Mycenaeans if they want to work in Mount Olympus. Only three people want because they need work. So they send those Mycenaeans to Mount olympus to work there so that they could bring food for people that

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