
Why Is Atomic Bombing Important In Ww2

Decent Essays

Atomic bombing in WWII WWII was the bloodiest war in history. With over eighty million deaths, more than 50 of which were civilians. Some of these deaths occurred when armies stormed towns, but many of those deaths came from the atomic bombing in Japan. The atomic bomb is the most powerful weapon humans ever created. When it was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the effects were unparalleled. The atomic bomb dropping was severe, but we warned Japan, and the area will be inhabitable in about 14 days. If we did not drop the bomb, there would have been many more casualties than there were, both American and Japanese On July 26, 1945, the US, Britain, and China gave Japan the surrender terms. At the end, it said that Japan would face “prompt and utter destruction” (Potsdam Declaration if they did not surrender. After Japan refused, they broadcasted the meeting results to Japan, and they sent leaflets to Japan’s cities. Even though it was illegal to pick up enemy leaflets, and listen to foreign broadcast stations, it still got the message across to a lot of Japanese families. Also, civilians were told to pressure their leader to surrender, so they would not suffer any more deaths. …show more content…

For example, say that there is normally 1000 micrograms. In seven hours, there is only 100 micrograms. In seven squared, or forty-nine hours, there is only 10 micrograms, and in seven cubed hours, or three hundred forty three hours, there is only one microgram. Since the radiation in the two bombs was so radioactive, it had a short decay rate. When the nuclear bomb exploded, in about 49 hours, the area was mostly free of radiation, with very little radioactive material remaining. In the spring after the atomic bombing, grass was growing in that area, and people were starting to settle in that

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