Australia is definitely ideal place to live for young people. In Australia, which is a considerably new country, the population, the economy and the opportunities are growing quickly. This huge land offers its inhabitants quality of life on a similar level as people have in western countries offering every kind of service, work, and entertainment. Good quality of life has been reached thanks to a low population density, low pollution levels and a modern and efficient infrastructure.
What is more, young people can easily find a well-paid jobs. Unemployment rates are very low - 5.6% compared to 8.8% in Poland. Australia has the highest minimum wages in the world, even those in casual jobs are paid much more than in Europe. Second
(Meta Description: Great places to live in Australia, Australian cities, Living in Australia, Australian immigration, migration to Australia, Moving to Australia)
Living and working conditions near the turn of the 20th century in Australia was very diverse and many social issues where apparent. Firstly, working conditions where often poor and the majority of working class Australians had little to no spare time due to being devoted to their jobs. Many men felt entitled to be the strength of a household and provide for the family, and often women and children had to seek employment because most families needed more income flow, however women mostly tended to their household duties . Working conditions where poor and jobs consisted of long hours of labor and little pay, however 4 weeks’ annual leave was granted just as it is today. Secondly, living conditions where very cramped and unsafe, the average
Australia, officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia is a country surrounded by water, consisting of the mainland continent of Australia, the Island of Tasmania, and several smaller islands. By total area Australia is the world’s sixth largest country. Australia is a highly developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world. Throughout the history of the country, Australia has continuously grown stronger and stronger. We will discuss the history, politics, economics, and the military forces that make Australia such a strong nation.
Minimum wage is the lowest legal a person can pay for labor. This amount of pay is determined by the country’s government. Currently, the minimum wage in the United States as a whole is $7.25, but in California minimum wage is at $10.00 statewide. One country that has a minimum wage is Canada. Their current minimum wage rate is $10.01 as of 2016. The reason they have a current minimum wage is because this rate either adjusts of increases based on the average of the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (Gov of Canada). This helps the people of Canada because of the wage on average increases with consumer demand and intake.
I chose Australia because I have always wanted to go and see the beautiful cities and there beaches. But, what I couldn’t see it that they have so much more to offer than just the pretty picture of the Sydney Opera house or the Great Barrier Reef. In my research I will unfold in my paper I will reveal all of the amazing things that Australia has to offer.
America in far fewer numbers than in the U.S. and as a result otherwise menial jobs held by
The table below shows the current rate at which the National Minimum Wage stands as of October 2015. This table is updated every October. Under 18's are entitled to receive £3.87 per hour, 18 to 20 year olds are entitled to receiving £5.30 an hour, 21 and over are entitled to receive £6.70 an
Minimum wage is different for everyone depending on where they reside and their occupation. We aren't even the only government debating this topic. Many other countries are also facing the minimum wage controversy ("Minimum Wage"). Other parts of
First ratified in New Zealand in 1894, there is nowadays legislation or relating collective bargaining pondering minimum wage in supplementary than 90% of all countries. Minimum wage rates vary considerably across countless disparate jurisdictions, not merely in setting a particular number of money (e.g. US$7.25 every single hour below precise states' regulation (or $2.13 for operatives who accord tips, understood as the tipped minimum wage), $9.19 in the U.S. state of Washington (and projected to progress to $9.32 in 2014), and £6.31 (for those aged 21+) in the United Kingdom), but additionally in words of that wage period (e.g. Russia and China set monthly minimums) or the scope of coverage. Diffident jurisdictions permit employers to count tips given to their operatives as belief towards the minimum wage level. India is one of the main producing states to familiarize minimum wage policy. It is additionally one of the most convoluted arrangements in
Raja moved to Australia, Adelaide about 7 years ago with his wife and he already had his cousins and grandparents living in Australia for more than 30 year, so adjusting to life wasn’t difficult because it’s similar to back home. Raja hasn’t only lived in Malaysia and Australia but has lived in other countries which includes, Singapore and United States. Making the move to Australia Raja has seen some difference; like there are not a lot of multilingual people where Malaysia there are people who can speak at least 2 to 3 languages. Raja believes that Adelaide is a lot quieter, not as congested, prettier, nice parks but the shopping is not so good because it doesn’t give you enough brand when comparing to Malaysia, but for things that he didn’t
Critically speaking minimum wage increases poverty and unemployment and thus damages to business at times. However, despite its drawbacks, minimum wages has some benefits too. In this essay the comparison of minimum wage of between the two countries; United States of America and Australia and the benefits of the minimum wage will be under discussion.
Life in Australia is Very different to life back home, it’s dusty in some parts, covered with plants in others and convicts are working for us everywhere! As you would think the size difference between houses is massive: the rich live in huge houses like me and the poor live in tiny cottages made of daub, Wattle (a native tree), Parker wooden chimney and a bark roof. The native people are being attacked by some of us, but I prefer to trade with them, although some tribes we tend to stay away from. Some of the animals are very different to the creatures back home, one of them is called a “Kangaroo” which looks like a rabbit with huge hind
Likewise, the average European is almost equivalent to an American that earns less than $24,00 per year
On October 1st 2016, the minimum wage across Canada was raised by 15 cents nationally, however the actual amount still varies by province. As of last October, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Quebec and British Colombia have the lowest minimum wage rates raging between $10.50 to $10.85. Nunavut, the Northwest territories and Alberta have the highest minimum wage rates ranging from $12.50 to $13.00. Ontario, the Yukon, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island are currently sitting in the middle with minimum wage rates ranging from $11.00 to $11.40.
Have you ever wondered about Austria, or what it’s like? Austria is such a beautiful country, covered by mountains, rivers, and lakes. The country is an amazing place to visit because of the amazing landforms, climate, little rain, and the temperature year round. Austria is also a good place to live because it has a free government, which allows you to be whatever you want and have more rights. First, I will tell you about Austria’s geography. Then, I will explain the government and how it works.