
Why Is Bullying Wrong?

Decent Essays

Bullying is a very serious issue that is happening to many students across the world. More than one out of every five students have reported that they were once bullied. People have seen how much bullying affects people; with a study showing at least half of suicide attempts relating to bullying. But are we too quick to cry bully? Bullies should not be legally punished, because many times meaningless teasing is mistaken for bullying and bullies are usually far too young to realize the consequences of their actions.
Bullies should not be held legally responsible for their actions. Several times, teasing is mistaken for bullying. Name calling, excluding out of a certain group, or avoiding purposefully is non serious teasing. These are not severe issues and can be resolved easily by talking to an adult. Bullying is any physical contact, or continuous, solemn rumors. A study by a National Center for Educational Statistics shows that only five percent of students being bullied were actually shoved, pushed, tripped, or spit on. However, thirteen percent, (the majority) were made fun of and teased. This is not bullying, and going to jail or paying a fine for teasing is ridiculous. Not to mention, thirty-three percent of students being bullied only said they were bullied about once a month. This shows how much people exaggerate bullying. …show more content…

The average age of bullies, according to an Australian study is preteens and teens, usually eleven to sixteen years of age. These are still children that are learning and growing. It has been proven that teenagers are especially more emotional, and cannot be held fully accountable for their actions. Not to mention that the bully may have possibly grew up in an abusive family, and thought that it was a normal thing to bully other children. Sometimes people forget that the bully is a victim

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