
Why Is College Valuable Essay

Decent Essays

Every year thousands of high school seniors are faced with a decision. They could either go to college or choose an alternative. For some, this choice is easy, they know exactly where they are going and exactly how to do it. Others not so much. Some students try really hard to get into certain colleges and they don’t, others just quite literally don’t know what to do with their lives and they end up doing nothing. College is not valuable because there are many jobs that do not require college, and college has caused drug and alcohol abuse, also, college isn’t meant for everyone, and the people it’s meant for are mainly in the upper class.
There are many reasons why college is not valuable. One reason is that many students that attend college are from rich families that send them on trips and donate money to the colleges and mainly, they can afford to send their child to a four-year college. According to Richard Vedder, “They make generous contributions to the elite colleges they once attended, to which their kids are applying…” as well as, “The biggest absurdity is that a four-year college degree has become the only gateway into the American middle class.” So basically if a student’s parent isn't rich or did not go to a prestigious college it is very unlikely for their child to attend one. …show more content…

However, College Adventures Consultant, Tam Warner Minton, wrote that, “...parents who do not have to worry about keeping food on the table have more opportunity to encourage their children's academic studies. Parents who have a college education are more likely to spend time talking with their children about college. These families are more likely to live in a neighborhood with good schools.” So, even though there are colleges that are more affordable for less advantaged students, it is still quite difficult for them and it just adds MORE stress to the whole

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