
Why Is Continuing Education Important

Decent Essays

The Importance of an Ongoing Education
It is said that a college education is necessary for a successful future, but an important question to ask is who might actually be getting the needed higher education? Statistically, upper income families that have graduated from college are more likely to raise kids that succeed in college, unlike lower income families. Studies show that children from upper income families have more opportunities in school, opposed to lower income students. This “gap” between social classes is growing more everyday. There are two articles that discussed these studies and showed very few Americans between 25-34 successfully graduated from college. One author, Peter Sacks, wrote Educating the Hierarchs College and Class in America. This article discusses that wealth and social class play into the success of the “haves and have not’s”. Sacks also discusses the divide between the educated and uneducated. Eduardo Porter is the author of the article, Education Gap …show more content…

Eduardo Porter feels that before even starting school that the kids are already behind in multiple core subjects. “On the day they start kindergarten, children from families of low socioeconomic status are already more than a year behind the children of college graduates in their grasp of both reading and math.” (Porter) Whereas, Peter Sacks believes that the reason for low income youth being so far behind is that they are not given the same opportunities to succeed, like the upper class kids are. “Not all children have an equal chance at the starting gate. Inequality is compounded when educational institutions allocate opportunities based upon rules of the game that reward children from well-capitalized families in a zero sum game that excludes children who weren’t born so lucky.” (Sacks 83) Author’s, Porter and Sacks, paint a picture of just how big these education gaps may

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