As I was growing up, my mom would tell me stories when they would use the wooden paddle in school. She would tell me that they would spank her friends when they would behave bad. She also told me that there was this kid they spanked so hard that they heard the kid sobbing and squealing. Flagellation should be allowed in some schools, because some kids don't have respect or manners in school and by that they should learn by getting paddled. Because some parents don't punish their kids and that's what makes kids behave bad and they have to learn by getting paddled. And I think that it would help some parents by straightening their kids up a little. The reason they should do this again in schools is because some kids don't have the respect they
In ancient China, every family would have their own way to punish their children. The most common way is to use a stick to hit kids’ legs and arms. Of course, people would not use this kind of punishment now but I could still see some parents yelling at their kids on the street.
I come form a family where we were spanked when we misbehaved. Through all of my adolescent years however I remember being spanked so hard by my mother countless times and only once by my father. Both my father and
Christian Science Publishing Society. Retrieved from: This research was conducted to inform whether or not parents should be banned by the law from spanking their child/children. The pros and cons in this article started by referencing to the late 1800’s, when in London, the ban of spanking had begun. It had started by banning teachers from punishing their students only to end in this debate from the parents. The main question being asked is “when does parental discipline cross the line from an occasional spank to keep an unruly child in order to a beating?” Being spanked as a child, might be the most horrific thing a child
When the choice is made to use spanking as a disciplinary method, children are often left with more negative psychological results than parents intend. Parental behavior is the supposed to be an example to children of what love looks
Again, I believe that my parents used spanking within reasonable bounds and therefore it had several positive effects on me as a child. When I was a child I had learned that if my parents took one of my toys away or timed me out I would eventually be allowed to continue as I was doing, therefore these forms of punishment had become less meaningful to me. Eventually, after several reoccurrences my dad spanked my buttocks! After having been spanked I rarely repeated the same misbehavior. My parents rarely spanked my brothers and I so I had come to
Spanking is a fiercely debated social issue in many countries, such as the US, the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, and Germany. There are questions over what intensity of pain is suitable until it crosses the threshold into abuse. Up until the mid-20th century it was perfectly okay in most communities for a spanking to cause a child to cry in pain throughout and have difficulty sitting down afterward, even resulting in stripes or bruises for days. Nowadays several think even mere redness of the skin abusive, while others would call it effective discipline. This causes questions as to whether children should be spanked. In addition, whether spanking is an effective method of discipline and at what point does it constitutes child abuse.
The term spanking is a form of physical or corporal punishment use a lot for parents all over the world. The general acceptance and sometimes support of corporal punishment as a method of discipline is an aspect of Each culture. Children are one of the problems between the child and a parent is the abused in part, because they are unable to defend themselves against stronger and more powerful adults and sometimes they parent get use to hit the child that at the end for any little thing they get hit and they think is normal but it is not little kids died every day for a bad hit from their parent. Researchers recently have recognized that spanking is a used primarily with young children and that the incidence and severity of spanking often diminishes by the time children are 8-10 years of age depending on how the parent is. Studies of the incidence and intensity of spanking often provide evidence that most parents
While this review of literature on spanking children is limited in finding evidence in supporting spanking, the research available that opposes spanking is rather compelling. The findings from the reviewed articles provide advice to parents, both new and long-time, on how to discipline their children if they want their children to have the best outcomes. The studies that have been reviewed are only a small amount of what has been published regarding the negative impacts that spanking can have on children. Additionally, this research may be a start for a move in society to begin viewing spanking as a negative child-rearing practice. While there is a lot more research that could be reviewed on this topic, high levels of aggression, behavioral problems, and
Growing up as an abused child, the word spanking represents fear in my mind. My mother “beat” my sister and I with thick wooden paddles that would leave huge welt marks and splinters in our skin. My mother considered this spanking. She was also known to slap us in the face with these paddles. My sister and I, not wanting to be hit by these things anymore, destroyed them. This did not stop my mother, she continued to hit us with belts or whatever object she could find.
With new upcoming generations and a changing society, traditional practices of how people live are changing; arguably for the better or worse. Some of these changes include the controversial to spank or not to spank question, in which new studies are aiming to show the effects of spanking on children. “With more than 30 years of research, we can now visualize accurately how spanking can alter a child’s perception.” (Scrock 2009) Although spanking has been the “go-to” way of discipline, it is starting to be looked on as a form of child abuse. After all, there are great reasons as to why organizations like the American Psychological Association and American Academy of Pediatrics condemn spanking. We will talk about the problems spanking causes in children, the misconception on why parents do it, and how to properly discipline your child. This essay argues that parents should not spank their child and should instead turn to other measures of discipline.
Corporal punishment “The wooden paddle on principle David Nixons desk is two feet long. ”(source a) Imagine is you walked in the principal office and you saw the wooden paddle you would probably be scared or nervous. I think corporal punishment should be allowed it can save a school,let kids get better grades,and less trouble makers. Many people think corporal punishment is a bad thing but it can really save a school.
A recent study shows 70 percent of parents believe it is right to discipline a child through physical means. Most commonly, parents will spank their children but being hit with things like belts or other objects happens as well. Parenting methods haven’t changed much with time and discipline in similar no matter the country. With more studies out to find the most effective method of parenting and discipline it’s coming to attention whether or not physical harm is the best way to teach children. Parents want what is best for their children, so it is important to constantly bring up and question methods commonly accepted in the past. One method that is becoming more controversial is spanking children. Though it is still considered normal to do, it is gaining more traction and more studies are being done to find the problems it causes. Checking on parenting methods can be difficult as everyone is raised differently. It is also difficult to test which forms of punishment lead to certain outcomes. However, there is a trend of negative effects from hitting. Gershoff acknowledges, “several national professional organizations have called on parents to abandon spanking as a child rearing practice and for professionals to recommend disciplinary alternatives to spanking.” Spanking children is a terrible discipline method as it has negative effects.
As a child I was spanked when I did something wrong. My parents never left a mark on me what so ever. Being spanked taught me respect and kept me in line. The way my parents disciplined me, I think is an accepted method of punishment. I believe what parents do to their kids at home
Nearly all children in the US were spanked at one point in their life, studies indicated that 35% of infants and 94% of toddlers were spanked or slapped by their parents (Straus & Stewart, 1999, pg. 197). The use and effectiveness of corporal punishment decreases as age increases for example only 33% of 14 year olds are spanked and around 13% of 17 year olds are. With this law in place, many have asked what does correct corporal punishment look like.
Many studies on cases of adults who have tendency to perpetuate abuses, either as a victim or as an abuser, are traced in the pattern of violence experienced at home, and many are reportedly experience being physically violated by spanking during their childhood. Despite the information and advocacy available in almost all media these days, there are still parents who thought that spanking their children to emphasize discipline is still beneficial. The benefits cited by those supporting spanking as acceptable method of discipline varied across culture and race. Generally, there are three views or positions about spanking as a form of discipline (Benject C. & Kazdin A, 2003) : Pro-corporal punishment, anti-corporal punishment, and conditional corporal punishment.