After visiting all of the extra credit historical sites I can confidently say that the place that I enjoyed the most was Fort Point. I enjoyed Fort point the most because it consist of history from multiple time periods. The fort was originally a Spanish one that they constructed to defend the newly occupied San Francisco bay. After the Spanish abandoned the fort the Americans would eventually take it over and use it all the way onto the civil war. I think this fort is quite interesting because as a resident of the bay area I never think of another country sailing into San Francisco bay and trying to take it. But back in the early days of California that was a constant threat to the people that lived here and that is why Fort point was so important. …show more content…
Jeremiah O’Brien. The S.S. Jeremiah O’Brien is the most important landmark for us a citizens to preserve for the future generations because it represents the American will to prevail. It represents the American will because the O’Brien was constantly delivering supplies to the troops at D-day even though it was extremely dangerous. Another important reason regarding the O’Brien at D-day is when the future generations look at D-day many of them just study the storming the beaches and the battles that ensued, but if the O’Brien is preserved for our the future they will be able to study the whole picture behind D-day and how much it actually took to win the war. The preservation of the O’Brien is also important because represents the many civilians that helped win World War Two and that even if and American was not listed in the military there was still a way for them to help. In the end although I personally think that the S.S. Jeremiah O’Brien is the most important of the landmarks to preserve for the youth, all the landmarks, museums, and cemeteries that I went to are important. All these places are important because they allow us as historians to look into the past and get a first hand look at the lives that people lived in the past and the hardships they experienced. Lastly, I enjoyed this experience because I had never been to any of the place on the list and these places have allowed me to learn all about important parts of our local
The battle in Bull Run a seesaw affair because sometimes the one side has the advantage, and the other side took over during the war. The South and the North each has different advantages. For example, Northerners have great food production and better arms; Southerners have highly motivated soldiers.
The biggest event that ever happened at this fort was the Battle of Baltimore. The British attempted to bomb the fort but the defenses of Fort McHenry kept the Baltimore Harbor safe. On that day in September 1814, Fort McHenry became an important piece in America’s puzzle. And YOU have
By the beginning of the 18th century Great Britain and France were essentially the only rivals in the quest for domination inn North America.As a result their fued began to exceed limits during the battle for the Ohio river valley.Thus the French and Indian war began.Today the term is used to describe the entire 70 year conflict.Troops and supplies were very important in battle. While high rate fire weapons were used.In addition Fort William Henry would become one of the most famous battle during the French and Indian war because of back to back combat in order to conquer. Troops and supplies were indeed very important.
The American Civil War was a turning point in American history. Not only for the United States government and shifts into more progressive values, but also the advancement of military weaponry used in the armed forces. Perhaps the most progressed branch during this time was the field artillery. The field artillery of the well-funded Union army was not accomplishing the extensive damage that was expected of it but under the faith of Union Captain Quincy A. Gillmore (Lane, 2001), the 30 pound Parrot Rifled Cannon was deployed specifically for use against the impenetrable walls of Fort Pulaski. For the Union army, the capture of Fort Pulaski was an important battle that utilized the technological advancements of rifling of field artillery cannons in order to render the stone walls of the fort indefensible.
May-June 1863 Vicksburg. This battle was also a big deal for both sides. It was the main transport way for supplies, food, water, and troops. It is the North’s way to win the war if they win the fort. If we lose the fort we would lose are main transport way and would start breaking down. We would start slowing down and loss a lot of hope. If the Union takes the fort they will control the Mississippi, and use it against the Confederates so they don't get food, water, and supplies.
The Importance of Fort Hawkins Paige Riser Dr. Christian 9th Lit/Comp 6 December 2016 Many people live in Macon, Georgia, but few know of where it originated. Fort Hawkins, now a historical site for visitations, used to be the only landmark of the present Macon and should be restored fully for the effects it would have on the population. There is much to learn about the city’s past and time before it from the fort. Everyone should be exposed to the history of the fort, which would be best done fully restored.
The flag rising on Iwo Jima, a very popular, famous, and historic photo almost anyone can recognize at any given time. I think that this photo became so popular and considered historic because it has been a symbol of our military’s patriotism and valor America’s strength, honor, and brotherhood. A strength that cannot be shaken, honor that cannot be abjured, and a brotherhood that cannot be broken.
West Point is important to the Hudson Valley. The United States Military Academy, also known as West Point is a military academy located on the western bank of the Hudson River. Established on March 16, 1802, West Point was considered the most important strategic point in America by George Washington. West Point is important to the Hudson Valley because it trains to cadets for the army, it is a very powerful military post, and it has impacted many wars.
The second historical landmark that I went to was the Antietam Battlefield. Located in Sharpsburg, Maryland, the battle of Antietam was a battle between the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. The battle was fought on September 17, 1862, being called the “Bloodiest Day of American History” with a total of roughly 23,000 men killed in battle. The Union army, led by General George McClellan, defeated the Confederate Army, led by General Robert E. Lee, which is surprising because while they passed the Potomac River, a piece of paper including the Union’s battle tactics was left behind by one of the Confederate members. The Union then passed by the same spot weeks later and found this paper, which gave them the “advantage”. 5 days
The Veterans Freedom Flag Memorial, near Joint Systems Manufacturing Center, is a memorial dedicated in 2007, to everyone who has fought, died and sacrificed for the safety and freedom of our country. War memorials are important things because they honor the lives and sacrifices of those who have protected freedom for hundreds of years. They serve as sentimental representations and/or reminders for some. Pathways into the emotional and physical pain that so many deal with everyday. In short they are important things to have in our society.
From Trajan’s Column, completed in 113 AD, to the statue of Christopher Columbus in Easton, Pennsylvania, monuments and memorials have been a significant element of celebration and honor throughout history (Source B). Though monuments are typically meant as a symbol of honor, recent controversy over statues dedicated to Confederate leaders and generals has sparked the debate over how to choose subjects to memorialize, and the actual development of these memorials. When considering what or who to honor, one must also consider the subjects impact on history, ensuring that it is positive. In creating memorials and monuments, groups and agencies should examine the historical significance of the events or persons they wish to memorialize, and the
It is important to always remember the names of the people who sacrificed everything for us. "The need for the names to be on the memorial would become the memorial; there was no need to embellish the design further. The people and their names would allow everyone to respond and remember." (Maya
While I was in DC this year for Academic WorldQuest, I was able to see the Lincoln memorial, the Washington monument, and other shrines to our nation’s most revered figures. As I stood in front of these memorials, I felt a sense of pride that we tend to avoid in our history class. While there is a place for reflection and criticism, I believe there is also place to honor these people who served this country, whose actions move this country toward the America that we all know today.
2. The grave of MLK and Coretta Scott King was very moving. It is beautifully designed with flowing water and a walkway tracing the history of the civil rights movement.
There are many natural places all over the world. One of the places I have been to, and really enjoyed, is Niagara Falls. This place is absolutely amazing. It has amazing sights and scenes, as well as other fun tourist attractions. Going on the tour at Niagara Falls taught me a lot about the site. I love this place because everytime I go there I am sent to this place that I could find, it just takes me away