Gun Control: How Far is Too Far?
Gun control is a very complicated topic, there are two sides to the issue and many ongoing arguments between both sides. With the recent outbreak of school shootings this topic has only gotten touchier. Some people even believe the 2nd amendment should be repealed. This topic is commonly avoided but it must be discussed, between school shootings and terrorist attacks everyone is at risk. Gun control is a topic that affects everybody regardless of age, gender, or race.
Why are Students Pushing for Gun Control?
Surviving students of the Parkland, FL school shooting are asking for students to boycott travelling to Florida for spring break. The students stated they are tired of waiting for lawmakers to pass gun control laws. David Hogg, a surviving student of the Parkland shooting also suggested going to Puerto Rico to boost their tourism income and sitting in front of the governor's mansion in protest. (Biesiada et al.)
The Push for Armed Teachers
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The school has allowed an undisclosed number of certified teachers to carry handguns. The school has also begun to use several other methods to protect students including keyless locks, a camera system, and classroom phones. In the eyes of most people these defenses would be seen as enough, however, superintendent David Thweatt disagrees. Thweatt believes his school can never be secure enough. His wife works at the school and his children are students, he stated that he feels more secure knowing his family is protect by trained teachers. Thweatt also stated that the closest police station is 30 miles away and he doubts an officer could make it soon enough to assist the school. (Current
Many people around the United States are victims of shootings, whether they be school shootings, mass shootings, or Terrorist Attacks. There seem to be two common ideas either support or oppose gun control. In the United States, many gun control supporters believe that guns are the reason mass shootings happen while gun control opponents believe that people are the cause of mass shootings. But they both want the people in the United States to be safe, whether that is from government tyranny, mass shootings, gun violence, or mental health.
The gun control debate has grown more heated than ever after the February 14th school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The question on everyone’s minds is, does America still need the second amendment? The answer may be yes, but it needs to be more restrictive than it is now. For example, one can buy an assault rifle when they are 18 but cannot drink or buy a handgun until they are 21 years old. Why can someone be able to buy an AR-15 when they are considered not mentally ready to consume alcohol? Why are ordinary citizens allowed to buy an assault rifle at all? Gun control should be more restrictive because studies have proven that America is far more prone to gun violence, which is most likely caused by Americans having an excess of firearms. However, the background check is not necessary.
- For decades gun control has always been a very controversial issue in America. The Second Amendment states it is an individual's right to bare arms and by having stronger laws on guns, that would only be taking their right away, However, we have seen violent crimes rise due to guns, we have seen many people lose their lives and get hurt. Americans should be for gun control because it can help prevent school shootings, stronger regulations can help stop gun loopholes, and stronger laws can make it harder for people that have a bad record to get a gun. With the enormous amount of violence in today's society, individuals need to take a stand demanding stricter regulations on guns.
David Thweatt, superintendent of the Harrold Independent School District, says, “Violence could happen anywhere. There are as many ways to address school safety as there are schools in Texas.” A recurring subject is the reliability of the teachers. As for their reliability, “...armed teachers would have to be volunteers who pass strict psychological testing, and go through at least as much training in firearms and the judicious use of deadly force as current laws demand of armed security guards” (Ayoob). Officer John Diamond also states that these volunteer staff members would be thoroughly investigated. The country’s current most common prevention tactic is to hire on-site police officers. “It costs $45,000 per officer annually to do this. With a large school like Mentor High, which isn’t even the largest high school in the state, a lot of security officers are needed. The numbers add up quickly to create an enormous sum.”
“We want every child to return home safely at the end of the day,” a letter to the community states. Our hearts are breaking over the tragic incident that occurred in Broward County, Florida, this past week. As details emerged, news organizations once again engaged in a grim tradition: tallying the massacre on an ever-growing list of school shootings in the United States. They were diligent about security. They instituted lockdown procedures.
Gun Control is problem that has developed recently in our society. Gun control is not one issue, but many. To some people gun control is a crime issue, to others it is a rights issue. Gun control is a safety issue, an education issue, and a political issue, among others. Within each of these issues there are those who want more gun control legislation and those who do not want. Everyone has a different view.
quite lengthy and detailed. It can either sound like paradise or a nightmare depending on where you stand on the topic. You might be a lot like me and are for owning any gun you want. Others, unlike me,
There are an abundance of causes and effects in the way guns are used, purchased, and sold – legally or illegally. A few causes include how guns are kept (with a safety and locked away or not), and in the way guns are obtained. The effects of these acts are, peoples state of mind, and the criticisms law enforcement may receive. Thought of as technical and firm, the laws about guns can easily be bypassed by criminals and people who are not in the right frame of mind.
In my opinion, gun manufacturers have a duty to warn gun users of the dangers of using guns. Some say no, because such dangers are open and obvious and that, generally, there is no duty to warn of open and obvious dangers. I believe the danger warning would be effective in preventing some if not most gun-related accidents. Sometimes the most obvious gun accidents are the ones being ignored just because they seem obvious doesn’t mean that they are less likely to occur.
Guns do not only protect people when they are out in the public, but also in their homes. "In fact, because many Americans keep guns in their homes, burglars in the United States spend more time than burglars in other countries "casing" a house to ensure that nobody is home." (Lott). These burglars are casing, or examining a house before they rob it, because they are afraid that the household they want to rob has a gun inside it. In the United States, owning guns is more common, so that is something the burglars must take into consideration. Because many Americans have guns in their households, it can significantly reduce their chances of getting robbed. Even if the person who has a gun in their household does not use it to hurt the burglar,
It is impossible not to open a newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the radio with out hearing about some type of gun violence. Perhaps the main reason for such high gun violence is that guns are so plentiful in the Unites States. In fact, there are sixty five million handguns in America ("The `facts' about Guns"). These guns contribute to an annual medical cost of fourteen billion dollars, which is spent solely on treating gun victims ("Handguns in America"). Not surprisingly, handguns are the cause of eighty percent of homicides, seventy percent of suicides, and almost every accidental shooting ("Youth and Violence"). Handgun violence is a problem that is easy for everyone to see. How to solve this predicament is another
Should guns be gone for good in Illinois? The idea that guns should be illegal has been on peoples mind for a very long time. There have been many arguments to ban guns from various states and to keep guns from being used at all. Guns are good and bad and in this essay you will learn some reason why guns are good and why guns are bad. Now im not saying that all guns should be destroyed. Law enforcement officers should have a standard issue side arm with them at all time while on duty. Here in Illinois we have very strict gun laws for example you must own a FOID card, Firearms Owner Identification and they are one of the hardest I.D’s to forge. The 2nd amendment states” A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
Gun control is one of the most important issues debated worldwide, but most importantly in the United States. According to the Second Amendment in the Constitution, the citizens have the right to bear arms, yet this has become an issue that has remained debatable for decades in congress meetings.
I dont don guns obligation be expropriated broadly immigrant around kinsmen for the sake what involving hunters and relations who solely allied to blade, is it okay for their pertinent to be taken away because of the actions of others, when they havent done any wrong. This is three occasion of a inelegant affair digress you contain with regard to into consideration when discussing gat mete out. Peoples opinon on pistol implement varies from the others opinionsss. Divers relations tone focus enclosing heater sine qua non be felonious, numerous m tone turn guns arent the problem in the U.S variegated relations air saunter faultless blood shouldnt have a go guns, various relations feel turn relatives shouldnt have certain guns, and Varied relations feel differently.
Would reducing the number of gun owners in the US increase or lower the overall crime rate? If only but registered, trained, professionals had firearms, there would be virtually no shootings throughout the country. The US would be a safe place and only law enforcement or other authoritative figures would own these kind of tools. This would also help with police brutality, because police officers would not have an excuse to shoot unarmed civilians, and they could be charged more heavily for racial profiling. If everyone had guns, there would be even more shootings over simple arguments and other unimportant strifes. The country would be made into an even more dangerous place. Crises like the recent massacre in Las Vegas would become common. Unfortunately, the government is trying to handle this problem as if they were pulling weeds. The authorities need to take firm action and responsibility to enforce and increase the number of firearm restriction laws. As for regular citizens, people should sign local petitions in their communities so the government can intervene to invoke more gun control laws despite excuses from organizations like the National Rifle Association (NRA).