
Why Is Homework Important To Me

Decent Essays

Though these times were considered the ugly years for a few, this was not so for me. The classes were simple. The teachers were nice to communicate with. There was also plenty of time to spend with family. In my middle school career, I worked, but there was plenty of time have a day of watching television without falling behind or watering the garden for two hours because I didn’t have any homework.
In middle school, I rarely had homework to take home. There was Pre-Algebra to do, but I could accomplish that the first hour that I was home and have plenty of time to spare and do as I please. In Mr. Deering’s class, I loved many of the books we read and loved listening to him read the book to us. He was incredible at storytelling, so everyone was quiet, or we watched tv shows or movies such as: Courageous, National Treasure, or The Twilight Zone. I also had Mrs. Salter for English, I sat next to her and listen to the commentary she would add to books such as: …show more content…

The other amount of time was spent outdoors doing work as well, but the other work was not hard either. I loved ground spraying with a four-wheeler for musk thistles and picking up rocks to create a bridge into the creek. These times enabled opportunities to listen to music and sing along, however loudly and off key I had wanted. I also loved watering the garden, due to it gave time to myself and enjoy the beauty of nature. Other kids did not understand how this was fun, but I didn’t care. I enjoyed it and that’s what was important. I also loved spending quality time with family. When it was dark, the entire family would be inside watching a movie. It didn’t matter if we had seen the movie a week before, because we were together. We’d eat popcorn and occasionally have pop if it was left in the kitchen. These were the fun years with every all at the same school and all ride home together even though it took forever before we’d arrived

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