
Why Is It Difficult To Read Bad Writing?

Decent Essays

Good water is clear, easy to swallow, has a fresh aftertaste. Much like water, writing should be clear, understandable for the audience, and leaves the audience with an afterthought that should ultimately be the intended effect of the author. Bad writing, conversely, is like uncleaned sewage water; murky, disgusting, and if one were to drink it, one might die. Bad writing is unclear, muddled for the reader, and leaves the reader disappointed.


All writing is based around one concept, a rhetorical situation. That is the either imaginary or real-life situation which gives structure to the purpose, ingredients, organization, style, tone, and variation of a piece.

One such example would be of a simple presentation. Where will it be delivered? When will it be delivered? Will it be delivered again? To whom will it be delivered to? Of these, "to whom," is of utmost importance. Using highly technical language would leave a group of teens in confusion. Talking to other professionals like children is demeaning. These extremes may not be practical examples, but they …show more content…

Writing not just for within the time, but for those ahead of it.

Style is another aspect that must be maintained. Using romantic language in a lab report would be baffling, if not a little humorous. While using the same tone in lab report in a short story about two lovers would defeat the central idea. It like making a wooden table out of metal. Wood may be lively, warm, and classic which would contrast the cold, bitter, sharp, and reflective post-modern stainless steel.

Finally, variation. A present day rendition of the Glass Menagerie could focus on any number of social issues that plague socioeconomics, gender equality, or the business world. Variation is scretching the theme while keeping the organization and ingredients while altering the

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