Animals: Not for Hire Like every other child, I would always feel so excited when my parents would bring me to the zoo and let me see how cute, gentle, and frightening different kinds of animals are. However, don’t you ever wonder how these animals see us? Stripped from their homes where they can be free and continue to do their roles, these animals are mistreated, depressed, driven to insanity, and are prone to sickness while in captivity. Wild animals who are kept in areas solely for the purpose of viewing is morally and ethically wrong. One reason why it is morally and ethically wrong to keep animals in captivity for the sole purpose of viewing is because they are mistreated. For instance, Sea World holds killer whales, sea lions, and dolphins as their main attraction, animals that need a far range of space in order to stay healthy. However, in an unannounced visit, an expert observes that “both orcas and sea lions [are] being mistreated. She said the orcas had severe dental trauma, most likely from gnawing on their enclosures or grinding their teeth” (qtd. In Brait). Actions such as gnawing on an object or grinding of teeth usually voices stress, and how could an individual not be stressed when they are deprived of natural behavior? By caging far-range animals into a relatively small, enclosed space, we are purposefully …show more content…
Inbreeding depression is one of the disadvantages of captivity, it is when an animal’s biological fitness becomes weak as caused by inbreeding with related individuals. Animals are considered fit depending on how well they would do in the wild; for instance, the coloration of an animal’s skin and how well it would blend into the environment. By holding these animals in captivity, we prevent their species to adapt specific mutations that would let them be more able to survive in the
The documentary Blackfish revealed to many people the negative effects of captivity on orcas at SeaWorld. Although the documentary focused on orcas, it could be possible to relate SeaWorld’s revealed torture of orcas to animals that are held in captivity at zoos in certain ways. Neither SeaWorld nor zoos should be allowed to hold animals captive at the expense of the animals’ well-being. Instead, institutions such as zoos should only hold animals in captivity when it helps the animals. Most zoos however do cause many animals to suffer, which should not be allowed in society.
Since 1961, 157 orcas, or killer whales, have been ripped from their homes and shoved into captivity. 127 of these orcas are now dead. With the number of captured orcas plus the number of those born into captivity, The W.D.C. (Whale and Dolphin Conservation) reports that, “At least 162 orcas have died in captivity, not including 30 miscarried or stillborn calves” ( “The Fate”1). Out of the 127 taken into captivity, 44 have died in SeaWorld. There are currently 58 orcas residing in 14 marine parks in eight different countries. 24 of those orcas are held in SeaWorld’s three parks in the United States. Since 2002, 14 have been taken out of the wild and put into these marine parks. (“The Fate”1) It is not fair for these innocent creatures to be physically and mentally manipulated and damaged. Such brutality would not be condoned if it were targeted towards a human, and it should not be condoned when targeted toward an animal. Orca whales should not be held in captivity because they are forced to live in subpar conditions, they are mistreated while in captivity, and they are led to aggressive behavior.
The article “Marine mammals face threats in captivity” by David Rogers states how even in captivity animals are found in danger. An example of Rogers claim is Sushi the dolphin that died at Busch Gardens for $1.46 in pocket change. A record declare the seven month dolphin died of zinc poisoning. When the dolphin was cut open and examined they found 31 pennies, seven nickels, three dimes and two quarters. The pennies were deteriorating. The pocket change had been tossed into Sushi's pool by visitors for the playful bottlenose dolphin to chase. In Florida, the lives of Sushi and other marine mammals are only as safe as their human captors allow. The most threatful thing against the animals is the aquariums they are held in. ``We think there are problems with these facilities that aren't being recognized by the federal and state governments,`` Ken Johnson, field investigator for the Humane Society of the United States, said last week. ``Many of the facilities in this state are having problems with the care of their animals.``Governments are not enforcing rules for keeping animals in captivity safe;therefore, animals are being abused and die ,for lack of regulations.The article “Death claims SeaWorld's oldest orca ; It's the sixth killer whale to die at the park since '88 opening” by Scott Huddleston states that marine biologists at SeaWorld San Antonio are baffled by the unexpected death of an adult killer whale that had been at
“Can you imagine being in a small concrete enclosure for your life when you’re used to swimming 100 miles a day?” This is how captive dolphins live everyday, their natural habitat is swimming miles and miles in the ocean. When they get captured their lives change for the worse. In the past decade Seaworld and captive animals has been a controversial subject. Many people believe the keeping orca whales captive is damaging to the animal and affects them in a negative way. Others believe Seaworld is used to rescue animals and save them. The treatment of animals in captivity is cruel and should be stopped. Keeping animals captive is an appalling punishment.
As a young child there has been so many commercials about how SeaWorld is such an amazing place for marine life animals, yet what we do not know is that most of these animals have been held in captivity against their will. Just think about it, these animals’ are made to perform day in and day out for a huge crowd, yet we do not stop and think about what it would be like if we ourselves were held in captivity. Although awareness needs to be brought to this issue, it can make this situation a touchy subject. However, awareness does need to be brought to attention of people who support these amusement parks. The life of orca whales held in captivity are dangerous and have suffered a great amount of distress.
If you have ever been to Seaworld you would have had to go see the Killer whales in fact its one of the top attractions there. Through the eyes of a child, these gentle giants seem to be happy, healthy, and enjoying a playful game with their trainers. The question is are they really happy, do they get treated the right way, and why have there been deaths and injuries. Many people wonder about these things and after the movie Blackfish came out more and more people began to question how well Seaworld treats their animals. “The truth is that Sea World keeps its animals for entertainment and money and helps no one but themselves.”- Animal Legal Defense Fund
Zoos, rehabilitation institutions, and many other environmental centers provide opportunities for the public to witness animals that cannot be seen on a daily basis. Whether to keep animals in captivity is morally hard to decide, especially for me personally. In the essay, “Against Zoos,” by Dale Jamieson, he writes about the positives zoos provide, and then reiterates them; making positives turn into negatives. Jamieson makes statements about humans being superior over animals, and how we should not be thinking that we are better. We tend to take a lead role over other species, because of our “higher intelligence.” That should not mean that we treat wildlife as if they are something lower than us. In more ways than one, we as humans are
As the animal rights movement has developed and grown substantially in recent years, there has been an increased focused on the welfare of captive animals. A popular institution that has received much attention for keeping animals captive is the zoo. Because of this focus, zoos have responded by publicizing their positive benefits for existence in order to justify keeping these animals on display. Since the term “zoo” can have a wide variety of meaning and characteristics, it is important to define what constitutes a zoo in this essay. Zoos are defined as a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures, displayed to the public, and
Zoos, SeaWorld, and circuses are places for families to enjoy entertainment. However, most people do not realize how the animals in each of these establishments are handled. Yes, they all bring in revenue and present the tricks these animals can do, yet these places preform detrimental acts to the animals. For example, the killer whales at SeaWorld are sometimes starved if they do not perform the way the trainer wants them to. In comparison, circuses torture lions and tigers until they are submissive to how the show-people want them to act. Zoos do not necessarily torture their animals, but it is proven the animals live much shorter lives in captivity. “Lives of animals in the wild versus captivity are literally worlds apart, and even the best captive facilities can’t recreate the conditions of the wild — not exactly. Most don’t even try, leaving animals in tiny enclosures with no socialization, enrichment or joy. Captivity is unnatural and unhealthy” (Sentenac). People are starting to recognize the danger of continuing these practices, but there’s a long way to go.Furthermore, animals in all of these places have suffered many traumatizing and even deadly events. There was a recent report that two circus lions, whom had severe head injuries, were killed by poachers who snuck into the sanctuary. “Last year poachers bypassed an advanced security system at a lodge near the town of Tzaneen in the Limpopo province, killing two lions by feeding them poisoned meat” (Graham).
As a child, many people would often go to the zoo or to the circus and see animals in real life. In circuses, animals would often perform tricks and stunts, dazzling the audience. In the zoo, people would often see animals in their native habitat, or what looks like it. Children were mainly amazed with the animals and were always exited to go see the animals. As the years go by, they start to realize that some of the animals are suffering and are being mistreated, especially in circuses. They see that the animals in zoos are depressed and lonely and the animals in the circuses are chained up. What is worse is that animals in laboratories are often treated very poorly; more poorly than what Americans treat prisoners and refugees. There have been many debates on whether animals should be held in captivity. Some groups believe that animals should not be held in captivity because they have the same capacities as humans. They believe that animals can feel emotion and have a sense of morality. Animals in captivity are deprived of their natural habitat and their instincts. Animals raised in captivity tend to rely more on humans compared to animals raised in the wild. They also believe zookeepers and trainers are putting themselves at risk when taking care of the animals. There have been many incidents including the death of trainers by animals, one highlighted by the movie “Blackfish” by director Gabriela Cowperthwaite. There are others who believe that putting animals in captivity is beneficial for not only the animal, but for humans as well. Humans get more jobs if more animals are put into captivity because there is an increase in the amount of people needed. Another benefit of keeping animals in captivity is that it could help save a species who is endangered and close to going extinct. Another benefit is that it helps increase the amount of food available because some animals are raised for food. Putting animals in captivity wrong unless they are being used for the animal’s benefits.
Zoos across the world claim to be safe, suitable homes that replicate habitats of animals that are usually found in the wild. However, there is no possible way for wild habitats to be replicated well enough for animals in captivity to thrive, animals are often separated and withheld from living as they would in the wild. Despite their argument of being educational for visitors, the only thing they are teaching the public is that it is ok to take animals out of the wild and lock them up for their own enjoyment. Regardless of these claims, zoos are inhumane.
Imagine being separated from your parents at a young age, taken only to spend the rest of your life in a confined environment, forced against your natural living circumstances. This is the life of the Orca whales (also known as Killer whales) at Sea World, an amusement park located in multiple places around the nation. Sea World performs shows incorporating animals, such as seals and whales to do tricks for amusement. However, recent research and media shows that Sea World lacks appropriate care for the whales they hold captive. They also have been said to hunt for their whales, but hunting of these animals threaten their growth, natural living conditions and their global population. One might say that the park is like a prison to these creatures, however those in prison make the choice to be put there. The whales are not allowed the freedom when held in captivity, so Sea World should be shut down due to its responsibility for the life threatening circumstances of the Orca Whales.
We’ve all heard of SeaWorld before. Many of us who have visited this theme park have gotten to experience large marine life right in front of our eyes. As we sit in the stands and applaud the SeaWorld trainers as they conduct a series of tricks by animals like killer whales, many of us fail to see the wrong-doing of keeping these large mammals in such a small space. Although many of the trainers and the SeaWorld franchise tend to promote the happiness of these whales and the bonds they make with these highly intelligent animals, they fail to highlight how much these animals are deprived of a comfortable and ethical habitat.
“Before the early twentieth century, zoos would separate humans from the animals by using a series of moats. In the early 1900s, however, zoos “began displaying animals in realistic exhibits that mimicked actual habitats” (Gioielli, 2016, p. 1). Coupled with the more natural habitat is advancing care for the animals in captivity. More hospitals are being built for animals and better medicine is being created constantly. As a result of healthier and happier animals in increased popularity of animals in captivity. According to Carey (2016), “More than 10,000 zoos are now in operation worldwide . . . the central missions of zoos [are] not only to serve as attractions for recreation and amusement, but also to educate people and promote conservation . . .” (p. 2). Most people do not go to see animals in captivity for the sole purpose of entertainment, they also go to learn about the animals themselves. Both children and adults can learn about how to help protect endangered animals and their habitats. As a result, zoos and aquariums are continually gaining popularity. According to Gazert (2017), “Zoos and aquariums draw 181 million visitors per year in the United States--that’s over half the country’s population, and more visitors than the annual attendance of the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB games combined” (p. 2). Unfortunately, some zoos and aquariums have been known to abuse their animals. While this is not true of all zoos, but the reports of abuse have increased leading to more controversy. Because of this the idea of keeping animals in captive is harder to accept. Still, the sad truth is that animals may have to be in captivity in order to save their species. “A recent report from the World Wildlife Fund warned that without swift and substantial human intervention, over two-thirds of the world’s wildlife could be gone by the end of the decade” (Ganzert, 2017, p. 1). Predictions
The issue on whether or not to keep animals in captivity has been debated heavily for a long time. With species such as the panda on the verge of extinction to mistreatment of marine mammals in theme parks such as Sea World, keeping wild animals under the care of humans has been a struggle and a highly controversial topic. Even though many people believe that animals should not be kept in captivity because humans are incapable of fully understanding and providing specific needs for wild animals, certain animals can be kept happy and healthy in captivity, and these animals are an important educational tool for teaching people of all ages about biology, biodiversity, and the ecosystems of the world.