“The skill, good judgment, and the polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job”- this is what defined by popular “MERRIAM-WEBSTER” dictionary. As far as what we think about the term professionalism is that it is an application of mixture of abilities, skills, knowledge and commitments to an organization to which he/she is assigned. Every organization which recruits a person, expect the above qualities as a part of their professionalism. We will find almost the same definitions of it if we start looking in dictionaries but what professionalism is actually different that would be mentioned in dictionaries. Professionalism is not just the practical applications of concept and theoretical understanding; it is the …show more content…
Professionalism plays a crucial role in oil and gas industry right from the appraisal to the production stage. Appraisal stage includes the viability and economics of the project, so if we start our project with the lack of knowledge of accuracy success, we would be going in vain. If our geologist are not enough trained in their profession how could we get to know about t he geological subsurface structures and where we can found hydrocarbons, if our geophysicist are not skilled enough to perform seismic and gravity surface, how could we able to map the horizons and how could we get to know that where we should drill or where we should not drill. If our drillers are not much experienced in their profession, the situation will be like that we are not drilling to produce hydrocarbons, we would be drilling to throw our money in that hole. If our production engineers are not well skilled, how could be we able to optimize our production and can exploit in the most economical way. In the oil and gas industry, professionalism is a basic requirement from the people who work for energy production right from the geologist to production engineer stage. If we lack at any stage our whole project may lead to unsuccessful or net profit may reduce. Case Study 1. NATIONAL IRANION OIL COMPANY (courtesy: en.nioc.ir) National Iranian oil company (NIOC) has successfully increased its production capacity of crude oil to 4.335 million barrels per day from March 2007 to March
The term professional, like many words and concepts has many different dimensions and the meaning of which has changed over time. One definition might be getting paid to complete a specific set of specialised tasks. Another might be an uncompromising commitment to performing at the highest level at all times. Yet another could be displaying a polite, considerate and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Whilst most of these statements are partially correct, there are many aspects to conducting yourself in a professional manner. The most recognised
A professional is characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Being professional should be a subconscious effort in the fact that it should always be applied. When employees are professional it helps the system run more efficiently and safely. A person must me a certain criteria when being evaluated on professionalism, a person is judged based on the clients; Attitude, Values, Communication techniques, and approachability. Clients who display a committed, dependable attitude will benefit more from work exerted, and overall be rewarded with incentives. Although professionalism may be in the eye of the
Page 2 What is professionalism? There are many definitions and approaches of professionalism of each and every person. My definition of professionalism is when a worker is trustworthy, approachable, knows how to handle the situation, being on time, organized, positive attitude, dependable, committed, respectable, and empathetic. When a person is in a professional setting they need to be there physically and mentally.
The definition of professionalism can be described as skilled and trained
Professionalism is an expectation found within all professions. In its most rudimentary definition, professionalism is the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize a profession. However, at the root of professionalism is ‘Profession’. Even though professionalism is a universal expectation with commonalities, how professionalism is defined will vary based on the specifics of the focused profession. Professionalism in an individual is a trait that evolves through the acquisition of knowledge and experience in respect to the particular profession.
What does Professionalism mean to me? Professionalism in my term means it is someone who is very dedicated to their profession. It is an important and great decision to follow by the rules and ethics of professionalism. If we did not have anyone that cared about their profession it would cause a lot of problems in our society today. It could cause a lot of disruption in your workplace. In order to abide by professionalism you must take pride in your job, percieve realistic goals and values, and know what your expectations are.
As the number of population increased around the world and due to rapid technology development, the global energy requirements and the demand on oil increased year after year. This itself causes a challenge for the oil industry companies, due to the lack of skilled candidates at the time the demand for such professionals and qualified employees is increasing with time, also the lack of suitable replacement for high experienced employees after they retired exaggerate this
Saudi Arabian Oil, also known as Saudi Aramco, is an oil & gas company centered in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the world’s most valuable and profitable company with an estimated worth of approximately 10 trillion US dollars, as reported by the Financial Times. The company not only has the largest oil reserves (approximately 260 billion barrels), but also has the largest daily production of oil (reference). The company has become a world leader in hydrocarbon explorations, production, distribution and marketing. With headquarters in Dhahran, the company owns many oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia including Ghawar, world’s largest oil field. Its yearly production reaches 7.9 billion barrels, 1.26x109
To tell you a little bit about myself, I am originally from Russia and I have been living in London since I was 10 years old. Having undertaken my basic education in London, I had to discontinue my BA in Business Management (Honors) for one and a half years so as to serve under my father in the oil industry as his assistant. I must say that this is an experience that helped me have firsthand knowledge of the workings of the oil industry. Further, it is during this time that I developed keen interest in matters oil and gas. In seeking to further enhance my understanding of how the oil industry operates, I have also worked with LUKOIL which is regarded one of the biggest oil company in Russia. Given my strong desire to continue working in the oil industry, I intend to backup the experience I already have with sound academic
As a Geophysical Data Processor with experience in managing and delivering seismic projects, I have had the distinct opportunity to work in different environments, with diverse cultures and lead teams in challenging conditions. The only skill I need at this point is to learn the science behind reservoir characterization, oil field cycle and prospect generation, I strongly believe that once I finish the Petroleum System Engineering (PSE) course in University of Regina I will be able to place myself very well in a competitive industry of oil and gas.
With the fast advancement and development of the vitality area, a vocation in the oil and gas industry has unquestionably turned into a standout amongst the most imminent in the business sector today. In UK, for instance, the industry has seen a colossal venture running regarding billions of pounds in the most recent quite a while. This implies that there is a normal high rate of making of new employments and opportunities in this field. Then again, of course, the essential aptitudes and learning advancement will be
2. Objective: This seminar paper aims to briefly analyse the current challenges faced by Global Oil & Gas companies and its impact on the global energy sector
“Drilling companies physically drill and pump oil out of the ground. The drilling industry has always been classified as highly skilled. The
Petroleum engineers have a firm background in geology, mathematics, engineering, economics, and physics course work. Consequently, this means a petroleum engineer is qualified in extracting and producing hydrocarbons from subsurface sedimentary environment. "Petroleum engineers design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from deposits below the Earth 's surface (Bureau of Labor Statistics).” There are always good and bad ways to accomplish responsibilities, and it is an engineer 's job to determine the safest and most economically sound method for success. The same thought process is applied when it comes to extracting hydrocarbons. Petroleum engineers "study geological and geophysical (UNSW, 2015)” maps to determine the most efficient methods to drill, and they will use reservoir simulators to help predict the economic value of the well. Over the years an increase in technology has helped the industry to create new ways to extract more oil from the reservoirs. The industry has helped to "...develop ways to inject water, chemicals,
Gas and oil development plans are branded by huge capital investments. Exploration and production operations incorporate numerous activities, reaching from undertaking geological surveys, finding hydrocarbon resources, and commercially exploiting them. Projects in this area are of a high risk nature in physical trading, and political sense as it is hard to know in advance the presence, degree and value of hydrocarbon resources, as well as production costs and the price oil of oil in the global world market Kaiser, Mark .J (2007)