
Why Is It Important To Gain Self Autonomy?

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Throughout history, people have banded together within their nations to gain independence from a higher authority. In some cases, violence is necessary to gain sovereignty, but in other cases violence is destroying nations. People denied of the rights and personal freedoms under an unjust government often resort to violent revolutions and wars. They see using force as in the most effective way of relieving themselves of their situation. According to Norman Finkelstein “International law says people fighting for self-determination can use force in order to achieve independence”. Finkelstein is stating how our laws allow us to use violence to gain self-autonomy for many nations worldwide. I agree with Norman Finkelstein to a certain extent with his opinion towards fighting for sovereignty. When it comes to violence people always take it seriously and it draws attention to what's happening, using your words won't …show more content…

For example, during the French Revolution people protested against the monarchy and how they choose to rule. The king and queen ignore the protests which escalated the citizens of France and resulted in a violent revolution. For the king and queen to finally take notice of what the citizens want it took a violent riot outside of their castle to slaughter the guards and hunt down the queen. During modern-day problems, the media plays a huge role in exposing the situation and showing the severity of the matter. When people watch the news they don't listen for the peaceful protests they listen for the wars in the violence in what seems the most exciting. The media will always prioritize the violent revolution over the peaceful problem-solving. Sadly, in our society today violence draws the most attention. This goes to show that in order to turn people's heads towards your protest, violence is one of the most effective

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