Voting ……… why is it so important ? Well there is many reasons voting is important. Voting impacts this whole country and people’s voices need to be heard and every vote counts and that’s why we need people to vote and there are many more reasons people need to vote and that’s what i’m here to explain to you today . According to source 1- If you don’t vote someone else will so thats why we are counting on you to vote. We/our government was designed for citizen participation, so if you don't vote - other people are going to make the decisions for you. It's your money. The county commissioners, governor, state treasurer, legislators, President and members of Congress you vote for will decide how to spend your money. Vote for those that agree
Voting is very important to us American citizens for many reasons. One reason why voting it significant is because it is our duty as Americans. Allowing us to vote is giving the citizens a voice for laws and bills to become illegal. Also, voting lets us be a part in making important decisions within your community and our country. It is an honor for us to vote because voting can be life changing. Voting comes with many responsibilities, and knowing your issues and representatives. When it comes to small communities voting is imperative for people to get many different changes in their small towns. Voting is also a privilege and can be taken away from citizens. It is our right to vote as well as expressing our freedoms. If you do not vote you
It is important to vote because. We can change the usa. So we can have different presidents.
Jose Marti once said, “The vote is a trust more delicate than any other, for it involves not just the interests of the voter, but his life, honor and future as well.” Although many do not realize it, placing a vote for someone is a significant action, as Marti points out. One vote does make a difference, and who is elected has an influence over an innumerable amount of things. This is why
Americans are fortunate enough to have the right to vote, so we should take opportunity to be heard. “...many Americans do not vote” (Doc BE). Some Americans do not take the chance to vote. For example, “Since World War II, no presidential election has ever involved 65% or more of registered voters!” (Doc BE). Voting is important because, “People express their consent or disapproval in many different ways” (Doc BE).
If I were to ask the question, “Why is voting important in the United States of America?” Majority of people would say, “It gives us hope to a more promising and better future”. In other words, our lives and futures are in the hands of whoever is elected president. That is why it is imperative people vote, it’s the “people” that is choosing the president-someone that will be our leader and will have the ability and power to run our nation.
Voting can mean the difference between whether or not life-saving health care is affordable. It can mean whether an ambitious young American can afford to attend college and pursue their dreams. It can determine whether justice is served when a young, unarmed man is shot by those who are supposed to protect and serve the community. The right to vote ensures that regardless of how unproductive congress is, the American people have the ability to make their voices heard. Loretta Lynch said, “Voting is how we participate in a civic society - be it for president, be it for a municipal election.
Have you ever thought why many people don’t vote? Some people don’t vote because they feel like their vote doesn’t matter nor will it change things. Others are just too afraid to voice their opinion because they feel like they would get punished for saying it. But people have to realize that their vote actually does matter. Their one little vote can determine certain things. Others should not be afraid to voice their opinion nor speak their mind because people have freedom of speech.
Presidents, Senates, Chairmen, Congress, and Mayors all have three things in common. One, they hold extreme amounts of power; independently and as a whole government. Second, they citizens must elect them. Finally, they are put in office to serve and make decisions that represent us as a whole in a positive manner. It is very important to know the candidates and what they stand for because once elected their ideologies become ours. The history behind voting is interesting and imperative knowledge for all citizens of the United States of America. From living under the reign of Kings, to becoming free and able, we have fought many battles that were well worth the fight.
Your voice, your vote! You can’t complain if you don’t vote! Undoubtedly, you have heard refrains like those many times over the course of this contentious election year. There is a reason for the focus on voter turnout you’ve been hearing. The electorate shoulders a large portion of the responsibility for facilitating progress in our country by fulfilling this crucial civic duty. Voters help elect a variety of representatives who reflect the views of Americans on pressing issues of the time. These officials’ influence on public policy cannot be overstated. For example, the election of progressive president Woodrow Wilson was significant in the advancement of the women’s suffrage. It was under his presidency women were given the right to vote.
Voting. What is voting? Voting means to bring awareness, to bring change, to be the part of the movement, and to be a responsible citizen of the country. Voting is a primary right and a duty of every citizen of the nation to being responsible for the change happening all over the nation and the world. Most citizens in any country are middle working-class families; the problem they are facing should solved by any of the president or government such as equal pay, low wages, job security, employment rights and similar problems.
Voting is important for democracies, it allows citizens to express their consent or disapproval by voting in elections. Americans should be required to vote because it’s simple, it shows that citizens have freedom, and are mature. Being mature is a big deal, when a citizen turns 18, they’re on their own. In 2004, about 72 percent of people ages 60 and over voted, and only 49 percent of people ages 18-29 voted (Doc B). The older people have been alive longer so they know how significant it is to vote, but the younger people on the other hand, don’t know how important it is to put in your opinion.
Your vote could change America. Voting is also a right for American citizens. One reason you should vote because you can, being able to vote is called freedom it is so important because not everybody has freedom but we do so go out there and use your freedom and vote like a true American. Another reason you should vote is because you show pride in your country if you don’t vote whose hands are your country in? Another reason you should vote is because voting is your voice and you have to speak up and let your voice be heard. Also your children are depending on you to make the right choice and vote to change America. Another reason you should vote is because we
Voting plays an important role in the modern lives that can easily shape the whole world. While some people believe that voting should be voluntary, I believe that voting should be mandatory for more social benefits. This essay will discuss the reasons why voting should be compulsory.
A lot of people often hear the saying that our vote doesn’t count. This tends to discourage eligible voters from going out and voting. I went out and asked a few friends and family members about the things that come to mind when they hear the word “vote”. Being that we are in 2016 and this is a presidential election year, most of them responded by saying that choosing a president or a leader came to mind. I also asked if they had plans to vote this November 8th, about half of them said they would vote, the other half split. Some stated that they wouldn’t vote because they have the idea that their vote doesn’t count or because they weren’t registered to vote.
Voting is a central right to each American citizen. Your vote is your chance to be listened, to hold chosen elected officials responsible for their actions and to have a say in vital issues that influences your community. You can 't have an effectively run democratic government without the backing and votes of the citizens. Voting gives the capacity for individuals to express their opinions about the administration. Each vote consoles our majority rule government and makes it stronger; we can 't allow it to weaken and crumble. A large number of Americans battled for our rights, they shed their blood to give us what we have today. Whether you vote or not, somebody will be chosen president. What 's more, that individual will be your leader, settling on choices that influence you and this nation for a long time to come.