Lead (attention grabber/WOW statement- Is it Violent video games falt that shootings happen around the world?
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Background information -People accuse violent video games are the make reason that shootings happen but thats not the case. A little kid beat up a kid at school and got a assult charge but the police invesigate and learn he was playing video games all week and night. Apon futher investagtion they lean he was playing wii fit and mairo party.
Thesis statement- Violent video games should not be banned because it causes less violence
1st body
Violent video games cause less violence.
Tobias Greitemeyer andDrik O mug from the universty of Innsburck found studies thats video games incress aggression and vilonce.
The reason
Parents around the world are blaming video games for their children's violence. Lets talk about that, firstly, you don’t see kids running around the world with guns pretending they're playing “Call of Duty” or anything. Yes there are school shootings once in a while, that doesn’t mean “Oh man, Video games are to blame” the number one cause of shootings is bullying or getting revenge on the bully himself.
I have had the chance to work with both lesson plans. Boxed-curriculums provide more structure for class and they save time. While making a lesson plan yourself gives you the opportunity to build a lesson around your class' needs. Some pros in Boxed-curriculums: It follow the same basic patterns every class.
As the level of violence in video games increases, so does the level of concern for those who play them. Some people are quick to blame school shootings on games just because the kid played a “violent” game. “The topic of videogames and violence can be compared to the chicken or the egg question, which came first, violent games or violent behavior”(Violence and Videogames). However most kids in mass shootings tend to have easy access to guns and are mentally unstable.
The author, Jean M Twenge Ph.D. who wrote “Yes, Violent Video Games Do Cause Aggression”( 2012) says, violent video games are definitely the main cause of the increase in violence. In the article by Twenge, she states, “ studies have shown that violent video games actually cause aggression...it could be that aggressive kids want to play aggressive games, or that an outside factor such as family background causes both” (Twenge 2012) Twenge goes on about how many people play video game so they are reluctant to give them up, including the designers. “It makes sense that the video game industry would not want to believe that their product leads to aggression and violence in real life”. If it was proven that video games were the cause of violence, would people stop purchasing games? Twenge continues on to assert that she wants violent video games off the shelf “taking away violent video games would not end mass shootings. But the best evidence available suggests that it would reduce real-life aggression”(2012). Twenge's evidence proves that less violent video games would improve the youth, and make them less aggressive.
This article is a very useful source. Is useful because it answers the question, “Do violent video games cause an increase in aggression.” The question is answered thoroughly by the author because they cited recent studies, examples, and peer reviewed or scholarly sources that all concluded that violent video games cause an increase in aggression. The author is objective because they countered their argument by stating that
Video Games have come a long way since their first introduction into the main stream. With video games becoming more sophisticated and using advanced technology, it seems as if video games are closing in on the gap between games and reality. However, as video games become ever so life-like it brings up the question of if the violence associated with video games is having a negative consequence. There have been many accusations over the years over the harm video games are causing children and teenagers. Experiments have been conducted trying to associate a link between video games and aggressive behavior. Even the media has been known to point fingers at video games for the cause of children
With recent school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, policymakers have placed increased emphasis on violent video games as a probable cause of gun violence. President Donald Trump, for example, is scheduled to meet with representatives from the video game industry to discuss the issue with them.
Americans have been blaming violent forms of entertainment since colonial times. From dime novels to music, to movies to television shows. The most recent medium are video games. Aided by crime-saturated news reports, a lot of people are convinced that video game violence transfers to real-life youth crimes like the school massacres. They think that violent video games make people violent, but that is not the case. Violent people play violent video games. Not everyone who plays video games are violent, but those who already are violent will play them as an outlet for their frustration and rage. If anything, video games keep violent people from going out and killing people in real life because they can vent in the virtual world.
According to Brad Bushman, a psychologist at Ohio State University,“We did a comprehensive review of every experimental study, reviewing 381 effects from studies involving 130,000 people, and results show that playing violent video games increases aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, and physiological arousal” (Source 3). This shows that many test results from people who play violent video games are becoming more angry. Brad Bushman’s point is that people should cut down on the video game playing time. Next, Rowell Huesmann, a psychologist at the University of Michigan says,“Video games could be expected to have a larger effect than media violence. The player is participating.
Whether violent media content leads to real-life violence is always debatable. And in recent years, school shootings have made video games a new focus of public concern and scientific research. In public opinion, video games cause more aggression in comparison to traditional violent media contents because video games have more features of interactivity, "due to the active engagement and participation of players" (Hummer and Wang et al. 137). But more and more reports tell us that video games are not the main cause of school shooting issues; rather it is the negligence of parents, schools, and communities.
We live in an evolutionary and technological world that determines the course of mankind’s future. We threw away most of our traditional values and set the stage for new ones. In regards to the recent attacks in Orlando, gun violence in particular has ravaged the nation’s security and led major concerns of the government’s laws and regulations. But aside from those attacks and keeping gun violence in mind, could violent video games be the instigator among these attacks? Have these video games influenced these terrorists’ actions?
When shooting games first came on the scene, a pixel person looked more like a Lego than a human. There was no blood, guts, or any real depiction of the violence. But this is not the case anymore. Many video games could almost be confused for real life movies. The blood, gore, and killing is much more real and creates a lot less imagination to conjure. “But new psychological studies are finding that as violent games become more realistic, constantly playing them can lead to a desensitization toward real violence” (Bilton). Some would argue that the realistic graphics of the games sold don’t really matter because the actual number of people who commit violent acts is so far and few in-between. “Of those millions of players, few commit an act of violence, certainly not enough to say that statistically, video games is a principle cause- or even a significant cause- if the real world violent behavior” (Bezio). But its shouldn’t matter have frequent or how much damage is done, all that matters is that it is being done and innocent lives are being lost for reasons that could very well be
A major opposition to violence video games leading to aggression is that the research that was done is not a valid research. Henry Jenkins said “...most of those studies are inconclusive and many have been criticized on methodological grounds” (2). The studies are not inconclusive because in the studies that the researchers do they
“Life is a video game. No matter how good you get, you are always zapped in the end” (“Video Game Quotes” 1). Over time researchers, psychiatrists, and parents have often wondered how damaging violent video games can be to the youth in society. This is an important matter to people with children in their personal lives or work environment. These games have become a large risk factor for aggressive behavior in children. Researchers have been saying that video games do affect adults as well; however, they have even more effect on younger brains in early development. Video games have negative effects on childrens’ behavior. Some effects that video games have are reduced academic performance, aggression, obesity, and emotional disorder.
Most of us have certainly pondered on the thought if video games truly create violent citizens, I personally believe that video games do not what so ever. One must distinguish this topic accurately and consider learning to differentiate and not have a biased or radical opinion. There have been many attempts from a number of different people who have tried to give a bad name to video games due to the simulations and realness and say that video games will create a negative environment for anyone who plays them, especially in children. Enthusiasts of video games have spent decades asserting that there is no underlying link between playing violent titles and engaging in the violent real-world behavior. Brand-new data confirms their contentions.