Why Kizana Sunobu is the worst
Let's start by explaining what (not who because she is utter scum) Kizana is. Kizana Sunobu is the third rival in the game "Yandere Simulator" (a yandere simulation game that takes place in Japan. A Yandere is someone who falls so deeply in love with someone they would do ANYTHING in order to win the heart of their love), she is a hemedere (full of herself), she is eighteen years old, in her last year of high school at Akademi High (the school in which the game takes place) and she is the president of the schools drama club. Doesn't seem so bad yet? Well just you wait until I reveal what makes Kizana snobu the scum of the earth.
Firstly she is the dictionary definition of a snob: She looks down on everyone, her short term goal is to become the most popular girl in school and she thinks VERY highly of herself. In Yandere Dev's (developer of yandere simulator) rival introduction video Kizana says "it's only natural that I get the lead role in the play, I deserve it more than anyone else!" This comment clearly states that Kizana is a narcissistic snob, She thinks that she deserves the role more that others and that she is
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Many fools seem to adore her hairstyle despite the fact that she copied it from another character. Some people even go as far to say that she is their favourite rival and that she is "such a hemedere", they say the word hemedere In a posetive way! People also like her just for her appearance, they say things like "i love her colour (purple)" , "her stockings are so cool" and "love her cute croissant hair" things like that. These people are astronomically stupid! I simply cannot see how anyone can even find Kizana even remotely torrable. And nether should
The idea of a stereotype is personified immensely within the character Rafa.Yunior describes him as a “monster”- a comment which comes directly from his treatment of women (Diaz 146). To fit in with what is expected of a man, Rafa frequently exhibits actions that hurt others around him. He was often very indifferent towards Nilda and never considered anything she said. He appeared to try incredibly hard to maintain a cool demeanor in all situations. This included everything from sex, where he would hardly make
whom have doubt in her, and see her as indifferent although she tries a lot harder than most.
“Brah! Whea du i start’um da paapah essay?”. Hawaii has a reputation of talking “Pigeon”. Pigeon is an english word with a slang or a short abbreviation of an english sentence or word. Reputation is everything in our society, it makes us who we are and how people sees or hears about us. Every high school in Hawaii is unique because of repuations, an example of reputation is Kahuku high school. Kahuku has a reputation for majority population is Polynesian kids. I believe that Kahuku best reputation in Hawaii is their football team. What is Damien High School “reputation”? Damien is a private school that is located in the ghetto Kalihi. Majority private schools in Hawaii are located in town or local housing areas. Damien has about 500-600 students
With representation in television shows, it is often important that we, as an audience, find characters to relate to, as well as give us stories or interests that we can relate to in order for them to be considered a protagonist or as many would say the “hero”. Desna Sims, the main character of the hit TV show Claws, captures this essence perfectly throughout the show through humor and various situations that can often be relatable for some viewers. Through Desna’s behaviors and endeavors, this has allowed the public to perceive her meaning of perseverance on, what it really means to be a strong woman in times of controversy through the life she has been chosen to portray for television audiences everywhere.
She is, without a shadow of a doubt, incredibly conceited. She believes she is above everyone else, and she thinks she is more important that she actually is. This is evidenced by the following quote: “... And she sometimes found herself thinking the town belonged to her.” How could someone think an entire town belongs to them without being conceited?
Nimona is a rather strange girl in my opinion. Although her exact age was never mentioned, one can only assume she was in her teens, considering that the the institution was always very merciful with Nimona when in battle and would make statements such as the one made on page 126 where Sir Goldenloin stated that “ She's just a young girl.”However that can never really be certain considering Nimona can take the shape of almost anyone or anything and has traits much alike to a mythical monster, which was later discovered that she was indeed the mythical creature that was thought not to exist. In her usual state of being she has pink hair that's partially shaved, a few piercings on her face and ears,and can transform to anything or anyone she wants. ¾ through the
Nayania required verbal prompting and encouragement to participate in the session. Nayania is making little progress towards her goals. Nayania stated, that she does respect herself. Nayania stated, that she carries herself respectably. Nayania stated, that she do not follow what other people does, and that her friends usually follows what she does. Nayania stated that it means that the person has to respectful to other and respect themselves too. Nayania was able to complete the worksheet with assistance. Nayania stated, that she has never been disrespected, and if she is disrespected she will be disrespected back to the person. Nayania stated that she is respectful to everyone who treats her with respect. Nayania stated that she feel
To contrast Mrs. Shigemura taught Hatsue that white men were "dangerous egomaniacs" and that they had "fantasises" about Japanese girls and that it "distorted their sex drives". Hatsue should "marry a boy of her own kind whose heart is strong and good".This shows us that all Japanese people don't take the abuse. They practice their views like the white racists.
Kewauna used grit to succeed in school. Firstly, Kewauna used perseverance when faced with hunger. For example, Paul Tough how children succeed, points out, she ran out of money on her meal card and just did not eat for two days(Tough). Thus, Kewauna showed perseverance because even though she did not get to eat she did not let it stop her. Secondly, she saw school as a very important part of her life. For instance, Paul Tough reports she stayed up practically all night, three nights in a row, studding for finals. Therefore, she showed passion because she kept going. Thirdly, college is hard but that did not stop Kewauna. To illustrate, Tough tells “ No matter how overwhelming it is, no matter
She dresses like this since she knows her beauty is her only power in this society and is they only way to get attention, which she doesn’t get form Curly.
Lady Macbeth is sometimes perceived as a malevolent woman whose manipulative actions harmfully affect those around her. But would she be perceived this same way if she was being examined for the City of Ladies by De Pizan? De Pizan outlines what warrants entry into the city saying that “Only ladies who are of good reputation and worthy of praise will be admitted into this city. To those lacking in virtue, its gates will remain forever closed” (1.3.4). Evidently, her entry process into the utopian City of Ladies is selective in the sense that admittance is granted solely to women who embody a virtue that De Pizan deems as valuable. But there exists a flaw in her system. Even though De Pizan explicitly states that the women who are allowed entry should be virtuous according to her values, De Pizan’s method of judgment varies as she analyzes different women. So if a woman contradicts one value that De Pizan has, that unethical personality trait will be overlooked in order to showcase the positive trait that they actually do embody. Lady Macbeth then, while immoral and manipulative, would be granted entry by De Pizan into the City of Ladies since she possesses traits that De Pizan values such as bravery to fight for a cause that is bigger than herself, loyalty to her husband, and the ability to reject her gender role.
As mentioned earlier, Miss Sasagawara does possess worthy merits such as being intellectual and refined. However, her merits are disregarded simply because she was different in appearance from the rest. Yamamoto uses Miss Sasagawara’s character to challenge the presupposed notion that people who are different are necessarily not of value and thus unable to contribute positively to society. There should not be a belittling attitude taken, such as the reception Miss Sasagawara received when she took upon herself to teach a class of girls ballet, and was the only adult rewarded with a bath towel, an intimate gift that she had to open in front of the audience, bearing in mind that this very act could possibly be seen as humiliating based on traditional conservative Japanese culture.
In the movie is clear that she likes to be the center of the attention she likes the fact that people admire her and are afraid of her.
This reading was set about 50 years after Japan annexed the Ryukyuan Kingdom, as chain of islands near Japan. During this time, Japan forced the Ryukyuan people to act more Japanese, have more Japanese behaviors. The people were forced to take lessons on how to speak the Japanese language. On the mainland, people that came from the island was treated with racial discrimination, making is very difficult to find a job and housing.
As well as celebrities giving it much negative attention, it is attention all in all. The most relevant and viral instance, Miley Cyrus, was her appearance on the red carpet attempting to rock dreadlock extensions. Case in point: When actress Zendaya wore the same style, she was infamously described as smelling like "patchouli oil and weed" on the red carpet, but on Miley, and in the past, on Kylie Jenner, dreadlocks have been described as, "amazing" and "edgy”. You could be the type of person who’d think, why the hell do I care about what some teenager does with her hair? This conversation isn’t just about hair. And it’s not just about Miley Cyrus, or Kylie Jenner. Their latest, constant repetition of cultural appropriation is just a drop in the bucket that’s been filling up for too many ages.