Lying is like a tool, it can be used to help, or to hurt. In Romeo and Juliet, lying does not end very well. Because of Juliet’s deceit, she ended up dying, because Romeo thought she was dead. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet pretended to be dead, so she could run off with Romeo, but Romeo never new, leading to both of their deaths. In the next couple of paragraphs, I will show you some of my ideas, and also show you the other side. I personally believe that lying is only good if it is used to help others, or as a surprise. A while ago Spotify gave me early Red Hot Chili Peppers (Red Hot Chili Peppers) tickets. As soon as I got it, I forwarded it to my mom, and asked for her to get them. Just for some background, Red Hot Chili Peppers has been
In Act IV of Romeo and Juliet, things start looking up for Juliet as Friar Lawrence gives her a potion to fake her death so she will able to escape with Romeo. Hurrying to the Friar’s cell to seek help, Friar Laurence tells Juliet to plead for forgiveness and she would drink a poison that will fake her death for 42 hours. Leaving Friar’s cell Juliet hurries home to plead for forgiveness and that she will agree to Paris’ marriage. After being forgiven Juliet is starting to have doubts about the potion, but drinks it anyways. Going on at the same time, the Capulet family is preparing for the wedding in the morning. In the morning, the Nurse discovers Juliet’s “dead” body and everyone is confused and saddened at the sight of their child
Once Juliet fakes her death, Romeo received the word, incorrectly, that she is dead. This causes him to make his own plans to kill himself. “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee to-night. / Let's see for means.”
Juliet is lying to her parents about how she is going to make a confession, but she is going to get advice about what she should do to get Romeo back in her life. Parents of this age in Verona and also children deceit to each other everyday. Romeo is exiled and says he will never come back or he would be killed. Romeo lies and comes back to Verona to see Juliet. Deceit is in everyday life and it can change how people act, it changes Romeo and Juliets life because they want to see each other. They lie to see each everyday but Romeo was exiled and life changed for both of them. Lies can change people's life in a heartbeat. Friar Lawrence gives bad advice even when Romeo is
Juliet’s drastic outbreaks and dishonesty are results from her father’s actions that take a toll on her happy ending. Initially, Juliet’s dishonesty to her parents is consistent from beginning to end, including her lies to Lady Capulet about having any feelings toward Romeo. By way of example, when Lady Capulet talks about vengeance towards Romeo, Juliet does not express her true feelings and instead says that, “[she] never shall be satisfied with Romeo, till [she] behold him-dead” (3.5.93-94). That being the case, Juliet keeps her newfound love with Romeo Montague a secret from her parents and does not try to tell her parents about her new feelings. In contrast, if Juliet is honest with her parents about her secrets, then they can step in
In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, two young teenagers met at a party and immediately “fell in love.” They had a forbidden romance. To escape it, Juliet faked her death. Romeo didn’t know she was faking, so he killed himself in her tomb. Juliet then woke up, saw his corpse, and killed herself too. It was unwise of the both of them to act in such ways. If they had just both ran away at the start, that all could have been avoided.
Romeo and Juliet meet at this party and fall in love, later that evening Romeo goes to Juliet and they both decide to get married (Shakespeare 407). Another decision Romeo and Juliet made was when Romeo killed Tybalt, even though he knew he would be punished. After Romeo kills Tybalt, the Prince banished Romeo. When Juliet hears of Romeo’s banishment, Juliet decides to fake her death, to be with Romeo, without knowing what the potion would do to her or if she would even end up being with Romeo. Juliet says
When Good Intentions Go Bad, To Worse Unfortunate events, rivalry, death, deceiving, and love are all words that can describe Shakespeare’s The Tragedy Of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet, one the main characters has an unfortunate ending resulting with her committing suicide. Juliet who wants to be given help by her father and Friar Laurence are two characters plausible in her death. Throughout William Shakespeare’s
Their vulnerability with the deaths, or thought of death, of eachother caused them to both go off the deep end. In the play, Romeo sees Juliet after he finds out she died, he believes at first he can live with it, he has hope. As Romeo stands with Juliet’s unconscious body, he starts to believe that he can not live without her, and kills himself by drinking a vial of poison. When Romeo believes that Juliet is dead he decides it would be in his best interest to kill himself, but he was weak, so he did it in the quickest, and most painless, way he could. Romeo and Juliet both decided, once they saw each other dead, they should take their own lives.
This led to Juliet’s suicide because by lying and saying she was crying for Tybalt, when she was really upset about the banishement of her secret husband, caused her parents to arrange her marriage with Count Paris. This caused Juliet to fake her own death to escape her marriage, Romeo to believe she actually is dead and kill himself, and then Juliet to wake up from her fake death, see Romeo dead, and kill herself. The secrecy in this plan to escape marrying Count Paris, their secret marriage, and the lies to Juliet’s family, is what leads Romeo and Juliet to their deaths.
Romeo and Juliet Lies are a strange thing, they can make or break any relationship whether it be with family or a partner. They seem to have a snowball effect where they just keep getting bigger and bigger until they finally unravel into a monstrous avalanche. Sometimes little white lies are necessary, but one must be careful as they can cause great pain to whomever gets caught in the web. In the end lies served Romeo and Juliet poorly even though, their death was imminent. Furthermore, Romeo and Juliet were only children not yet able to handle the tough decisions and lies they brought upon themselves.
Romeo’s overly emotional personality and his obsession with love override his rational thought, which causes the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. After hearing of what is thought to be the death of Juliet, Romeo decides that he cannot live without his true love. In despair, he says, “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight./Let’s see for means. O mischief, thou art swift/To enter in the thoughts of desperate man” (V.i 37-39). Romeo then buys
I knew of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship before their deaths took place. Romeo entrusted me with his secret and asked me to bring a rope ladder to Juliet’s nurse. This rope ladder would help Romeo sneak into the Capulet house to meet with Juliet. I was surprised about their relationship at first, but I knew that Romeo sincerely had his heart set on Juliet and nothing could change that. I was completely willing to follow all of my master’s orders and keep his secret because I saw how much joy Juliet brought to him.
“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli. The term deception takes a part in betraying another for one’s self interest. It was a key element within Shakespeare’s work. Romeo and Juliet is one of the prime examples of this topic. They showed deception very clearly by hiding their actions and betraying their families, leading to their tragic ending. However, it was not the only piece Shakespeare wrote that showed the multiple consequences caused by an act of betrayal. The power of deception and the consequences that follow is a staple in literature, and no one shows this idea more clearly than Shakespeare.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare is a tragedy about two teenagers who fall in love, yet their parents are rivals. Romeo and Juliet end up being a ‘love at first sight’ kind of deal, meeting, not knowing that their families hate each others. Juliet comes up with a scheme to live with Romeo forever, faking her death, however Romeo never got the notice of this and went over after her ceremony, killing himself right as she wakes up, after she wakes up she ends up killing herself, laying next to Romeo. The timing in this movie is incredibly horrible, from Romeo just missing the letter, and from Juliet waking up right as he dies. It will could astonishes the audience that this is called a tragedy, when it's seems more like
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet discusses the many challenges the ‘star crossed lovers’ face. It is their own deceptive actions that ultimately lead them to their untimely end. However Romeo and Juliet are forced to be deceptive due to their fate and misfortune, the ongoing feud in Verona, and the misleading guidance they receive from others; which also contribute to their deaths. Romeo and Juliet focuses on the theme of love and hate, this theme is interweaved throughout the play.