Massachusetts is unique state in many ways. Massachusetts is unique among states because its history geography and culture.The Massachusetts coastline is about 1,500 miles . in length.It is commonly known that the Puritans and Pilgrims set the stage for eventual liberty of religious belief.The coast which is marked by numerous embayments gave Massachusetts’s the nickname, ‘the Bay State’.Massachusetts is recently mostly Roman Catholic, though its religious foundation is mostly Protestant.One part of history that took place in Boston is the Boston tea party which was was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston.Massachusetts has 351 cities and towns. Every part of the state is within an incorporated city or town, but many towns
The Maryland and Massachusetts colonies had many traits in common. Both colonies had similar geography. They were both located next to the coast and had great land for farming. Maryland was known for it’s low fertile land for agriculture and it’s thriving ports and shipping business. Similarly, the colonists of Massachusetts used the rich soil provided to them to raise food and they worked in the shipping industry also. at ports. Also, both the two colonies had cold winters and warm and humid summers. These colonies had lots of similarities.
One being their religions, in Jamestown they were Anglican, whereas in Mass. they were Puritan (Stokely). There is also the difference of geographic location. Massachusetts is located in the north where there are harsher weather conditions. Their location provided an excellent harbor and since the terrain did not allow much farming they started lumbering, shipbuilding, fishing, and trade. Virginia, in the south, where there is a much warmer climate, they had a great defensive position and were able to create prosperous plantations (Levy). The settlement in Massachusetts was made up of communities of family units because the colonists of Mass. came with their families (Sonia). Furthermore, the colonists of Jamestown were made up of individuals who understood the value of the crop tobacco, and were only there for the money. Virginia had an economy based on plantations and labor; Massachusetts was comprised of small farmers and merchants (“Instructions for the Virginia
Virginia began to create plantations for tobacco and Massachusetts was a seaport, both began to suffer from the increase of immigrants. The immigrants created a lot of competition for work. Both societies were engulfed with an increase of immigrants, creating a competition for jobs. Boston was in bad shape and people looked to the community for help. Virginia made its money through tobacco, and along with that came an increase in slavery. On the other hand Massachusetts did not have as great of a demand for slaves. Though both of the settlements had different tactics, neither of them could avoid the problems from increase of immigration and both relied on their separate means of making profit.
Both New England and Chesapeake regions took the initiative to strive for a successful social, economic, and political system. Socially, colonists that occupied the New England region and those that settled in the Chesapeake area were opposites. The New England community was in control by Puritans, which created a strict social code but help develop a prosperous economy. The Puritan valued social equality, and as John Winthrop, the governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony wrote, ““…[Yet] we must be knit together in this work as one man...willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities, for the supply of others’ necessities…labor and suffer together... The eyes of all people are upon us…” (Document A) This belief created social unity and closeness in the New England area, an aspect that was not available in the Chesapeake and Southern colonies. Many that travelled to the North often arrived in the New World with family. Arriving with such family helped with the increased height of the Great Migration. With many people it would be easy to organize towns and villages. The families in these areas would seek order and stability to help one another. We can see the primary purpose of Puritan society, is built on large, unified families that will
Although both the New England Colonies (Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire), and the Chesapeake Colonies (Virginia and Maryland) were both settled by people of English origin, by 1700 they were both very distinct for a multitude of reasons; Three of which being, their economics, African Slave population, and their life expectancies.
When we think of our country now, we think about how it is separated into states, but back then the states were part of colonies. Some of the main colonies were the Chesapeake colonies which consisted of Virginia and Maryland, the middle colonies were Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, and lastly, the New England colonies which were Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. In the colonial regions of New England, Chesapeake and the middle colonies they all share similarities and differences, most predominantly shown in family life, rank and status.
Boston had changed majorly from being the merchant city to the industrial metropolis. The population of people went up about ¾ in 50 years of its physical change. When Boston was a merchant city in 1850, it was tightly packed and crowded, then once it because an industrial metropolis in 1900, it was a spread out to a 10-mile radius, containing 31 cities and towns. The metropolis was
• Houses were stronger, they had an enhanced diet, brought more livestock, and used manure for fertilizer for better crops.
The Massachusetts Bay colony was an east coast colony near current day Boston. The Massachusetts Bay colony was formed as a Puritan settlement. (Massachussettes bay) Most of the original 400 settlers of the colony were Puritans. The colony celebrated its first Thanksgiving on July 8, 1629. After this, the Massachusetts Bay colony had a period of continual growth and expansion due to many ministers reacting to the oppressive religious policies of England. (the Massachusetts Bay Colony wikipedia) Many Puritan ministries developed due in part to the influx of puritans that vastly dominated
The history of Boston is one of many changes and growth since its renaming in
As for Massachusetts first year times were rough. The first year over 700 women, men, and children arrived here, but 200 died by the fall of winter. Luckily 12,000 people migrated to Massachusetts in the 1630’s. From king Charles I, Massachusetts obtained a charter to colonize. The people were Calvinists, governing them was a system run by a government based entirely on a godly common wealth. Government was 18 “assistance” elected by “freemen” who meet in a general assembly where people voted on the code. The towns people where the ones who elected these “freemen”. The code was know as Laws and liberties of Massachusetts.
During the 1600s when England began colonizing in the New World, different colonies had their own concept of freedom backed by their beliefs and/ or motives for settling in America. Massachusetts and Virginia were settled for very different reasons therefore life in their settlements differed greatly. The political, economic, social and of course physical aspects of the colonies were not at all the same, yet they both resulted in their colonies prospering and successfully settling the land. The settlers of each colony had searched for a place to express two contrasting beliefs of what freedom meant to them. Massachusetts and Virginia are two prime examples of how freedom can mean something
The Massachusetts Bay colony and Virginia had a sundry amount of differences as well as similarities. Each of these colonies was founded upon different ways of living. Digging deeper, there are many more differences about these colonies than there are similarities. Although both colonies eventually experienced the help of the natives, each colony set separate rules and laws for themselves. Virginia is more geographically spread out and more focused on obtaining gold for personal profit, whereas Massachusetts is more of a united, small farmed colony that focused more on the efforts for religious freedom.
The government of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was simultaneously theocratic, democratic, oligarchic, and authoritarian in different ways. The Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628 and wanted a well-established government, but they ended up mixing all of these together. This colony was important because it was one of the first provincial and true governments to be introduced into the colonies. It also provided an example to other colonies to base their governments on.
The major cities of the United States are all very interesting, after I analyzed my decision; I decided to research the great city of Boston, Massachusetts. Boston was founded on September 17, 1630 and has a rich historical background making it a very important city in the United States. “The city of Boston was the home to several important events during the American Revolution such as: the Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, the Siege of Boston, Battle of Lexington and Concord, and the Battle of Bunker Hill.” (Snow, Caleb H. (1828). History of Boston. Abel Bowen.) These were all significant events that helped shape the city Boston has become today.