Jeremy In the song “Jeremy” we read, listened, and watched a song about a kid. The 3 tones were all different and I will explain them to you. As on is sad. The other one is exciting. The last one is even more depressing then the other 3. So I will explain to you why these are now. The first tone is us reading the lyrics simply. The lyrics’’ tone was sad because when you read the song, some of it says “I remember picking on the boy” and “Daddy didn’t give attention to the fact mommy didn’t care.” These are only 2 of the several song quotes that make it sad. As in 2 problems are the parents are neglecting their child, and he is being bullied by reading it. So the mood is sad for this. Now the second one is listening to the music, when the singer says the lyrics he makes it sound exciting. As he is saying it with excitement, making us all excited as well. So this Defeats the point of the sad tone in reading it. …show more content…
While how he sings it is exciting. The films scenes are more depressing because it shows what’s happening in his life. As he is being punched, and his parents neglecting him. So this would be more depressing then the other 2
He mentions the fight in the House of Representatives that broke out, in relation with the civil rights bill. He also about the equality between black and white people in the 1960’s. At this point this is being read the words “all is calm, all is bright” this completely contrast from the subject about racism but the song is representing a sense of tranquillity as if everything is okay when it is not.
Using sad music gets the person already feeling emotional and is put there purposely to do that.
The tone describes the excitement of the speaker as well as the audience. At the beginning of the poem the speaker was serious. “A ball will bounce, but less and less. It’s not
The artist chooses an upbeat and happy tempo that repeats throughout the song. He chooses this repeating tempo to draw the listener’s attention to the lyrics of the song. The slow, yet happy tempo paired with the artists bright and cheery voice creates a sense of ease and happiness within the song itself, and the audience.
Loud music changes a person rather than soft and meaningful music. We let the type of music we listen to describe our personalities and how we feel. Throughout the poem the speaker shows how the loud music affects him and how he is depressed. Our music shows our mood and type of person we are, whether it’s country, rap, rock, hip hop, or any other type of genre. It tells people what kind of person we are before they get to know
As for the melody of the song, most of the verses ends up falling within the same pitch but ends up rising in pitch near the last few words through a combination of melodic steps in the beginning and leaps by the end. The melodic shape of the verse helps to emphasize a nostalgic mood by representing how the singer ends up becoming happier as he remembers the past that he loves. During the middle-8, the lines begin higher but end up lowering near the end. The melodic shape of the middle-8 helps to bring the mood back from being in love (higher pitches) to being realistic (lower pitches). The guitar riff also moves upward in steps and leaps. The instrumental guitar riff also has a very similar rhythmic pattern as the middle-8. The overall meter, melody, and rhythm help to convey a sense of authenticity in its emotions towards life and his lover through the presence of a constant pitch that subtly rises with emotions of nostalgia or
I like the mood because of its mysterious nature and that the listener may have to listen to the song more than once to uncover the
The song has an irregular rhyme scheme but still, holds a musical effect. It doesn’t take away from the song but adds depth to it allowing you to see that what's important are the words and the meaning behind them not how pretty it would sound. The rhythm allows for the tone to shine through as with certain parts, it takes a longer time to read and the other times it is much faster. The pace changes with the moods.
When you listen to Erik Satie’s Gymnopedie No. 1 you are struck with a sullen, dreamy chord progression striking the root on the one of the measure and the 3rd, 5th, and 7th of the chord on the 2nd and 3nd of the measure with its waltz like ¾ timing. You hear this song and it almost immediately hits you with a feeling of sadness but there is a sort of beauty to it. But why? Why is it that this song makes you feel sad? Many people who are untrained in music will have a simple explanation such as “it’s because it’s slow” or “because it’s in a minor key”. While yes it is at a slow 78 bpm but anybody with a trained ear can tell that it’s in the key of D Major. So there must be more to it than just its tempo or what key it’s in. As you move further along in this endeavour of understanding music you learn that instead of it being just one or two things that make a song happy or sad it’s a combination of many different attributes. Such as key signature, tempo, meter, chord extensions, intervals, and etc.Music in it many forms makes us all feel different emotions. Music can evoke so many different types of emotions some will make you want to dance and some will make you want to cry. Some will make you remember the best times of your life and some will remind you of the worst. To
The first lyrics quotes are written that come from the father of The Patient, but within the song playing the tone is in a sound of a young boy. This young boy is The Patient from the past when he was a boy. The reason why he only remembers this is because this was his most memorable memory of his father where he took his son to a parade. Moving into a more serious tone of an older voice in present time The Patient is dying. Remembering those moments though not accepting the fact that he will die.
The second poem is “Home Burial”, by Robert Frost. The poem is about a couple, Amy and her husband, losing their son causing Amy to go through emotional turmoil. Amy is trying to avoid the situation by trying to leave, but her husband is trying to pull her back, so he can figure out what’s wrong with her and as the poem continues the drama increases. The topic of the poem is sadness, which ties into the theme of Amy and her husband’s relationship is on the rock. The theme in this poem is that everyone goes through sadness, but bottling it up doesn’t help the situation. This is due to the death of their son and as the story continues the husband is trying to understand, why Amy is acting the way she is but she receives the message as rude and offensive. Most of the tension is coming from the graveyard, which resigns on their lot that contains their relatives and son. In lines 1-2, it expresses my theme because it has both
This theme is brought through the song by showing multiple literary devices. Such as “I'm the one at sail, I’m the master of my sea”. This metaphor shows the realization and empowerment that oneself can give in a depressing situation. This simile “Falling like ashes to the ground, Hoping my feelings they would drown” compares his feeling of sadness and depression to ashes, and wanting them to drown and vanish, from his life. This line, “All the hate that you’ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove” explains how all of the hate that he has experienced and gone through has turned his feelings around, and decided to look on the bright side of things. Personally I think this is a great
All the songs we hear, whether it is on the radio, or on YouTube, all have a meaning and a particular feeling they help express. Music is a huge part of our entertainment, the songs we listen to and the sounds we hear all contribute to our personality, feelings and emotions. Some songs bring the happiness out of us and some songs make us sad. Humans have a very broad range of emotions; therefore songs need to be made to fit all of those feelings. Death is a subject common amongst most singers. We all experience death somehow, whether it is a death of a friend or family member. Music can certainly shape our attitudes and personalities. Concerning death, songs can also reflect our views on dying and this can range from genre to genre. For
Because the speaker is direct and clear, we are able to recognize the nostalgic tone simply because of what the speaker is explicitly telling us. However, the structure of the poem also contributes to the tone. There are no punctuations throughout the entire poem, yet we still read it slow enough to create a dramatic and sad mood. The poem is divided into fourteen couplets, each with a substantial gap between them. At the end of a couplet, we are forced to slow down and fully pause before moving on to a new section. In addition, most of the lines are complete clauses
example, a song with slow tempo and lyrics about remembering a lost loved one can emit feelings of deep sorrow or regret, which can be reflected and felt by the one singing, or even listening to, the music. On the other hand, a more joyous and fast-paced song can allow one to feel more energized and up-beat.