Why is Perception Important?
Why is perception important? There are many reasons, such as that perception becomes who you are. The person you are perceived as, as far as anybody else in concerned, is the person you are. If you are nice and perceived as mean, then you might as well be mean. The way you are percepted is the way people see you as, meaning if you say something, or do something nice to them, they will think you are a good person. If you do something, or say something not so nice, they will perceive you as mean. If you aren’t truthful they will see you as a liar, and so on. Your perception by one person determines many things, such as whether or not they will helpful, or be nice or a least not mean to you. When people think you are a good person, typically, they are going to be kind and helpful. If they think you are a bad person, then they may be unkind and they definitely will not be helpful in
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When you have a bad reputation, the teacher is quick to get angry with you, and you have to work a lot harder to get and “A”.
Friend- Perception is what makes a friendship a friendship. If you are perceived well, then your friendship will continue, if you are perceived as busy, then your friends won’t talk to you very often as to not make you more busy. If you are perceived as mean, then your friends won’t be your friends for much longer.
Family member- The way family members perceive you is crucial. Your family is forever. Friends can leave you as they please, but family is forever. If you don’t treat them nicely, then they will not perceive you well. If they don’t perceive you as a good person, they will just not treat you very well. Since family is forever, the perception of you by your family is extremely
In high schools all around the world there are students that might have a lot of friends or just a few, and it is the same with friendships too. Those friends and friendships could turn out to be negative or positive, depending on their impact on a student growing up. Like how a student could get peer pressured by his friends into doing drugs or underage drinking and then grow up being an alcoholic or a drug addict. A good situation could start out with a student that is challenged by his friends to do better in school and grows up to be a successful pro sports player or a successful business man who is very wealthy. Friends do have a great impact on who you turn out to be.
It is important to choose the right friends, good friends can take you wherever you want to go in life, and the wrong friends can be a disastrous decision. A quote from The Pact sums this up nicely, “Friendship can lift you up, strengthen and empower you, or break you down, weaken and defeat you.” (32) This is why it is so important to surround yourself with positive people, and
(Adam Grant/ March 1, 2018) Traits and the way you were raised, have a lot to do with the way you are. If you were raised to be mindful of others and be kind, that is most likely the way you will become. It is also not uncommon to care or not to care of what others may think of you, but others notice and it’s better to not think too much of
Perception affect how we see yourself and the world around us. “If you change the way look at things, the things you look at change”(unknown). This quote tells why we should look with a open mind, not a mind that shuts things out. This is about your perception, and how we see the world through our eyes.
I value family and friends and consider them to be a priority in my life. I have many acquaintances but only have a handful of true friends. I consider myself to be a great friend. If I can help, I assist my friends and family with their problems even if I must sacrifice personal interests.
Although your family is supposed to know you best & help you, they can sometimes do the opposite. In the book The Scarlet Ibis doodle’s brother did not respect doodle with his disability, because back then disabled people were seen as useless. Whenever brother had to go somewhere he had to take doole with him and he made him feel bad for it. This excerpt is an excerpt from the book, “to discourage his coming with me, I’d run with him across the ends of cotton rows and careem him around corners on two wheels. Sometimes I accidentally turned him over, but never told mama.” this excerpt proved that he did not care for doodle and he just treated him like another one of his play toys. “ one day I took doodle up to the barn loft and showed him his casket, telling him we all had believed he would die… doodle studied the mahogany box for a long time then said ‘it's not mine’, ‘it is’ I said ‘ and before i’ll help you down from the loft, you are going to have to touch it’. ‘I won’t touch it he said sullenly. ‘ then i will leave you buy yourself’ I threatened, and made it as if I were going down.” This excerpt show how mean brother was to doodle and how much he brought him down and made him feel less than he really was. Family can also push you to hard, leading to sometimes deadly outcomes like
My parents have had several friends that I can recall during my childhood. Each of them had some who were called acquaintances, and others close friends. The close friendships were people who were there when my parents needed support or just a moment to vent. They would be at your door step during any time of day. I learned to appreciate the people who had good hearts and cared about my family the most. They have always been a part of my years growing up and are still keeping in touch while I am starting my own life. Friendships don’t seem to be something that would cost me anything. I feel like I can rely on them and know that they are there when I need them the
Today in our lives, we are surrounded by many people. Some of these people we are surrounded by are either people we do not care for, or they are the people that we cannot spend enough time with. These people we enjoy the most of, are either our family or our closest friends. You may think that friends and family are just a like, but they do differ from each other, and without either of them our life would feel incomplete.
As human beings, we are predisposed to mostly fabricate instant judgements about one another. Our ability to attempt to make distinctions between friend or foe of another human being may possibly be traced back to our early days walking this Earth. Moreover, our superior than thou minds are almost naturally wired to deduce certain attributions that may be utilized to label others of our species. It can almost be inferred that our intricate brains are constantly in motion to perceive others based on our own biases. In the field of Psychological Science, most researchers identified this manifestation as the What is Beautiful is Good Effect. To be more precise, most researchers try to engage and analysis an element of this they listed
The articles that I read discussed Social Perception. Social Perception was described as interpreting information about other people. If you feel that you are familiar with a person, you perceive to have a better understanding of that person intention. The pattern of thinking can affect a person’s perception of others. The social contexts, in which you meet someone, can play a
Through my experiences I have come to realize that there are basically three types of friends a person can have. There are friends that I call “sometimes” friends, these people appear to be your friend but only when you are face to face with them, and when you are not around them they act more like a foe. They are often referred to as two faced or a back stabber. These types of friends are not very reliable nor should they be trusted. Another type of friend a person can have, and the best kind, is a “true” friend. A true friend is someone you know you can always trust and rely on no matter what. The last type of friend is the “acquaintance”. These are the type of friends that you do not necessarily hate, but at the same time you do
On the other hand if you see yourself as an individual who can communicate without a problem and you see that you can keep others interested in a given conversations, your reaction is more positive. Through this looking- glass self we develop a “self” concept. Depending on the observations we make concerning the reactions of others we develop feelings and ideas about ourselves. The reflection we see in the mirror is either negative or positive depending on the feedback we get back from those around us. Misjudgments of the reactions of others become part of our “self” concept also the misinterpretations of how others think of us.
Friends what are they for, well a good friend would be there when I needed them, not just be a
If you had to pick family over friendship in a heartbeat, I am pretty sure you would all choose family. However, I believe that friends are just as important as family because at the end of the day, the people who stand by you when your going through hell is what really counts as family. This topic is well demonstrated throughout the novel ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne, Outsiders by S.E Hinton and the film, ‘The Hunt for the Wilderpeople’, by the director Taika Waititi.
Dealing with people daily, I try to believe the best about them. There is a tendency to think negative about a person, especially if they tend to complain or think the worst of a setting. I do my best not to judge them based on the words that they communicate. With my football team, my coaches tell me that I am too