
Why Is Presidential Courage Important

Decent Essays

Crew Pavia
August 30, 2017
Presidential Courage There are three presidents from the many highlighted in “Presidential Courage” by Michael Beschloss that stand out above the rest and most certainly deserve to be revered in American History. To begin with, George Washington for his originality and peaceful mentality. Secondly, Abraham Lincoln for his mindset of equality. Lastly, Teddy Roosevelt for his courage and bravery to do what others would not. All of these names should surely hold a memorable place in the history of our great nation.
George Washington is one of the first presidents that comes to mind when listing those to be remembered. As the first president of the United States of America, helped to create everything that this country stands for. His unique, peaceful mindset helped to prevent a civil war with Great …show more content…

No man had more of an influence on the freedom of African-Americans in this country. And in that time period, Many people hated him for it. This is yet another example of going against the norm for what you know is the right choice for your nation. In this book it highlights how Lincoln stared “political extinction” in the face and did not bat an eye. In the novel it states, “Had [Lincoln] caved in to the Radical Republicans, on one side, or the War Democrats, on the other, he would have shattered the coalition that ultimately brought him victory. Instead, although fleetingly tempted to backpedal, he stuck to his conviction that slavery must vanish before there could be peace” (Beschloss, 86). No matter what the cost, Abraham Lincoln would not back down from his strong moral beliefs. This led to the Emancipation Proclamation which was an executive order issued in 1863. This order, if the North won the civil war, would act to eliminate the enslavement of African-Americans. Ultimately, the North did win and Abraham Lincoln will forever be remembered as the president who ended

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