(Ancient) Rome
Why Rome? Rome is very important because they are a big reason we speak different Languages and have Religion. After reading this you will understand that the Rome Culture, Gods and Goddesses,Government, and the People of Rome are very important too.
I choose Rome because the culture.The main Languages of Rome is Latin and Greek. The Latin language came from latium, through the power of the Rome Republic it became the dominant Language. The Greek language came from greece, but we don't really know how the Rome republic got the language.the funny part about the Rome culture is they have more than one language they can also speak french,Italian,
The other great thing about Rome is there are more than one god or goddesses,
but it still exists today. It is now used as a tourist place in which people could visit in Rome to see all of its amazing features and the history behind it. Roman government also played a very important part in Rome. Rome had two officials called consuls. They were the ones who commanded the army and directed the government.
Many people know Rome as one of the greatest and powerful cities of history. Rome started out as a little city and slowly started gaining land as time went by. In the beginning of Rome the Greeks were the most powerful and wealthy of the area. Again as time drove by the Romans gained more power and wealth without really meaning to. The fall of Rome occurred because as Rome grew older it started to turn into an Empire with one sole leader, they conquered people who were unwilling, and the economy was starting to crumble.
Rome is a large city that developed in many ways but its legacy would have been much weaker if it weren't for two civilizations the Etruscans and the Greeks. Both civilizations the Etruscans and the Greeks had major impacts on Rome in multiple ways. The Etruscans were a civilization that had tooken over the area Rome was in then when Rome took control they took ideas from the Etruscans. The Greeks on the other hand had been conquered by Rome and Rome took some of thier ideas too. This is how the romans got influenced by the Etruscans.
The Roman Empire is well known throughout the world. Rome is known for many things, like being one of the longest lasting empires and its progressive ways of thinking for the time. Both of those reasons are true, however the Roman government was really the jewel of the empire. From the slightly democratic running to the praetors and the Senate, the Roman Republic made a big statement. Before the Romans came up with the idea of a republic, Rome had a king.
When we think about the historical significance of Rome, it comes down to its leaders and how these leaders ruled in their era. Confidence, commitment, inspiration, intuition, and creativity, are all essential traits that a ruler must possess. In my opinion, no one has demonstrated these important characteristics better than Caesar Augustus, or better known as Octavian. Octavian showed how good of administrator he was, which was well needed after years of civil strife and social unrest. On the other hand, military genius, Julius Caesar, was lacking in administrative qualities which infect, lead his era to have a period of civil war and bloodshed.
The Roman people managed to spread their Latin language across Europe and over a period of short duration, Latin became known as the Romance language. Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, and Rumanian all developed out of the Latin language. For instance, in Latin the word freedom is pronounced or written as libertas, it was translated in Italian as liberta, in French as libertein, in Portuguese as liberdade, in Spanish as libertad, and in Romanian as libertate. This is a clear indication of how rich the Roman language was and the influence it had on other communities across the world.
The Roman Empire’s culture has impacted the lives of many Americans, framing our ways of life. Romance languages have significantly affected the languages we speak today. The Roman languages consists of four languages; Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and
Many of Rome’s best writers, which includes, Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Livy, produced many masterpieces. “Rome became the economic, political, and cultural capital of the entire western world” (Ushistory). Secondly, Pax Romana is important to world history because it was a time when the empire
How did Rome become Great in History is a good question and I want to give you some ideas that I saw during my week reading. Historians divided Roman history into three categories: the kingdom of Rome ( beginning in the 8th century B.C.), the period of the Republic (beginning in 509 B.C.) and the period of the Empire ( beginning in 27 B.C.). All of these played a role in Rome becoming Great in History. Rome did not start off as a big Empire the rule most of the Middle East. Rome began as a small city-state on the western side of central Italy in the 8th century
After the death of Nero in A.D. 68, Rome was in chaos. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius had all fought to become the emperor of The Roman Empire. Finally, Vespasian (from the Flavian family) put in end to the chaos at the end of 69 A.D. when he marched in on Rome and took the empire from Vitellius. Although not many people mention it, Vespasian had a long list of accomplishments before he became emperor. He proved very useful to Rome in 43 A.D. during the invasion of Britain.
The culture in Ancient Rome has a massive impact on our society today, it influenced our sports, language, government, technology, etc.
This essay will explain factual information about the reasons in which is Rome is the place to be. Enjoy the essay! If you are looking for a new place to move too, I have just the place in mind. The Roman Empire, a gorgeous and powerful civilization, is the place for you.
Edgar Allan Poe wrote this short story in 1843. The protagonist-narrator is used to tell in a linear way about a terrifying experience of his past. This is the story of a man who is condemned to death by the Inquisition, which took him into a dungeon in Toledo that meant that he was blind, while he was attempting to discover the dimensions of the dungeon. This had a circular well in the middle and he managed to save himself some time and not falling for him as they intended. At the top, there was a pendulum that would gradually fall to the end of his life, but in the end, he managed to escape thanks to the rats bit the rope.
The Romans put their history down on paper . They wrote down the literature and laws on paper unlike the Britons. The Romans language is known to be Latin. Once the Romans started using Latin the others joined in to learn the language and speak it also. Even though the Latin was common , the Old fashioned folk still used, old Celtic language.
The millions of people who lived in the Roman Empire spoke many languages and followed many different customs and religions. But the Roman Empire bound them together under a common system of law and government. The languages