Rome fell because the crimes and violence were all around the roads and streets. This made the city unsafe. I believe we are going down the path and making the same mistakes as Rome because, we both run the military the same, we can’t control consequences, and it’s the way we privatize public services. Rome is extremely unsafe because of its crimes and lack of police.Other reasons the city is unsafe is it’s health and environmental problems. Rome didn’t have any police force, and only the wealthy could afford guards. With the lack of police, people have done many riots and started to spread crimes all around Rome. This made living in Rome extremely difficult. Now let's say that you are a wealthy person living in Rome. This would actually increase …show more content…
Our 1 biggest problem is dissatisfaction with the government. We are dissatisfied with the government because the government was making bad decisions for use and lets in people that we dislike. Example, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were the people running for president.After Donald J Trump was president many people were angry and that is why we are so dissatisfied. The second problem is immigration. There’re legal immigration and illegal immigration. We are afraid that a dangerous immigrant would come and kill some americans. The problem is that sometimes we don’t know if their immigrants or if they immigrated illegally. The cause of immigration is by war in another country or if they hear that America is a much better place than what they use to live in or what they currently live in. The third and final reason is Social issues. There is equality between men and women, education issues and transportation issues. We still don’t treat men and women the same here in America. Some jobs pay less to women and even don’t accept women, but the same goes to men. Yes there are jobs that mean or women would do better at but we still have to accept people in. Who cares about the gender. Our education system isn’t the greatest wich we need to change. Yes it wouldn’t be much fun but it would really make our future bright. We could become a scientist or a computer scientist instead of probably working at
One of the main reasons Rome fell was because of it’s government. It’s bad leadership and selfish officials that create a divide between the government and the people. Document 4, an excerpt from The New Deal in Old Rome by Henry Haskell, a journalist for Kansas City Star, allows us to infer that the gap between the government and people could not be fixed. The government increased taxes in order to fund the army and the government itself. These actions taken by the government caused severe economic decline and unemployment as the phrase “people learned to expect something from nothing” became prevalent in Rome at the time.
The third most important reason why Rome fell was economic and civic decay. “The condition of [Roman] subjects in time of peace [is worse than war]... taxes are very severe… The climax of misery is to have to pay in order to obtain justice” (Doc E). The high taxes and prices led many people to poverty. The people of Rome also had to pay for justice, which should have been free, making it unfair for the innocent poor people.
As the Romans economy faltered, so did their social well being. Without work to pay the citizens, they had to steal what they could not afford. The crime rate increased as citizens stole more and more
In (Doc E), it says if you were caught doing something illegal the one who was poor would be punished while they one who was rich would be able to go free. The taxes they had to pay were a lot worse and very severe this could have led people to not pay them, boycott the items, or spend all their money on them. Then Document E said "...deplored that the governors, not possessing the spirit of former generations, were ruining the state. Then treatment of citizens could have led to them leaving and not caring about Rome, and Rome would fall because of
This caused the empire to get many attacks from the barbarians. This is an important point because this shows that this was a reason for the Fall of Rome. According to Document C, social problems plagued the empire, including a decline in morals and values. Due to the rising unemployment, crimes, and violence made the streets of larger cities of Rome very unsafe.
Right now in the 21st century, the United States of America is known to be one of the strongest nation around the globe. However back in 200 BCE, the Roman Empire was the Alpha country throughout the whole Mediterranean world. But when something or someone hits a peak, they are surely to decline in the near future. As for Rome, the problems that later caused destruction began around the 5th century. I will use Documents A,B and C as a resource to show the primary reasons of Rome’s decline. For example, the leaders who were overconfident and lazy, led a feeble and unprepared army, who soon weren’t able to defend Rome from foreign invaders. All the confusion and violence made Roman citizens fear and blame their lazy emperors for the chaos and
Rome's military now has no armor. They were getting lazy, making them the underdogs. Without protection, they are easy to beat making it simple for outsiders/ invaders to come in. Without the military, Rome will have no way of protecting itself.
Despite Rome’s impressive amount of money, people, core values, and supposed strength, Rome fell indefinitely due to lower-class problems, foreign invasions, and legal injustice. Because of its lower-class
Because of population decline, Rome faced many problems. For instance, there were not enough people to produce food. The population was dropping because of plagues,warfare and most of all no reproduction. In document one lines 7 and 8 it states “Romans’ luxurious lifestyle and their concomitant disinterests in producing and while raising children must have
According to Google, the definition of gender equality is “ the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender.” According to an article about gender equality from the “ They don’t translate into greater equality in the labor market.” (
Let’s head back to my three reasons why Rome fell in the first place, but allow me to go into more detail this time. Starting off let’s talk about their government, don’t get me wrong the government editions threw great parties! And they were really fun! If you were in upper class. Also at these parties, they would Drink until they were ill! And don't even get me started on how corrupt and unstable the emperor duty was. The emperor changed as fast as you could say Rome. Secondly, there were the military problems, they would spread there military so thin they soon had no more. They would be killed or enslaved by other civilizations. Social classes didn’t help with Rome's current
The citizens of Rome needed to pay heavy taxes in order to finance Rome’s armies. The taxes weakened the economy making trades suffer. Farmers couldn’t compete with rich families leading for them to go into the city, hoping for work. Infamous emperors would waste money and crime rates rose, making the streets unsafe.
First of all, one reason for the fall of the Roman is economic and civic decay. This is when you buy your way out of punishments. In document E it illustrates that if a rich person gets punished they are more likely to buy there way out of punishment, while the poor must suffer the punishment. All in all with so much injustice, the city of Rome was falling apart like wet bread.
Equality between men and women has grown stronger, but in many ways, it is the same. We still live in a society where women are paid significantly less than men, women have less job opportunities,
Jennifer, I also agree that Rome fell off because it had no inward base. And it's true if society has no absolute moral value they wouldn't have any basis for any decisions of right and wrong. We are all undoubtedly confronted with internal conflict at some point in our lives. Time after time we read of people, and often find ourselves, forced to wrestle questions of right and wrong, and even the question of whether right and wrong, good and evil, just and unjust are real concepts or just romanticism.