Romeo and Juliet was an extremely popular play over 400 years ago and nowadays is still considered a popular. The power story line is known around the world yet the beautiful poetry and the words they spoke to one another is an aspect as to why the act is so popular. Memorably worded and insights into what is considered important in life, is a famous representation of the play and movies. The story of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written over 400 years ago, yet the structure of the story has not loss any representation of the powerful meaning it displays. The story is taught to school age children around Australia and other countries as a curriculum based story. Statistics show that a large majority of ‘teenagers’ who learn about the compulsory novel during high school; find that they are generally able to relate as experiencing young love during that time period in their lives. It is also said that most teens didn’t enjoy actually learning about the story line they were just intrigued from the power of the story. …show more content…
The word spoken to one another have become famous and the language is well recognised around the world. The novel has numerous interpretations and can be viewed in a range of ways, yet the language stays the same and so do the love between the characters. The way Romeo speaks of his love and the respect he upholds is very distinct around the world for these characters; nowadays it not common to hear of this type of love displayed in many kinds of books or stories. For example, the imaginary that Romeo uses of Juliet as the sun and the moon being jealous of her beauty is very powerful. This kind of language and powerful description would not be seen in any film nowadays. In recent times woman seem as though they have their own kind of
Romeo and Juliet's love is a mix between passionate, obsessive and romantic love. “But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she. Be not her maid, since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite”. Good morning Class, today I will be exploring the human relationship of love in modern interpretations of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ written by William Shakespeare. Shakespearean time was between the middle Ages and the Industrial Revolution and it was branded by religious changes. William Shakespeare is widely known as the greatest dramatist of all time. Born April 1564, Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is no doubt one of his most famous pieces. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was first published in 1597 and its tragic story of banned love still captures the creativity of its audience today. ‘Romeo and Juliet’, although not confined to, is an illustration of three aspects of human relationships; family, love and conflict. These features are still relevant in our modern lives because they are so relatable and the majority of individuals experience them. While Shakespeare dealt with these characteristics of human relationships modern transformations of Romeo and Juliet have recontextualized the play into the Twenty First Century. In 1995 the Australian director Baz Luhrmann transformed love in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ to a modern version while keeping the dialogue the same. Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ has inspired many interpretations of the play as it contains the human relationships of love, conflict and family that can be understood by different audience.
Romeo and Juliet is undoubtedly the most popular romantic love story to ever hit the literary world. It talks about intense passion between the star-crossed lover Romeo and Juliet. Their love was doomed from the start because of their feuding families- the Montague represented by Romeo and Capulet, by Juliet.
William Shakespeare wrote over thirty plays, one of which, known as Romeo and Juliet, has been labelled the most tragic love story of all time since the early 1600s. Shakespeare’s plays continue to be reinterpreted and appreciated by modern day audiences in the 21st century. Through the entirety of its themes, Romeo and Juliet still captures the imagination of teenage audiences today. Teenagers can connect easily with the three themes in the play of parental rebellion, suicide and love and hate relationships, which are as prevalent today as they were 450 years ago.
The story of Romeo and Juliet not only portrays teen love, but also
The everyday question is Romeo and Juliet still relevant? Romeo and Juliet is still relevant in today’s society because of the modern day themes throughout the book and the known acts of teenage
Romeo and Juliet is a story about two lovers whose families have an ongoing feud that leads to a tragic ending and this story is commonly studied with ninth graders everywhere in English classes. The issue about this story is that there’s a debate whether ninth graders should be able to read Romeo and Juliet. Ninth graders should be able to read Romeo and Juliet for reasons such as an increased skill of understanding literary devices, universal themes, and history. First, the story of Romeo and Juliet includes many literary devices; while reading students are able to increase their knowledge of literary devices.
When people start learning about William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it can be confusing and pointless due to the fact that two young people fall in love and die for each other. Romeo & Juliet should not be taught in the 9th grade next year or in any year because, the entire story has unrealistics standards, promotes alcohol and drug abuse, as well as graphic depictions of violence, and lastly the usage of english that is no longer used.
“The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”, by William Shakespeare is a story of two teenagers belonging to fueding households. Romeo, a Montague and Juliet, a Capulet. A pair of star cross’d lovers influenced by the power of love. But being teenagers neither are fully developed as people. Also, with a lack of guidance from parents these teens risks it all for each other. This goes to show that if teens don’t have guidance in life, they can build a will to take more risk to get what they desire.
Most of the people know what Romeo and Juliet is about and who Shakespeare is. ‘O’ Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?’, this is a very famous quote from Act 2, Scene 2 line 33. Most of the people know or have heard this quote before and this is an evidence that Romeo and Juliet is popular and involves in peoples’ lives. If it is not an interesting play then nobody would know about this play. It was made into movie several times. Many of the story or movie nowadays has referred Romeo and Juliet. This is also an evidence that Romeo and Juliet has a impact on our lives today too. Romeo and Juliet has been popular for a long time. This is another evidence that people thought it is great, that has something that catches peoples’ heart. Learning about what made Romeo and Juliet so good is wonderful for education.
Romeo and Juliet is relevant in modern times because people are still blinded by love. Shakespeare reveals this when he has Romeo state “ Tis torture and not mercy heaven is where Juliet lives” (Shakespeare). Romeo just got told by Friar Lawrence of his punishment for killing Tybalt and that the Prince had given him mercy and just banished him instead of killing him. Romeo
In some instances Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is becoming more and more revelant in daily life. Expecially with depression and suicide because of love. For the boys and girls that do not feel the need to read or watch the story will never know Juliet and Romeo’s story and how it could affect their lives. Parents should look back through not only Shakespeare’s books and sonnets, but other classics. In many situations, when teens are expected to read Shakespeare's’ The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, teens think that Shakespeare is pointless, however his stories help parents and officials learn about teen depression, love, and thoughts. Finally, the tragic story of Juliet and Romeo will forever play a part in the lives of teens all thanks to Shakespeare’s wonderful tragedies and
Everyone knows the story: amidst the fighting of two families, a girl meets the guy of her dreams, within a day they are married and, later, they kill themselves. Some people believe that Romeo and Juliet promotes unacceptable behavior in teens; however, it is a very important part of the ninth grade language arts education because it has global influence and teaches lessons to people.
How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. Romeo and Juliet is irrelevant in modern times because of the fact that society has changed; we are more technologically advanced, social status does not decide to whom a person can marry, and people are not as cultural suppressed as in Shakespeare’s time. Things have become extremely different since the era of Romeo and Juliet. It is a classic, it is just is not relevant in this day and age.
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet – popularly considered by many to be the quintessential love story of all time – is a play that we are all familiar with in one way or another. Whether it be through the plethora of portrayals, adaptations and performances that exist or through your own reading of the play, chances are you have been acquainted with this tale of “tragic love” at some point in your life. Through this universal familiarity an odd occurrence can be noted, one of almost canonical reverence for the themes commonly believed to be central to the plot. The most widely believed theme of Romeo and Juliet is that of the ideal love unable to exist under the harsh social and political strains of this world. Out of this idea emerge two