
Why Is Stormwater Harmful To The Chesapeake Bay

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Why is stormwater harmful to the Chesapeake Bay? Storm water is harmful because as it travels it picks up pollutants like fertilizers, sediments, and litter. All of this waste can end up going into streams and rivers. It is destructive for the ecosystems, but there are ways to help prevent this from happening.
Storm water moves it’s way across streets, sidewalks, and lawns. As it travels it picks up pollutants such as fertilizer, pet waste, sediment, and other chemicals that may be on the ground. This waste can find its way into the streams and rivers. These may create dead zones that kill marine life. Dead zones are hypoxic areas in bodies of water caused by nutrient pollution from runoff. The sediment that comes along with the water ends up blocking sunlight from reaching underwater grass and suffocates shellfish. Depending on how fast the water is going, it can flood certain areas like urban, suburban, forests, and wetlands. Water tends to travel faster on surfaces that are impervious.
Impervious surfaces are a problem because they don’t let the water seep through. The water travels over top these surfaces because they are solid. Paved roads, sidewalks, patios, and roofs are all impervious. This is harmful because the storm water builds up speed on impervious surfaces and can cause flooding. They also alter the amount of precipitation …show more content…

The runoff carries pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments into the Bay. In urban areas the standard city block creates five times more runoff than a forested area. About 30% of runoff in an urban area is evaporated, 55% stays runoff, and the other 15% soaks into the land with a variation of deep and shallow infiltration. About 40% of runoff in a forest evaporates, 10% stays runoff, and the extra 50% seeps into the ground with a variation of deep and shallow infiltration. The runoff is actually the fastest growing source of pollution for the Chesapeake

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