
Why Is The American Dream Important In The Great Gatsby

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The American dream is the idea that an individual can become successful through hard work, determination, and initiative. While it does take individual initiative to accomplish the American dream, American dreams also take a collective group to accomplish and protect it. Groups have worked together to protect the American dream in many circumstances. For example, in Reagan’s speech, he talks about how people were willing to risk their lives to sign the declaration of independence. One of these men said “If my hands were freezing in death, I would sign that parchment with my last ounce of strength. Sign, sign if the next moment the noose is around your neck, sign even if the hall is ringing with the sound of headman’s axe, for that parchment …show more content…

He showed this by stating statistics that pointed out the success of working as a group to improve everyone’s lives. He said, “We have distributed our our wealth more widely among our people than any society known to man. Americans work less hours for a higher standard of living than any other people. Ninety-five percent of all our families have an adequate daily intake of nutrients… we also have more churches, more libraries, we support voluntarily more symphony orchestras, and opera companies, non-profit theatres, and publish more books than all the other nations of the world put …show more content…

However, for him to be able to accomplish this goal by himself seems very unlikely. He attempts to meet Daisy again by throwing extravagant parties but she never attends. Soon, Gatsby finds that his neighbor Nick is related to Daisy. So, he decides to team up with nick to try to win Daisy back. Nick is able to get Daisy to come over so that Gatsby can talk to her. Because of Nick Gatsby is given the opportunity to reconnect with her and try to win her back. Without his help Gatsby probably would have never seen Daisy again. This shows that with a group effort Gatsby was much closer to reaching his American dream. However, even with a group effort he was not able to win Daisy back which shows that ultimately it does come down to the individual to succeed in accomplishing their American

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