
Why Is The Great Gatsby Bad

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The novel The Great Gatsby, was written by an American author F.Scott Fitzgerald in The Roaring Twenties. The book shows the difference between the classes. In the West Egg, people that live there have new money and it is furthermore less classy. The East Egg represents the old money in the older generation. Gatsby was known for throwing extravagant parties that everybody would come to. Gatsby invited Nick to the party because he found out that Daisy was Nick’s cousin. The day that Gatsby and Daisy will meet will be the day that the turmoil will start. Daisy and Tom had a rocky marriage. In the book, Tom would go see his mistress that Daisy didn’t have any knowledge about. Gatsby and Daisy had a previous relationship that Tom did not know about. Gatsby admitted to Tom that his wife was in love with him. In the book Daisy told Gatsby, “I never loved him,” which she was referring to Tom. This is why money is the root of all evil. “Family damage”s is the reason for money being evil. …show more content…

She makes him happy anyway.On the other hand,Tom is living a happy life ,he have pretty wife,doesn't work hard and have a girlfriend(Enotes ,theme-money-cannot-buy-happiness-great-173429).” Gatsby say,” You never loved him” F.Scott Fitzgerald ,132);Then she always says “I never loved him”(F. Scott Fitzgerald,132). Money can’t buy happiness,Daisy only married Tom because of his wealth and Gatsby tries his best to be like him to win Daisy,but it didn’t

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