
Why Is The Great Gatsby Important To Me

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What book would I choose to remember in the case of a situation like Fahrenheit 451? This is a hard question for me to answer at the age of eighteen. This is a hard choice to make for several reasons. One, being that I have just barely started getting into reading because I want to and not just because I have to. Another, being the fact that from the books I have read there are just so many that are worth remembering. However, a choice must be made and so one will be made.
The book I would choose to remember is The Great Gatsby one of the main reason for me choosing this book in the first place is the time period of which it takes place. It takes place in the 1920’s. The 1920’s to me is a really fascinating time because it is right before the Great Depression. It is also an interesting time period to me because it is the time of Prohibition. However, these are not the most important reasons the 1920’s is my favorite time to read about that is reserved for the fact that in that time people were spending more money than they actually had. …show more content…

Through the book we learn that Gatsby is in love with Daisy whom is married to Tom. This is hilarious because to try and impress Daisy he throws these extravagant parties. This becomes even better when you learn that Daisy doesn’t really like the parties in the first place. However, one of the best parts in the book for me is when Gatsby starts using Nick to get closer to Daisy. Which as we all probably know ends horribly for him when Daisy hits and kills Myrtle and he takes the blame as a show of his

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