Everyone in life has been impacted by a famous person or a family member because of a certain situation that you (we) might gone through at that time. Singer Ed Sheeran, famous actress Emma Watson, and president and CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz have impacted my life by never giving up in what I dream of doing no matter what people tell me and those wise word are indefinitely true. Nevertheless, something that inspired me came not from the mouth of a person, but from a classical book. As a seventh grader, I never thought that a book with such a simple text font would grab my attention in no time. This book would open my eyes and mind to realize how important life is while you have family and friends to support you. When I read this book, …show more content…
The book, The Outsiders, written by Susan Eloise Hinton or S.E. Hinton, as written in the cover page, gave my life a sense of meaning and understanding. The character, Ponyboy Curtis, and the whole story transmits a strong message mainly to teenagers but adults as well. I feel that this book has influenced my life since middle school and up to now because everyone in middle school goes through a stage that tries to assimilate in a certain group of friends. I was the quiet and shy girl that sometimes felt out of place, but I think that it is part of life; trying to belong in a particular group of friends that can understand you and accept the way you are. When I read the book, I could assimilate with the character, Ponyboy Curtis that felt set apart in the world because he was different from his brothers. His interests and behavior were different from other Greasers (gang members that were more like family). I feel that reading this book helped me because not only was I going through that face of life, but that almost everyone feels like they do not fit and you try to find people that like how you
The novel of The Outsiders is better than the movie. The novel gives more vivid details than the movie does. Even though the movie shows actual image, the novel lets you have your own image of what’s going on. The movie did not show the part where Ponyboy was getting jump. That is where most of the conflicts started. It also didn’t show the part where they were at the court, which is a really important part in The Outsiders. The feeling and tension are more intense in the novel than it is in the movie. Over all, the movie is not better than the novel.
“How does the Outsiders connect to my life?” I asked myself this question over and over while I read and wrote about this book. I found multiple connections to not only me, but others as well. I loved this book and it was because I could relate to it. It talks about Greasers being the outsiders compared to the Socs.
“The Outsiders” is by far one of my favorite books of all time. I think it’s a great story that tells about how a fourteen-year-old boy overcomes many challenges and learns how to get through each of them individually. “The Outsiders” is a story about a boy named Ponyboy that lives with his two older brothers, and they have a group of friends, called the Greasers. One day Pony gets upset with his older brother, Darry, and goes to a park with his friend Johnny to calm down. At the park, a group of kids, called Socs, come and start drowning Pony. Johnny gets scared and doesn’t know what to do so he kills one of the Socs. Soon after, Pony and Johnny decide to run away so they wouldn’t have to deal with
The book, and the movie, “the Outsiders” is about a conflict between greasers and socs. Up until the point where Johnny kills a soc, there are mostly only small fights and arguments between the two. The story “the Outsiders” takes place in the 1960’s, when there were two main lifestyles. Greasers and Socs. Greasers are known for greasing their hair. Socs are rich kids who have good clothes, drive mustangs, and always have an argument against the greasers. The main character in S. E. Hinton’s book “the Outsiders” is Ponyboy Curtis. He has two older brothers Darry and Soda. Pony is 14 years old and his best friend, Johnny, is 16 years old. S. E. Hinton wrote “the Outsiders” when she was 17 years old. Her book was published in 1967. The
The Outsiders is a wonderful novel to read in the classroom because of its conflicts with one another. During this novel, the Curtis brothers realize that they are the only family they have left, and they make the best out of that. Throughout this novel, Darry, Soda, and Pony have changed dramatically throughout this
J.K. Rowling once said, “ We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” The quote relates to the novel because we make our own choices. If we choose the darkness, people around us will be hurt.
The Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre that young adult writer were using during that time period. The reader sees the everyday problems that teenagers were going through, “I can’t take much more
The outsiders. An astonishing book, written by S. E. Hinton in 1967. It shows how teenagers have to deal with change 50 years ago. And it is still very relatable today, the outsiders show many forms of bravery, Like physical bravery when people jump in to save someone, moral bravery; to do what's right. Even if it's unpopular.
According to the article, “The Outsiders” was one of the most influential young adult books of its time. One of the reasoning for this was because the book was “written by teenagers, for teenagers, by a teenager.” They couldn’t say that the author can’t really connect to them because of the reasoning behind the person writing the book was, in fact, the reader's age. In surprising that “The Outsiders” has received such lasting success. The reasoning behind this was because the way the book was written was in fact while yes there was one way it was supposed to perceived since that was the way that it was designed. However, the wording of the book and the emotions it made every reader feel is indeed different among the person. “I have no problem
Dear S. E. Hinton, In class this year we read “The Outsiders” and I absolutely loved it! You are a very talented author. The fact that you were able to write a best time selling novel in highschool that nearly fifty year later people are still crazy about is incredible. One thing about the book that stands out is the emotion.
The 1967 novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton is about the social outcasts; the Greasers and their rivalry against the high class Socs. In the beginning of the book the characters values and attitudes are revealed to the reader through the point of view of Ponyboy. As the book progresses and the lives of the characters take a turn for the worse there is a significant impact on the characters resulting in an alteration of their values and attitudes. Ponyboy, Dally and Johnny experience these changes due to the death of Bob the Soc and the chain of events that follow.
“The Outsiders”, by S.E. Hinton, is centered around Ponyboy’s path to maturity and the life lessons he learns along the way. The novel follows Ponyboy, a greaser, and his gang’s conflict with the Socials, a rival gang. In it, he learns to not judge people hastily and reject gang mentality. Ponyboy also loses his innocence. The following paragraphs will explore his growth throughout “The Outsiders”.
The Outsiders is a young adult novel written by S.E. Hinton. The book was first published in 1967 by The Viking Press. Today, the book is published under Speak, an imprint of Penguin Group. The book has a total of a hundred and eighty pages. The Outsiders fits in the genre of young-adult fiction because it relates to teens on emotional levels. Like Ponyboy, the teen protagonist of the story, teens relate to his emotional growth as he tries to piece his life together. The story follows a rivalry in a socially divided community. The Greasers are a gang of teenage boys who live on the east side of town; the wrong side of town. Their rivals, the Socials, better known as the Socs; come from the wealthier side of town. The two groups are always head to head with one another, seeking a fight. Ponyboy belongs to the Greasers. He is the youngest out of the three brothers in his family. Apart from his brothers, Ponyboy hangs out with Johnny, Dallas, Two-Bit and others who are also Greasers. The rivalry between the two groups heightens when Johnny kills Bob, a Soc, in an attempt to save Ponyboy from drowning. In this book report, I will go through the meaning of this book and my opinion on the story itself.
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is a novel about two neighborhoods separated because of classes in society. In these two neighborhoods, teenagers are separated into two different gangs, the lower-class Greasers and the upper-class Socs. Ponyboy, a greaser comes from a hard life. His parents died and he is left being raised by his older brother Darry. After both his brothers failed at accomplishing their dreams in life, Pony is left feeling like he will only be a greaser. Throughout the novel, Ponyboy realizes he has many traits making him have an outstanding future, such as his intelligence instincts and heroic skills.
“The functions of intellect are insufficient and useless if you are without courage, love, friendship, compassion, and empathy,” says a quote by Dean Koontz. Throughout S.E. Hinton’s book The Outsiders, there are many themes that she conveys in the book as she narrates the experiences of a greaser named Ponyboy who is a member of the Social group (Socs). Ponyboy meets many people and witnesses many difficult situations throughout the book. This inspirational book teaches the reader crucial lessons that are very important for everyone, even if their lives are not anything like Ponyboy’s. Three important themes in the book include friendship, courage and empathy.