
Why Is The Second Amendment Important

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Second Amendment The thought of losing our second amendment right is a serious concern to many U.S. citizens. The real question is, what is at risk of being lost. The second amendment is important to many people, but what truly is the second amendment mean and what does it state? The second amendment is not only about having the ability to protect yourself from a common intruder but also from your government. There have been many cases of governments turning against their citizens and that is why the second amendment is in place, for your right to have protection. “If the 2nd Amendment is to protect the citizenry from even their own government, then the citizenry should be able to be armed” (Erick Erickson) The initial intention of the second amendment is shown by TJ Martinell where the amendment states “A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free …show more content…

The definition of “arms” is never actually defined in the bill of rights, meaning arms to the writers could be anything from a bow & arrow to something like a cannon. Today when people think of arms in the second amendment they think of guns as in rifles and pistols. The second amendment mentions a well-regulated militia, but for a militia to be well-regulated it must be fit for service by being trained and in shape. When the second amendment was written, a well regulated militia meant that a militia needed to be well trained in order to be effective in battle. This could only happen if citizens had unrestricted access to guns, “an example of a well regulated militia under Madison’s definition were the Minutemen at Concord and Lexington, who had drilled on fields in preparation for

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