Second Amendment The thought of losing our second amendment right is a serious concern to many U.S. citizens. The real question is, what is at risk of being lost. The second amendment is important to many people, but what truly is the second amendment mean and what does it state? The second amendment is not only about having the ability to protect yourself from a common intruder but also from your government. There have been many cases of governments turning against their citizens and that is why the second amendment is in place, for your right to have protection. “If the 2nd Amendment is to protect the citizenry from even their own government, then the citizenry should be able to be armed” (Erick Erickson) The initial intention of the second amendment is shown by TJ Martinell where the amendment states “A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free …show more content…
The definition of “arms” is never actually defined in the bill of rights, meaning arms to the writers could be anything from a bow & arrow to something like a cannon. Today when people think of arms in the second amendment they think of guns as in rifles and pistols. The second amendment mentions a well-regulated militia, but for a militia to be well-regulated it must be fit for service by being trained and in shape. When the second amendment was written, a well regulated militia meant that a militia needed to be well trained in order to be effective in battle. This could only happen if citizens had unrestricted access to guns, “an example of a well regulated militia under Madison’s definition were the Minutemen at Concord and Lexington, who had drilled on fields in preparation for
On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified effective by Congress. These first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America promised the states certain rights and freedoms which could not be infringed by the government. After all, the founding fathers knew from experience that men in their weakness were often tempted by power. They had become all too familiar with this when under the control of King George in England. Therefore, in order to protect the future people of their beautiful country, they promised certain liberties which could not be taken away. Every single one of these freedoms is important for the United States of America. However, the second amendment is especially important
This timeless phrase, the Second Amendment of the United States’ Constitution, is an enduring example of the principles and ideals that our country was founded on. With this statement, the founders of this country explicitly and perpetually guaranteed the American individual the right to keep and bear arms. An incomparably crucial element of this country‘s origins, the Second Amendment and the rights it guarantees have proved vital to the growth and success of our nation.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." A militia is an armed group of citizens who defend their community as emergencies arise.
The second amendment mentioned about having well-developed and structured Militia which is required for the security of a free state. This amendment it’s important for people as others cause the main reason for having the bill of rights is to give people freedom and let them decide for their future and their own country that their living on and maintaining good and safe militia, as this amendment permit the American citizens to have the right to conserve themselves armed and to sustain a militia. As up right now there are several countries that take away the rights for their citizens to be armed such as Great Britain, which the government had voted to authorize their citizens to be disarmed.
The second amendment is the law that states that all americans have the right to own and carry a weapon. A law which is being discussed a lot in the media, especially after the tragic school shooting events and so on. In the US it is a "human right" being able/allowed to own and carry a weapon. The second amendment was written with a motive stating that weapons should be used as protection under the Civil War, and to make smaller armies based on the individual's own weapons. That way the military wouldn"t have to distribute weapons to the people because many already had their own. George Washington disagreed and he said it was "crazy" to have an army based on voluntary persons with their own weapons. He also said that the only solution would
What Does the Second Amendment Mean to Me? The second amendment: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, has three parts to it, each involving weaponry. The entire sentence is all about the right to bear arms, or carry a weapon. Having a “well-regulated militia,” meaning all men, from the age of sixteen to sixty, had to be involved in a local militia or military service. In early American history most, if not everyone had a gun, those who did not have a gun were ordered by law to pay a small tax in place of service for the military.
The Second Amendment grants citizens the right to protect their freedoms, keeping the government in check and the people at liberty.
As a solution of this problem, since amendment can be changed then, the federal and state government should have a election for this law in the senate and house of representatives. Otherwise, it owing gun for safety is never going to reduce the number of death happening in every second. If people votes for banning gun totally then, it is a great solution. Only the army and the police can have the gun to protect the people and society. If people votes for second amendment then, in order to reduce the amount of death, government have to make the laws more stricker and logical laws. They should make the age requirement much longer which is going to convert 21 from 18. Otherwise, the younger generation will become killer. In my opinion, America
As a constitutional researcher, I’ve been assigned to take a closer look at the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. The Second Constitution reads “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the societies of a free state, the right of people to keep and to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Specifically, I am reviewing the portion of the amendment that speaks to the right to bear arms. I believe there are several constitutional issues with this part of the amendment that may not apply to today’s world.
In December 1791, the Second Amendment was made: The Second Amendment offers “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep arms, and shall not be infringed.” This basically means United States gives the right to its residents to keep arms, and it guaranteed individuals the right to possess arms for their own personal defense. In the past few decades there been thousands of pages that are written seeking to uncover the meaning of the “the people,” and “bear arms,” have been strongly debated.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution gave United States citizens the right to bear arms. Although, the Second Amendment stated: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms. However, the framers could not foresee the type of violence we have in our cities today. Innocent citizens have and are being brutally killed due to this amendment. Stricter gun control laws must be enacted to receive these types of weapons.
The Second Amendment states that “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”.1 It is important to understand that the Second Amendment was created in order to allow the American people to form militias in response to a tyrannical government attempting to suppress the American way of life. In order for Americans to form militias, they must uphold their freedom to bear arms as a
The Second Amendment is making headlines these days. The Second Amendment states, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This Amendment was ratified in December of 1791. This amendment was proposed by James Madison, after the constitution was ratified. “James Madison originally proposed the Second Amendment shortly after the Constitution was officially ratified as a way to provide more power to state militias…” (Brooks, The Second Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms) The latest court case on the Second Amendment is the Peruta v. California “case”. But that was turned down the case. The Second Amendment is important because it provides self defense, enables U.S. citizens to hunt for food, and it allows for citizens of states in the U.S. to form militias.
The second amendment of United States constitution said “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. This amendment was embraced on December 15, 1791, taking in consideration that American citizens have a natural right to self-defense and they can help to accomplish the following purposes:
One of the amendments of the constitution is the right to bear arms. This allows many to protect themselves as well as defend against an abusive government. Many supporters of the second amendment believe that without the right to bear arms, the government would be free to control the