
Why Is Visual Culture Important To Religion

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I believe that Fujimura’s statement hints at the idea that the world needs beauty because we are a visual culture and the Church also needs to incorporate that visual culture into its theology. Because our culture values visual things so much, not having visual things within the Church makes the practices of the Church almost obsolete. Visual arts have always been important to religion. However, art within the Church has lost its importance in the modern era. I think that Fujimura’s wish is to re-incorporate visual culture into the Church because of how much richer and deeper it can make someone’s faith. The whole essay argues that visual culture isn’t something that the Church should be afraid of, but rather embrace. It allows believers to dive deeper into the Word and experience faith in a different, more visual way than before. …show more content…

If people connect with God’s Word through drawing, then that makes perfect sense. It could be considered another way to worship God through the use of the talents he has given us. I never thought about visual theology in this way before, but it can be just as important as musical worship to some people. I think doodling or drawing when hearing or reading a passage in the Bible is a great way to record your reaction or feelings about what is being read. I enjoy lettering and journaling in my own Bible as a way to meditate on its meaning. I find this to be helpful and I can see how drawing or painting can give someone that same feeling. I also believe that visual theology should have a more prominent place within the church. I don’t think that it needs to be the last thing on the chopping block when it comes to church budgets. I believe that if enough people find visual theology meaningful in their own faith journey, then the church should find some way to accommodate visual

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